Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Ask FM

How can you say you love her if you can't even eat her poop?
lol I know what you're referencing
about 1 year ago

You didn't answer my question. Again: What would you think if someone who made you feel unsafe and physically ill kept insisting that you would one day be married and gladly do sexual things you know you didn't want to do? Nobody cares about what sex acts you think you'd have with someone you stalk.
I did answer the question.
Anyway I'd give them a chance
about 1 year ago

If I had teeth like you do I wouldn't open my mouth so wide in photos. Thoughts?
It's my photo pose. I can't not do it.
about 1 year ago

Does second ex want you to leaver her alone too?
Yeah. That's why I have to call her Second Ex and not use her real name. I miss her though. I wanna do her in the butt all the time.
about 1 year ago

Have you heard the new TMBG song? It's called "I Like Children's Butts".
Lol that's not real
about 1 year ago

Are you looking for new pretend parents now?
No, I still have the same ones
about 1 year ago

According to your story "The Meadow", you enjoy farts. Here, you said you didn't. What else are you lying to us about?
I like WIFE's farts
about 1 year ago

On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest, how happy would you say you are with your life?
probably 1. There's a lot wrong with my life
about 1 year ago

I disagree with your answer about Anna marrying you in heaven. If she's shacked to you in the afterlife, she's CLEARLY in hell.
about 1 year ago

Not to be rude or anything, just genuinely curious - what exactly is it about poop that you find appealing?
I dunno, I guess because it comes from butts? Not sure
about 1 year ago

Why did you get committed to the mental ward? Did you fit in when you were there?
My ex-therapist had me write aboot hoo I would commit a mall shooting and then called Crisis Intervention. I did OK in there. There were these two young girls who talked to me and this older woman who played Uno with me a lot and said she loved me, presumably platonically
about 1 year ago

Why do you hate vaginas so much?
They're gross lookin'
about 1 year ago

I heard you would like to eat human flesh. Do you have specific people you would like to eat? Do you ever think about eating random people you see in public?
Not really. I imagine I could only eat hot females though. Males are gross.
about 1 year ago

If you only get two 2hr sessions of wifi per month, how do you manage to tweet so consistently?
via SMS
about 1 year ago

Didn't you have a pretend dad too named Tom or something? What happened with him?
Thom. But she's Heather noo. We still follow eachother on Twitter and talk sometimes. We WOULD IM but you know... lack of Internet
about 1 year ago

I remember you from the bus. You were super creepy and unnerving. And smelly.
Bullcrap. Everyone who sees me irl likes me
about 1 year ago

"Aboot" is how Scottish people say about, not Canadians. Plus nobody types their accent anyway because it's stupid, so why do you do it?
If I don't, hoo will people know to read my writing with an accent
about 1 year ago

when did you last see anna
August 23rd, 2008
about 1 year ago

What province is In my heart in?
It's not the name of a city. I mean I'm Canadian in my heart. As in not literally.
about 1 year ago

Out of all of your autism symptoms, which is your favorite?
Having Obsessions. They Might Be Giants, Pokemon, butt stuff, etc.
about 1 year ago

Is Jessa still your pretend mom?
Yes, although I don't know hoo to contact her noo that she deleted her Twitter. I dunno if she still likes me or if she dislikes me again. She apparently disliked me once. She was still my mum though
about 1 year ago

I've heard of a variety of therapies that help manage autism. Stuff like a gluten free diet, chelation, and enemas. Have you tried any of those? If so, did it help?
Haven't tried. I like being autistic anyway. My Obsessions give me stuff to do for weeks at a time.
about 1 year ago

What is a typical day for you like, Nick?
On my off days I basically just listen to TMBG all day, and/or play Pokemon when I'm having an Asperger's attack. Once a week I attend an event with a group I'm in and once a month I go to therapy and the psychiatrist.
about 1 year ago

Do you really think a vagina is more gross than a butt hole? At least the vagina doesn't crap.
about 1 year ago

You should get a tattoo with Anna's name on it
I don't want something permanent on me
about 1 year ago

And while I'm at it, why don't you like to brush them again?
it's too much moving body parts
about 1 year ago

Why don't you want to go to the dentist and get your teeth fixed again?
afraid of dentists
about 1 year ago

If I watch that clip that proves you love poop, I'll believe you didn't molest your sister. Where can I watch it? Will it play in Kentucky?
I linked to the doonload on Twitter but you may not have seen it because I Mentioned people in the tweet.
about 1 year ago

Why do you only get two hours to go online a month? 1995 AOL gave me more time than that.
There's a wifi hotspot near me but it only gives me two one-hoor sessions per 30 day period. It's pretty sucky but it's all I have
about 1 year ago

Are these all of the questions people ask you? Or do you pick which ones to answer?
I delete the ones that're just hate but I also have a back-catalogue of 90 questions I've been slowly chipping away at. Sadly they show newest first so those're the first I get to. If I'm too slow I may never get to the older ones...
about 1 year ago

Do you have urges to do sexual things to amber?
Fantasies but not really urges no
about 1 year ago

We know what you think of butts and vaginas but what is your opinion on penises?
I like circumsized ones
about 1 year ago

Did the detective close the case against you after you sent that "fapping with poop" to her?
Haven't heard anything yet
about 1 year ago

If Jessa is my mom, would that mean you're my brother?
Half brother probably. Heather's my father/other mother
about 1 year ago

Do you like getting your meds shot into your butt?
I get it in my arms
about 1 year ago

Where do you post Coffee Crew stuff? Is it on YouTube or Tumblr?
I haven't finished anything yet. I just have some non-canon comics. But I don't have a scanner.
about 1 year ago

If you smell good, what do you smell like? You probably don't since you're afraid of water and don't wipe or use soap. So how do you wash instead? Do you use deodorant?
about 1 year ago

why do you want to have autism so badly? Is it so you can have one tiny thing in common with your victim? You don't exhibit any symptoms of autism.
I exhibit ALL the symptoms.
about 1 year ago

When you have pain (say, from stubbing your toe), do you say "Oo" or "Ow"?
"oo", of course!
about 1 year ago

What did you think of the hentai "Night Shift Nurses"?
Never saw it
about 1 year ago

on a scale from 1 - 10, exactly how much do your teeth hurt? this information is vital.
They don't hurt
about 1 year ago

What would you think if someone who made you feel unsafe and physically ill kept insisting that you would one day be married and gladly do sexual things you know you didn't want to do?
Wife probably WILL make me do vaginal. I'm not happy aboot it, but I'll do it to make her happy if I have to.
about 1 year ago

What symptoms of autism do you have?
Pretty much all of them bro
about 1 year ago

Why are butts less gross than vaginas?
They just are. Vaginas are all... ick. Pink and wet and floppy. Gross.
about 1 year ago

