Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Friday, February 16, 2007


I gotta be honest, I completely forgot aboot it this year. Not like it really matters, since I STILL don't have a girlfriend. I did, however, remember Valentine's Day, but didn't really do anything special for it. Other than my teacher hiring four random kids to come in and sing "My Girl", but replacing the word "girl" with "class". We were pretty much left speechless.

Me and four other kids in my class went to Chocolate World on a field trip for V-Day... but I mean... it wasn't like a special V-Day trip or anything. We go to places like that all the time. We went on the ride thing twice, scoring two free samples. We also did a taste test thing, therefore scoring even more free samples. Free chocolate equals epic win.

When I got home from school, my family went out for all-you-can-eat chicken and waffles. Everybody also gave me those little Heart-Shaped Box things of assorted chocolate. Mmm. But yeah, V-Day still sucked anyway. I hate being alone on V-Day. ;_;

Thursday, February 1, 2007


music: Podcast 31A

Last weekend, my Mom wouldn't let me come up to Dad's, due to my sickness, even though it was already getting better. It IS cured now, by the way. But I threw up six times last Monday, which was not fun.

My family's pissing me off again. Anyone need a roommate? ...who isn't required to pay you any money? ...and has Internets?