I nominate you for the plastic bag challenge for butt awareness. It's like the ice bucket challenge but with a plastic bag instead.
No. I would die.
about 1 year ago

You said "I've never HAD any inappropriate actions", but several answers later you admit to touching other kids' butts when you were a child. It sounds like you've had quite a few inappropriate actions.
Well ok yeah when I was a kid I touched butts but I'm pretty sure that's it
about 1 year ago

I'm a bit surprised that you call yourself a Christian. If anything, it seems like you'd follow Sterculeus.
Nope, I'm a devoot Christian. Protestant, although I hold the pope and saints in high regard so I'm borderline Catholic. I just don't think all the complicated stuff like communion and whatnot is necessary to get into Heaven.
about 1 year ago

Did you really spray "PEDO GET OOT" outside of your home? Your aunt must be so proud.
No, it wasn't me. Someone else did it.
about 1 year ago

how bad do your teeth hurt?
They don't.
about 1 year ago

Maybe your family doesn't want you alone with your little sister because they know you want to do little girls in the butt. That and you smell like shit.
I smell good, actually.
about 1 year ago

Do you believe that butts should be classified as an endangered species by the World Wildlife Fund?
Nah, there's plenty of them. They get an LC ranking.
about 1 year ago

do you want to fuck heather?
about 1 year ago
WTF is a cooard?

Someone with little to no courage.
about 1 year ago

Have you ever been to Canada? We say "about" more like "aboat", really. Once an American friend pointed it out, I couldn't stop noticing it.
No, I haven't. Also yeah I know but aboot is more appealing to me for some reason.
about 1 year ago

Do you enjoy farts?
Nah, they're gross.
about 1 year ago

Do you still work for your aunt?
I haven't in a while.
about 1 year ago

Does your therapist know you want to do little girls in the butt?
about 1 year ago

Why doesnt your family want you to be alone with your little sister?
I don't know, actually.
about 1 year ago

What exactly is the reason for your fascination with Canada? Have you been there a lot? It's not terribly different from the United States in most ways.
I've never been there. I want to go though.
about 1 year ago

Should the Coffee Crew and Sonichu (Chris-chan's fanfic) have a crossover?
No. Most intellectual properties are not real and just intellectual properties in the CC universe.
about 1 year ago

So what did you do to your sister, anyway?
about 1 year ago

Nick, do you ever leave your house?
I stand ootside when I'm waiting for my rides.
about 1 year ago

Nick, what if a Girl Scout showed up at your door selling cookies? Would you have sex with her?
I don't open the door unless people yell who they are and it's someone I know.
about 1 year ago

Hey, did you ever try to fuck other kids when you were little?
No, but I touched people's butts.
about 1 year ago

Nick, you don't have Autism. Your psych report says so. You're just a very very sick individual.
They didn't even test me for autism. I obviously do have it.
about 1 year ago

How do you start your morning?
In no specific order: water my aloe plant, take my pills and spray some kind of spray my aunt gave me into the basement (which smells like cat pee from the previous tenants) and front door
about 1 year ago

"He is unable to accept consequences for his inappropriate actions, and repeatedly states, 'I didn't do anything.'" dude that was from your fourth grade teacher, how have still not changed at all?
That statement is misleading. I've never HAD any inappropriate actions.
about 1 year ago

Have you decided not to answer questions anymore?
I'm only online twice a month.
about 1 year ago

Have you ever shoved a knife up your butt? I bet that would feel really good, since a knife can't actually cut the human anus.
lol no, anuses are not immune to cuts. Ever seen the dude with the jar?
about 1 year ago

Have you read your Encyclopedia Dramatica page?
Yes. It's very inaccurate.
about 1 year ago

Hi, Nick. Why do you have such a fascination with poop? Has it always been like that? Was young Nick into poop? Or is it just that poop comes from butts and that is where the fondness comes from?
I think it started in my teenage years. I THINK. It might be because it comes from butts, if I had to guess.
about 1 year ago

Have you ever got the urge to eat poop? If so, do you like the taste? Poop is a precious gift given to you by your loving butt. It SHOULDN'T be wasted!
I haven't been able to successfully eat a full moothfull withoot gagging. It's pretty bitter.
about 1 year ago

Do you think it's possible to be friends with a butt or like marry a butt?
Sure. I all the time treated Second Ex's butt as if it were a separate entity.
about 1 year ago

Do you think that you would enjoy being on the receiving end of anal sex?
Yes. I want Wife to do me with a strap-on.
about 1 year ago

Would you eat people every day if you could?
I don't know aboot EVERY DAY. I like to eat a variety of things. And humans probably aren't as delicious as like ice cream or spaghetti, so.
about 1 year ago

What superpower would you most like to have?
Teleportation. I could visit Wife any time I wanted and if she like called cops or whatever I would just keep teleporting to evade arrest.
about 1 year ago

Nick, have you ever considered that you may be the Second Coming of Jesus?
I've thought aboot it. I hope I'm not though. I don't want the memory of being crucified. That must've been horrible.
about 1 year ago

Have you ever heard of Chris-Chan?
Yes, I have. I feel bad for him getting trolled and stuff, especially since I'm in the same boat.
about 1 year ago

Hey, Nick! If you were God, what changes would you make to the universe?
I'd get rid of all the bad stuff. War, sexual assault, murder, all suffering.
about 1 year ago

You should start a new denomination of Christianity that involves reverence of butts.
I thought someone asked me this already.
about 1 year ago

What do you think of Butthead from Beavas and Butthead since he's also obsessed with butts?
Is he? I haven't seen much of that show. Not enough to have an opinion. I used to have a Beavis and Butthead video geam though, in my youth. Something aboot tickets to a concert and collecting the shredded piece of them.
about 1 year ago

You should start an activist group for Butt's Rights.
I really should.
about 1 year ago

Would you say that you and your butt are on good relations?
over 1 year ago

Have you ever considered shitting into someone else's butt?
The opposite. I want Wife to poop into ME.
over 1 year ago

Have you ever considered the possibility that you might be delusional?
over 1 year ago

Nick, I understand your delusions about marrying Anna. It gives your life a sense purpose and keeps you from having to face unpleasant reality. You keep up this fantasy because you don't want to admit all those years pursuing her were a waste of time. It's a typical psychological defense mechanism.
Nah, I'm legit gonna marry her because fate.
over 1 year ago

hey Nick, it's me Dani Eickenroht. Basically Umm I Was Wondering If YOU talk To People spiritually? I do, and I've dated many celebrities. you can Google me.
I'm not sure what you mean. You mean like astral projection? I haven't been able to do that.
over 1 year ago

Do you wish it was possible to impregnate girls through their butts? What if it were possible? Then you and your children would be ass-babies!
But then I'd have to wear condoms, which suck.
over 1 year ago

Have you ever had a conversation with a butt?
I plan to in the future, with Wife's.
over 1 year ago

Do you believe that discrimination against butts is a major issue in our society?
Yes. Society is all aboot vaginas. It sucks.
over 1 year ago

If you start the protest by yourself, I'm sure more pedosexuals will join in. That's how most protests work.
I still can't do things alone though.
over 1 year ago

Would you risk your life to save the life of an innocent butt?
I dunno, I'm kind of a huge cooard. I'm A Cooard by They Might Be Giants.
over 1 year ago

Is your favorite planet Uranus?
Hah. I never gave it much thought but probably.
over 1 year ago

How would you do on a song competition show?
I'd get lol'd at.
over 1 year ago

Are you in contact with other pedophiles?
Not that I know of.
over 1 year ago

Are you still scared of the shower?
over 1 year ago

If you married Anna in heaven, does that mean she's in hell?
No, she'd be in Heaven too.
over 1 year ago

Are you jealous of attractive people? Or even just people that have friends and jobs?
Nah. I like the way that I am.
over 1 year ago

After you marry Anna, if she and your daughters wanted to have poopy buttsex with you, would you do it?
Well yeah.
over 1 year ago

Do you ever pick your butt? What do you find and what do you do with it?
Yes. Poop. Wipe it on stuff.
over 1 year ago

Two parter question: (A) Do you use poop instead of soap? (B) What if they made poop scented soap?
A) No, I use soap. B) That would be cool.
over 1 year ago

If you were a character on Family Guy, what would you do? How about a character in Pokemon?
Family Guy: I'd be a combination of Quagmire and Herbert. Pokemon: I'd have Gardevoir and Roserade in my team.
over 1 year ago

What would you like Anna to say to you?
"I'm sorry for being mean. I'll marry you and you can do me in my butt whenever you want."
over 1 year ago

Why don't you want to live like a normal human being (get a job, see a dentist, exercise, eat healthier, be social, go to college, develop skills, move out of your (grand)parent's house, etc.)? In the long run, it would probably help you get that anal sex you want.
Mostly because of the social anxiety. I can't do many things.
over 1 year ago

Deep down you must know that your current lifestyle can't last forever. Eventually your parents or grandparents or whatever will be too old to care for you. What will you do when you wake up and realize that you've frittered your adult life away and will probably die in an institution somewhere?
No, I'm marrying Wife.
over 1 year ago

You should totally buy one of those adult diapers and then shit yourself in public. I bet it would feel totally good and you wouldn't have to worry about the clean up!
Nah, not a diaper fan.
over 1 year ago

hey nick if you have kid s with anna and theyre lik deformed you should eat them to put the nutrients and resources back onto your bodies and try for another.
Lol! That would be murder though, which is bad.
over 1 year ago

You should go downtown and protest for your right to fuck little girls. Why don't you make your own homemade protest sign explaining that pedophilia should be legal? I'm sure you'll find support then!
I can't do stuff alone. I need other pedosexuals to do it with me.
over 1 year ago

Are you familiar with the song, "What What (In the Butt)"?
Yes. Love ot. Even saw the acoustic version on Tosh.0.
over 1 year ago

Nobody that bathes looks as dirty as you. Spend less time jamming stuff up your ass and fantasizing about kids and more time hosing yourself off.
A. I DO ALREADY, and 2. I'm not even dirty when I DON'T.
over 1 year ago

Did you know that anal sex is compulsory before the age of nine in Lexington, Kentucky?
I kinda doobt that. That'd be nice though.
over 1 year ago

Have you ever considered urinating in Anna's butt?
Yeah. Second Ex suggested it once. I'll probably do it.
over 1 year ago

Did you know that they breed women in Kentucky that have two butts and no vagina?
Kentucky don't exist.
over 1 year ago

What kinda of faeces do you use for colouring your teeth?
over 1 year ago

Do you believe that peoples' butts should be granted personhood status and be able to make their own life choices and decide their own destiny?
Yep. Back when I dated Second Ex I referred to her butt as a separate entity. I was always like "Oh baby, I love you and your butt".
over 1 year ago

Has your butt ever lied to you?
Not that I know of.
over 1 year ago

Have you ever had to perform butt-to-butt resuscitation on someone or had it performed on you?
lol no but that would be cool
over 1 year ago

Can butts talk?
Not irl but in my series there's a race of anthropomorphic butt-people.
over 1 year ago

Does it hurt like hell when you eat stuff since your teeth are in such a sorry state?
Not really. Just when I drink cold stuff my teeth get cold.
over 1 year ago

What do you think is the greatest contribution butts have made to society?
Anal intercourse.
over 1 year ago

People on the internet would hate you slightly less if you knocked off the fake accent. Also is there a time limit on the Anna thing? Like in 10 years when she's living with some other girl, will you still be on Twitter talking about her ass?
There's no time limit. If I don't get her in my Earth life there's still Heaven. For eternity. I would LIKE it to be sooner than later though.
over 1 year ago

If there was a religion that worshiped the butt would you join it or are you going to start that religion?
Nah, I'm Christian and staying that way.
over 1 year ago

Since you think Batman is lame, what if there was a superhero named Buttman who had butt related super powers, would that be cool or what?
Yes. Though I take it you've never seen the opening credits of Mallrats.
over 1 year ago

Can you pick your butt with your nose?
No. Heck, if I was that flexible I'd perform autoanilingus.
over 1 year ago

When you get diarrhea, do you feel like your butt has betrayed you?
No, I like diarrhea.
over 1 year ago

Have you ever thought about butt-chugging? That is, ingesting alcohol through the rectum. As opposed to drinking it through your mouth?
Yeah. I've also thought aboot smoking pot up my butt, but I have access to neither pot nor alcohol.
over 1 year ago

When you fart, do you think that it's your butt is trying to tell you something?
Lol what? No.
over 1 year ago

Would you like to see Bonus Stage return?
Hell yes. I at least want the arcs to be resolved!
over 1 year ago

Would you do butt stuff with one of your B-mum's coos or horses?
Again, I'm not into bestiality.
over 1 year ago

Would you stick your head inside an elephant's butt to see what it's like to be inside of a rectum?
No. I once saw a video of some kind of wildcat doing that though.
over 1 year ago

If there was a strip club with 8 year old strippers with ginormous butts, would you go there and get a lap dance?
I don't really go for lapdances but I suppose it'd be something to SEE.
over 1 year ago

Hi, I'm a close IRL friend of Anna's. She has been diagnosed with terminal rectal cancer and has only two months to live and it's also contagious so if you have buttsex with her you'll catch it too. Any last words for her before she dies?
Nice try. Cancer isn't even contagious.
over 1 year ago

do you play league of legends
No, I haven't actually even heard of it until noo.
over 1 year ago

You should go to your local police station and ask them if they'll help you find little girls to have buttsex with. Legally, they have to help you. It's official police policy.
No it isn't.
over 1 year ago

What cartoon characters do you think are sexiest?
Jessica from Bonus Stage would have to be the sexiest of all. I can't think of any others who're very sexy though.
over 1 year ago

Have you ever asked someone for buttsex? Have you ever asked any kids?
I've asked female online friends. Pretty much every one I've ever had. No kids though. Unless you coont the afforementioned friends who I guess were/are technically minors, but like... teenagers, so.
over 1 year ago

Do you ever shit yourself?
No. I've thought aboot it but it wouldn't be worth the cleanup.
over 1 year ago

Have you ever done any of the following in public? *Taken off your clothes *Played with your shit *Talked or sang about sex with Anna *Masturbated *Thrown your own shit *Shit yourself *Shoved something up your butt *Ejaculated *Threatened to kill someone *Worn women's clothing
I have masturbated in public, but nobody saw. I was keeping well hidden. I've also had stuff up my butt in public but again, nobody saw because my pants were up. I've probably threatened people in elementary or middle school, I can't remember though. I've worn women's clothes in high school. I didn't care if people saw that, and they did. They liked it.
over 1 year ago

Do you like Batman? If so, what do you like about him?
Batman is one of my least favourite superheroes (alongside Aquaman). He doesn't have any pooers! Hoo can you be a superhero with no pooers?!
over 1 year ago

Would you ever eat human flesh?
Oh dear lord yes. I've thought aboot this quite a lot, actually. I'm curious as to what human tastes like.
over 1 year ago

If you could kill anyone and get away with it, who would you kill?
Some random person off the street I don't know. There isn't really anybody I KNOW whom I hate these days.
over 1 year ago

If you had mind control powers, how would you use them?
Ooh... I would be tempted to use them for evil, but God wouldn't be happy aboot that. I guess I'd just make Wife go oot with me. A boring use of my pooers, but hey... Wife is my life.
over 1 year ago

Do you still go to the therapist that thinks you're stinky?
No, I'm at a different one noo. She sent me a psychiatric hospital so my aunt wouldn't let me go back to her. I don't even smell bad. I don't know why that person kept thinking I did.
over 1 year ago

Should parents be nervous when you're around their children--especially daughters?
No, I don't actually DO children. I just fantasize aboot them.
over 1 year ago

Do you use Axe instead of bathing?
No, I do both.
over 1 year ago

Aspergers doesn't explain why you're a pedophile. That's a way bigger problem. Too bad your family doesn't love Amber enough to keep you far away from her.
I never said the two were related
over 1 year ago

How do you live as a woman?
Sometimes I wear female clothes but mostly it's a state of mind and not so much DOING stuff.
over 1 year ago

What's the weirdest thing you've ever shoved up your butt? What would you like to shove up your butt that you never have before?
A can opener. As for part two, uh, I don't know.
over 1 year ago

Are you still going to therapy? Have they cured you of liking little girls yet?
Yes, no.
over 1 year ago

You said you wanted a woman without a vagina. Yet you just said, "No I want a biological female," when asked if you wanted a transwoman (the only way to have a woman without a vagina). You suck at being a lesbian and a human being. Clearly, you have no idea how anything works.
Women can be born withoot vaginas, It's rare, but it happens.
over 1 year ago

Do you still smear shit on the walls like a zoo monkey?
No, I haven't in a while because my aunt kept making me clean it off.
over 1 year ago

What kinds of questions are you hoping people will ask you?
Normal questions. Questions people would ask people who aren't me. Not much luck with that today though.
over 1 year ago

Do you eat da ass?
Of course. I'm anilingusing the crap oot of my wife in the future.
over 1 year ago

If you want a female without a vagina, you apparently want a transwoman that hasn't had gender reassignment surgery. That's cool and all, but you could save yourself some explaining by just saying you want a t-girl. The real question is: Would she want you?
No, I want a biological female
over 1 year ago

what the actual fuck is wrong with u
over 1 year ago

Kentucky doesn't believe in you either.
lol ok
over 1 year ago

Hi Nick. I'm a single Canadian girl who loves TMBG, Dr. Who, Pokemon, Homestar, and Family Guy. I also think butt stuff is hot. Your wife is lucky to be married to you. I wish I got to you first though.--Andrea
Aw. Thank you. That's awesome.
over 1 year ago

How ashamed of you do you think your mom, dad, and aunt are?
over 1 year ago

Is it true that you got kicked out of therapy because you smelled so bad?
No. My aunt wouldn't let me go back because my therapist got me sent to a psychiatric hospital.
over 1 year ago

Yes I am. T_T
over 1 year ago

What are your preferred ways to enjoy feces?
I dunno, I've only ever really masturbated with it.
over 1 year ago

why is your layout in fucking russian
Wha? What do you mean? I don't see anything Russian. o.O
over 1 year ago

What's your hair color?
Broon. Everyone knows this because there's coontless photos of me everywhere. In The Coffee Cree my hair is teal though.
over 1 year ago

What did you ask for for Christmas? What did you get?
I mainly wanted Pokémon Omega Ruby, which I didn't get. I got a Wii U and Family Guy volume 12. Those were the best gifts. I of course also got other stuff. Clothes, candy, the usual.
over 1 year ago

what if you met a girl who was just like Anna except she could stand you and didn't hate you.
That'd be cool. I guess I'd try dating her but I still love Wife.
over 1 year ago

Are you going to get dentures?
If my teeth rot the rest of the way, but I don't expect them to.
over 1 year ago

Actually, you've got it backwards: Kentucky is real, but Canada isn't. It's a conspiracy by the government of Kentucky, as part of a larger genetic engineering plot to eliminate human anuses and make it impossible for anyone to ever poop again. It's horrifying!
lol wut
over 1 year ago

What cartoons do you masturbate to?
Surprisingly, none.
over 1 year ago

Why would you tell people you molested Amber when you'd claim you didn't later? Did you seriously think somebody would be impressed by that? Why would you want to impress somebody that would like that anyway?
It wasn't to impress people. I don't know why I did it. I didn't expect my chat logs to be hacked ok
over 1 year ago

How can you call yourself a lesbian? Lesbians like vaginas and you apparently don't.
Sexuality is aboot what gender you like regardless of genitalia.
over 1 year ago

Are you going to watch Doctor Who on Christmas
I was hoping to but didn't have access to a TV. I have to wait until I watch the dogs again and catch it On Demand.
over 1 year ago

Rate your dancing skills from 1 (worst) to 10 (best)
over 1 year ago

what's your ideal dick size in a girl?
I don't really have a preference. Both small and big have their uses.
over 1 year ago

So do you still see Amber?
Yeah on like holidays and stuff
over 1 year ago

Hey, Nick! Who's your favorite character on Adventure Time? Least favorite? Why?
Finally, a real question! Hm, I don't really have one favourite. I tend to like secondary characters a lot, which is true of all shows and not just AT. Like, the Earl of Lemongrab, Prismo, etc. I also like BMO a lot. There aren't really any characters I DISlike.
over 1 year ago

Sup, Nick? I heard Canada has brainwashed a couple thousand more citizens and sent them to the U.S. to pose as Kentuckians. Just keeping you in the know!
over 1 year ago

Nick, would you ever do an animal in the butt?
over 1 year ago

Nick, have you ever shoved food up your butt?
Yeah. Frozen hot dogs. But they thawed oot in my butt and got soggy and wouldn't stay erect.
over 1 year ago

What does your therapist think about your Anna obsession?
She wants me to date Jessa instead but... no
over 1 year ago

For fuck's sake, brush your teeth and take a shower!
I occasionally do
over 1 year ago

Nick, I can tell you're very passionate about making pedophilia legal. You should march into your nearest police station, walk up to the front desk, and DEMAND they make it legal for you to fuck little girls' butts! They'd have to listen to you then! You should do it!
Well, I'd like to start a charity like NAMBLA but less focused so it includes womem and girls too.
over 1 year ago

Do you recycle your own semen?
What do you mean recycle? For what? As soon as I ejaculate I just pull my pants up and let it dry
over 1 year ago

Did you know that Canada don't exist either? It's just a bunch of additional U.S. states that our government is using as a testing ground for their weapons. They're purposely tricking the stupid people into thinking Canada is so much cooler to convince them to move there and then blow them up.
what, no
over 1 year ago

Nick, do you think anyone in your family is sexy? Do you wanna fuck them up the butt?
Only physically. I don't like their personalities.
over 1 year ago

What would you do if Anna died?
I'd be sad and have to wait until I ALSO died to marry her in Heaven.
over 1 year ago

I heard Anna Nickel now has a child and a husband.
over 1 year ago

When you have kids with Anna, will you have sex with them, assuming they're girls?
Almost definitely not
over 1 year ago

What if in your next life, you're reincarnate as a vagina?
I don't believe in reincarnation. I believe in Heaven.
over 1 year ago

Did yoo know that Canada had a part in faking Kentucky's existence? It's troo! Our goovernment brainwashed thoosands of our citizens to pose as Kentucky natives. If yoo ever meet someone whoo claims they are from Kentucky, they're actually a brainwashed Canadian. It's a cloosely-guarded secret!
over 1 year ago

What's your most sought-after trait in a girl?
Liking the same things as me. Mainly TMBG.
over 1 year ago

if anna wanted you to bathe, get a job, lose weight etc in exchange for reciprocation, would you do it?
I guess
over 1 year ago

what's your age limit? (for girls)
Whenever puberty happens
over 1 year ago

Are you a pedophile, Nick?
PedoSEXUAL, thank you. Less stigma.
over 1 year ago

Have you ever watched Adventure Time? If so, what do you like about it? Dislike?
I LOVE Adventure Time. I'm surprised you didn't know that. I've tweeted aboot it in the past, I'm pretty sure.
over 1 year ago

What do you think about Ferguson?
I don't know what that is.
over 1 year ago

Have you ever had sex? Was poop involved?
Not penetratively. I just receive (bad) fellatio once.
over 1 year ago

Where do you like to read?
I don't
over 1 year ago

Why do you think Kentucky doesn't exist?
The truth aboot Kentucky was nearly kept quiet by the U.S. government (iirc the last known person to know the truth was JFK and we all know the rest of THAT story) but it survived in a very off-the-radar dude who told it to me
over 1 year ago

What do you think is sexiest about little girls?
Probably their personalities. They're usually all girly and not very intelligent yet. That or their butts.
over 1 year ago

Would you have sex with a Pokémon? If so, which one? How would you seduce it?
As for hoo... hoo would I know? I don't know hoo to seduce anyone. The extent of my knowledge is just ASKING for buttsex.
over 1 year ago Do you wanna join the Turbojugend?
what the fudge did I just witness
over 1 year ago

Prove that Anna loves you
Hoo would I do that
over 1 year ago

If you had more money than you ever need, would you give it away?
If I could be assured I wouldn't need it in the future too, then sure.
over 1 year ago

Hey, Nick! Did yoo know that us Canadian girls soo our vaginas shut? Really, we doo! We Canadians believe vaginas are grooss! We oonly doo anal up here!
I kinda doobt this. I'm sure SOME people do, but I'd imagine it's rare. Plus Jessa's Canadian and she makes use of her vagina.
over 1 year ago

Hey, Nick! I'm a big fan, and you're actually kinda my role model. Recently, I went on a family vacation to Canada, and you were right, it really is beautiful! Better still, it turns out that people in Canada are really into diapers and the adult baby lifestyle. How cool is that?
I'm a role model? Well that's cool.
That's the second time I was asked aboot diapers and stuff. Weird.
Also all I can think of when you just said adult baby is that episode of Tim and Eric's Bedtime Stories.
over 1 year ago

Have yoo ever tried wearing diapers, then eating the shit oot of them? It's really popular up here in Canada, and I'm sure Anna would appreciate it.
Nah, diapers gross me oot. I don't even really like EATING poop. As far as I know. I dunno. Wife isn't into poop though.
over 1 year ago

Do you prefer girls without makeup?
Yes. Lipstick is OK though. As long as it's a rational colour.
over 1 year ago

what's your favorite thing about anna?
Hm... that's a good question. I'm not entirely sure. Maybe hoo obsessive she is aboot her obsessions. She's almost my equal in obsessiveness by one, two, three, four, five, six places!
You win if you get the Pokemon reference.
over 1 year ago

just dropping in to remind you that with every passing year, anna's memories of you fade away she engages in happy sexual relations with more and more people. have a good one homie.
no she doesn't
over 1 year ago

"I have several piercings and a tattoo with plans for more of both, I'm an agnostic deist rather than a Christian... I'm not into poop, and I'm not a virgin" - Anna. So, since you're not a misogynist you believe her right?
She IS a virgin though. As for poop, I don't even expect her to DO anything with it, that's just my thing. I don't need her to share in it.
over 1 year ago

When did you first decide you wanted to be Canadian?
don't remember this one either. As far back as I can remember I guess
over 1 year ago

When did you first decide Kentucky doesn't exist?
I dunno man, like aroond 2004 I think?
over 1 year ago

Did you really molest Amber?
No, of course not.
over 1 year ago

When did you start saying you were transgender?
I dunno, a few years ago I think? I've wanted female aesthetics for quite a while (excluding genitalia)
almost 2 years ago

How did your parents not know how to spell Nicholas?
They're not super smart people.
almost 2 years ago

r u gay
No, I'm hetero. Or lesbian if you take into accoont I'm transgender
almost 2 years ago

do your online friends still talk to you?
When I'm online, yeah. I don't have time to log into IMs but we Twitter
almost 2 years ago

What is the most beautiful place in the world?
almost 2 years ago

What's a guy got to do to get approved to follow BateAfterDark?
Nothing. It just takes me a while to get online to check requests.
almost 2 years ago

What's your twitter?
You know my but not my Twitter? What. It's NickBate. Also I recently made an AD (sexual stuff) one, which is BateAfterDark.
almost 2 years ago

What do you think people should do more often?
butt stuff
almost 2 years ago

Would you post a recent picture of you in drag?
see previous answer
almost 2 years ago

Can you do a vocaroo of all of the things that you want to do with Anna?
Sure. Stayed tuned to my Twitter.
almost 2 years ago

Who knows the most about you?
Probably Thom.
about 2 years ago

Hey Nick. It's Anna. I'm sorry for being such a bitch to you. I'll go out with you and I guess you can fuck my ass sometimes.
Can you somehoo prove you're Anna?
about 2 years ago

about 2 years ago

What's something that you would never wear?
Leather, fishnet, garters, piercings, stockings that go up further than the shins or below the shins (ankle-socks), spanx, boxers, thongs, g-strings, tangas, speedos, mini-skirts
about 2 years ago

Knock off the act man. Yeah, you're really are this way, but everyone knows you're playing it up for the attention. The wife thing, the fake stupid thing, etc. You don't really buy any of it. Most of these questions are just insults and bullshit, but you keep coming back. Doesn't it get dull?
I'm seriously not. I hate attention.
about 2 years ago

What does it mean when a girl smiles at a boy?
A girl smiled at me a while back. I guess she was flirting with me. She also shook my hand a separate time and her hand was really sweaty presumably from nervousness.
about 2 years ago

Don't you ever get bored of the fake internet personality bullshit? I mean the joke is over man. Noone cares anymore. You don't have to keep pretending to be this gross loser for the entertainment of strangers.
It's not a joke. I'm really this way. I'm cool though, not gross. And it's not for the entertainment of others.
about 2 years ago

Dude, please don't drink on top of a drug in the same class as Risperdal. I'm serious. If you look at your prescription bottle, there might be a yellow sticker saying that. You can look it up, anyway. It's not worth it for a drink with a name you like.
I'll ask my doctor. Sometimes they let you drink a LITTLE.
about 2 years ago

What do you think of my should-have-been wife Glenda?
I dunno man. You haven't really said anything aboot her, just aboot the situation.
about 2 years ago

Have you ever thrown up after eating?
Nope, but I used to throw up randomly for no reason until I got my acid reflux pill.
about 2 years ago

why were you admitted to a hospital
See my LJ entry.
about 2 years ago

How will you have kids someday if you only like anal?
Jackin' into a cup or something and having her dump it in there.
about 2 years ago

Have you considered the idea that maybe you might fall in love with someone who isn't Anna someday?
I've considered it, yes, but I reject it.
about 2 years ago

Salted or sweet popcorn?
I prefer the classic salted and buttered popcorn you get at movie theatres.
over 2 years ago

Duuuuuuurrr dukduuuuuuuuuurrr huurrruurrr duuuuuuuuuuuuuuurr
over 2 years ago

Anna will never marry you or have sex with you. That's a fixed point. God told me so.
No He didn't.
over 2 years ago

anna will never love you and you are going to die a virgin because you are disgusting and gross!
over 2 years ago

What will you do when Anna marries someone else?
Irrelevant because she won't. She's going to marry ME. It's a fixed point in time that nothing can change. Even if someone goes back in time to try and screw it up they'll probably accidentally CAUSE it. Ontological paradox, yo
over 2 years ago

If there is a Heaven, you won't be going there.
I'm Christian so uh yeah I am
over 2 years ago

At this very moment, Anna is having sex with some dude who is infinitely better than you.
No she isn't. She lies.
over 2 years ago

You know Jess and Thom actually think you are a terrible, disgusting human, right?
No, they platonically love me. Thom at least. Jessa might ROMANTICALLY love me. I kind of pick up those signals from her.
over 2 years ago

Would you date yourself if you were someone else?
Hell yes. I'd do me hard.
over 2 years ago

Liking the smell of maple is an opinion. There are people that do not like or are even allergic to it (
over 2 years ago

"Good-smelling currency" is an opinion, dumbass.
Nobody dislikes the scent of maple.
over 2 years ago

Why did you state mostly opinions and falsehoods about your love of Canada over the US? Canadians would hate you just as much as Americans currently do.
They're fact
over 2 years ago

Youre a fart joke just waiting to happen!
Hoo can a person be an abstract?
over 2 years ago

What is the best news you could hear right now?
That my wife loves me, duh
over 2 years ago

Hey Nick its Anna, im living in Australia now and have relised that we are ment to be together. I had a dream were God told me we are made for each other. if ur still interested in being mh husband please reply to this and ill message you on twitter.
Well of course I do but I doobt you're Anna
over 2 years ago

Why don't you know the difference between a fact and opinion? (see your retarded comment about Canada)
I do know
over 2 years ago

beer - in the US and you don't drink beer, pussy less crime - depends on the area you live in staying out of wars - Iroquois wars, King William's war, Queen Anne's war, French and Indian war, etc. less jerk - no support and you're a gigantic jackass yourself healthcare - opinion
over 2 years ago

colorful good-smelling currency - opinion snow - there is snow in the US wilderness - it's identical to that of the northern US accordions - not Canadian French - not unique to Canada a queen - not unique to Canada the best accent - opinion curling - nothing to do with living hockey - in the US too
not sure what to answer things that aren't questions
over 2 years ago

What do you want right now?
over 2 years ago

Canada has an army that has helped America in almost every war since you've been alive.
Idk. Whatevs.
over 2 years ago

was jeremy actually mean to you? i thought the person who was mean to you wasnt actually jeremy
Well... he said he was. I mean he didn't show me that paperwork like Obama has that proves stuff aboot yourself but I don't know why someone would want to impersonate him. Also Anna didn't correct it... idk.
over 2 years ago

im psychic too and i had a vision of you and her together in california for christmas
That's awesome, assuming you're not dicking aroond with me
over 2 years ago

You say you hate sexual assault and physical assaults but don't you want to abduct children?
No. I require consent for all things I do involving others.
over 2 years ago

Both countries have their ups and downs. That also reminds me of your Civil War comment. Canada and many other countries had Civil Wars just like the US. How is the Canada better than the US? Give me facts.
Healthcare, colorful good-smelling currency, snow, wilderness, accordions, French, a queen, the best accent, curling, hockey, beer, less crime, staying oot of wars, less jerks, etc.
over 2 years ago

To actually move to Canada and get a citizenship is pretty hard. You pretty much have to have a job and be making a lot of money. Since you live off your family/government you will never even get to visit Canada. I doubt you even have a passport.
Of course I ain't got no passport. I ain't even got no ID. I still wanna move to Canada but I'm gonna need some third party to rescue me from the entrapments of the U.S. and my dumb b-family.
over 2 years ago

Why is it that you like Canada more than the US? You've never been to Canada nor do you know much about their laws and customs. It's actually surprising considered that the US government has let you be a free man for this long considering that you raped your sister. You should be thankful.
I didn't rape anyone. Stop that.
I know stuff aboot Canada. And the U.S. sucks.
over 2 years ago

why do you still want to conspire to murder jeremy even if hes not with your wife any more
He was directly mean to me
over 2 years ago

no p lease though do not ever watch the horse cartoon
Why not? I try to check oot things my friends like
over 2 years ago

why dont you update livejournal more
too hard to type on a touchscreen tablet
over 2 years ago

How big is your penis?
3.75", maybe 4".
over 2 years ago

"Me and my friends do not have Homo sapien DNA." How do you know this? Do you have a very very expensive microscope where you can test this? Most of the things you believe are lies you tell to yourself, and you are dumb enough to believe them.
No vadgeface I'm transspecies. it's mental, not biological. Yet. someday I intend to change my DNA to match who I feel like on the inside
over 2 years ago

BBC stands for big black cock. Which makes it kinda weird that a lot of those posts are a *couple* seeking BBC, but well, that's what it means. You're not big, and you're not black. I mean, you're fat, but your dick is small, so you don't qualify on either count.
Is there a demand for a SWC?
over 2 years ago

You do realize Hitler hated people with mental illnesses, would have considered you to be "untermensch" (sub-human), and had you thrown in a gas chamber right? Of course you fucking don't, so stop talking about shit you know nothing about.
I think he could look past that
over 2 years ago

Given how poor your health is, aren't you worried about being impotent or being unable to produce functional sperm? Your obesity might prevent you from being able to perform sexually.
oh I can perform. Are you female? If so I could demonstrate...
over 2 years ago

What are you listening to right now?
The version of the Doctor Who theme that's the original by Delia Derbyshire but it has like lasers or something added
over 2 years ago

Please do not ever watch mlp
I've been meaning to check it oot sometime but I doobt I'll get info it.
over 2 years ago

So um you licked your eight year old half sister's butt.. Dude why.
I didn't.
over 2 years ago

How long do you honestly expect to live? Your diet is absolute shit, you don't maintain proper hygiene, you don't have any professional training or a college education to get a good paying job, and you dedicate all of your pathetic life to stalking a girl that hates you.
over 2 years ago

Do you realize that if you showered, didn't act like a stalker, saw a dentist, act healthy, and got a job you would have a better chance at finding someone to be in a relationship with?
I'm not a stalker, I can't do any of that, and I'm marrying my wife
over 2 years ago

I've actually had anal and it sucks compared to normal sex. Why do you think you like anal so much if you've never even had sex?
I will answer this with a question. Imagine you've never won a million USD from the lottery or had your face ripped off withoot anesthetics. You still know which you'd prefer, right?
over 2 years ago

If I wanted to send a laptop to you for your birthday, how would I get it to you?
I dunno send it to my aunt at my old address that my wife leaked and she'll probably forward me my mail
over 2 years ago

You complain about not getting a laptop for your birthday yet you got a 3ds. You do realize that netbooks cost about $100, less than the price of a 3DS. You are a fucking retard.
We can't find netbooks anywhere. And no the 3DS was pretty cheap. And I needed it for Pokémon too.
over 2 years ago

You ever go on Gurochan? They've got a good scat hentai board if you're interested.
There's a specific degree of scat I stick to. It's hard to find.
I look at Bestgore sometimes though
over 2 years ago

A species is determined by the similar genetic make-up of its composing individuals and their ecological niche. You are a human being (Homo sapien), not some other species.
Me and my friends do not have Homo sapien DNA.
over 2 years ago

you wouldn't know what percentage of women actually like anal (WITH NO OTHER STIMULATION) because you know nothing about a woman's anatomy. much less your own. grow up
Many women like anal. I know all things anal-related.
over 2 years ago

Anna broke her hymen when she was young, riding a bicycle. There was nothing to take a picture of even *before* she had sex. Even if there had been, she probably would have broken it playing with sex toys. Even if you deny that she's had sex, you will never get a picture of her intact hymen.
Even withoot photographic evidence she still didn't do anything with any other being
over 2 years ago

Best poni?
I dunno. I've never seen MLP.
over 2 years ago

Nick. Honestly. You enjoy trying to shock people so bad it's getting a bit pathetic. I know the attention must feel great compared to the utter loneliness of life, but really. At some point, doesn't the mindless seeking out of verbal castigation get a little old? I hope therapy works out for you man
Actually I don't want attention or to shock people or whatever. I want everyone to leave me alone.
over 2 years ago

most women don't really like anal unless you're stimulating their clit or vagina in some other way. there is no prostate in a woman's anus. so your refusing to pleasure your partner sexually is selfish. stop being an asshole.
Plenty of women like anal
Also never use any butt-related words as insults or in any sort of negative way such as the phrase "kick-ass" which alludes to violence against butts. I substitute "lick-ass" as anilingus is positive
over 2 years ago

Would you fuck Kirino Kousaka from Oreimo if she was your little sister?
I don't know who that is
over 2 years ago

Why do you eat unhealthy foods that are drastically reducing your lifespan?
They're yummy
over 2 years ago

You completely ignored the accusation that you use the word humanoid inappropriately. You've been using it to describe human beings which is redundant to say. Also, you are a human being.
I'm transspecies. Though born human against my will I identify as a different species I still haven't named yet. And I consider my closest friends members of my species too.
over 2 years ago

A humanoid just describes something that is human-like or based on humans. You cannot describe actual human beings as humanoids. Human humanoids = A human that looks like and acts like a human. Do you see how retarded this statement sounds?
over 2 years ago

Calling something a female humanoid is redundant. You're pretty much saying, "a female human who looks human." There is no such thing as a human humanoid.
Humanoid is a broad term including BUT NOT LIMITED TO humans. Also included are races like elves, dwares, possibly orcs, etc. I say humanoid because I do not limit myself to doing only humans, especially because I do not consider myself and my friends human. We are some other humanoid I haven't figured oot a name for yet.
over 2 years ago

You know if you dress up like Hitler and go out in public, several people would probably beat the shit out of you, and rightly so.
Nobody beat up Prince Harry when he did it.
over 2 years ago

Why do you only eat generally unhealthy foods?
I eat whatev I find tastiest
over 2 years ago

How often do you jerk off using your own shit as lube?
Not that often actually. Months in between
over 2 years ago

Why do you never update your livejournal?
I rarely have Internet access and when I do it's on a tablet which sucks to type on
over 2 years ago

There's gotta be some other reason why you got banned.
Nope. They said it in the letter they sent me.
over 2 years ago

Is your name Nickalaus pronounced like Nicholas or Nicka-LOUSE as in house? Though I'm sure you'd pronounce the latter as Nicka-LOOS.
The standard Nicholas pronunciation. My dumb b-parents Just misspelled it so my official name is really Just a typo.
over 2 years ago

What do you do with your cats' shit, do you use that as lube as well or is it not worth getting caught?
I throw it away. I only like humanoid female feces.
over 2 years ago

What's the most delicious fruit?
over 2 years ago

Are you attracted to Asian girls or just white girls?
Both. Also half-Indian half-white chicks and full-on black chicks.
over 2 years ago

Hey Nick, how did you get banned from the bus?
Supposedly I missed it twice
over 2 years ago

Did you really try to lick your sister's asshole? And if so, why? Why don't you brush your fucking teeth? What the fuck is wrong with you?
No, n/a, it sucks, nothing
over 2 years ago

Nick, this is Anna. I want you to never fucking talk about me again. The fact that you're still following me after all these goddamn years is utterly sickening. I will NEVER love you. Even if I were attracted to men, you're utterly abhorrent in every way. And yes, I have changed.
I Hitler doobt you're Anna
But yes she will love me
over 2 years ago

by you explaining stuff, you turn out to be exactly as people think and worse
No, people misinteerpret me. I'm cool-.
over 2 years ago

well I guess, but lends itself more to people being nasty than other sites. just seems a bit self effacing.
Well, I get SOME legit questions. And I tend to ignore the ones that are just insults with no actual questions attached. And I get to try and explain I'm not what people think. Hasn't worked YET, but...
over 2 years ago

why do you have an surely you realised that people were just going to be nasty to you on here?
Humans are nasty to me no matter where I go. I'm not just gonna not have ANYTHING, mang.
over 2 years ago

Which probably makes you the ideal TMBG fan...
I have read that TMBG has good chord progressions and interesting time signatures. Which I also don't know what that is. Other than it's the beats in a measure. But what EFFECT does that have?
over 2 years ago

Says the person who is, by their own admission, tone deaf and who knows nothing about music. Weird Al is awful too, by the way.
Tone deafness doesn't mean I don't know what music is good, I just can't recognize any given note or chord by hearing it and I don't know what keys, octaves or rhythm are.
over 2 years ago

Gimme one redeeming feature of that band. Seriously. Some of the other bands you listen to are okay, so I don't know why you're so big on such a shitty band.
What? Every single song of theirs is better than any song by any other artist. Even the unreleased stuff.
over 2 years ago

They Might Be Giants are fucking awful. Utter dross.
over 2 years ago

Jessa doesn't even fit your requirements though. I've seen your convos where she admits she doesn't care for anal (which plenty of people don't). Besides why would you use what sort of sex your friends have as a requirement for friendship. Seems a bit odd.
She used to and I'm hoping she does again sometime.
I dunno, I like butt stuff and require everyone else in existence to like it too. I rarely know the reasons for ANYTHING I do
over 2 years ago

that excuse really has its limitations. you can't just call 'social phobia!' every time you don't wanna do something. what are these very specific requirements?
Um, it's not an sexcuse; I can't be aroond people.
Common interests, mainly. Especially butt stuff and TMBG.
over 2 years ago

remind yourself of the things jessa has said regarding the whole anna thing and see how much of her advice you've actually taken. you ought to try to make some irl friends. that'd probably help you out a lot.
I have very specific requirements for friends. I'm never going to run into a compatible one irl. The only way I can befriend is online. Also, uh social phobia
over 2 years ago

yeah but you don't actually listen to her if it isn't what you want to hear.
I listen the crap oot of her, silly goose
over 2 years ago

I wish I could be your life guru. you really need a life guru.
Jessa's been filling that role lately.
over 2 years ago

If you had $5 left in your pocket what would you spend it on?
Heh, I actually do irl. I'm gonna save it, probably. But hypothetically if I HAD to spend it? Hm. What costs 5 USD these days? Well, I need a new adapter for my tablet, to be able to plug flash drives in because my tablet has that stupid smaller USB port. Dunno where my old adapter went; I keep all my computer-type stuff together
over 2 years ago

Are cats or dogs smarter?
over 2 years ago

Where do you get your information about sex?
I dunno, I've known as far back as I can remember
over 2 years ago

they have to be in tandem because if you don't respect her desire to move on with her life then you aren't respecting her. she doesn't want to be with you. insisting otherwise is disrespecting her.
No it isn't, bro
over 2 years ago

What are you obsessed with?
A lot. My wife, buttplay, composing lists, 18 recording artists, an undecided number of TV/web series, 6 films (soon to be 7)...
over 2 years ago

then if you respect her, why won't you respect her desire to not be a part of your life in any way?
I don't see why the two have to be in tandem
over 2 years ago

You have no idea how hymens work. or...female genitalia in general. or sex. Porn doesn't count btw. Neither does molesting your little sister.
I know all things sexual
over 2 years ago

my point still stands: if you don't respect her, she won't want to talk to you.
I do respect her.
over 2 years ago

then you're a shitty person and she'll never want to be your friend again.
Um... no, I just said I'm really cool.
over 2 years ago

it doesn't matter why. the point is that she doesn't like you and you should respect her boundaries by not talking to her or drawing her or anything.
I kinda can't. She's too cool.
over 2 years ago

just because you want to, doesn't mean that she does.
Why? I'm delightful. I don't see why anyone would intentionally not befriend me.
over 2 years ago

maddi definitely hates you, though. anna aside, why can't you at least respect maddi's desires to stop talking about her and saying she's your friend? friendship requires two consenting parties being friends. maddi doesn't see you as a friend. she hates you. you are an enemy to her.
WHY? She used to love me. I want to return to those days
over 2 years ago

then why can't you respect both anna and maddi telling you to fuck off on NUMEROUS occasions?
Because I have to marry Anna, and Maddi is my friend.
over 2 years ago

do you really, really believe that anna feels anything for you? do you actually think you're going to marry her?
Not yet, but she will. She will. And she'll feel so bad aboot being mean to me she'll demand I WRECK her intestines in retribution. I won't though. I'll be gentle. I forgive her already and I don't want to hurt her.
over 2 years ago

do you ever feel remorse about being a paedophile? does your therapist know about it? have you sought help for your urges re: sexual contact with children and teenagers?
EVERYONE knows. And no because it's not wrong. As long as it's consentual people can do whatever they want
over 2 years ago

do you have a caretaker?
I have a rep payee and a person who comes weekly to help me do whatever. Chores, cooking, etc. I need someone to live with me though. Living alone is going horribly.
over 2 years ago

can you accept when someone says they want boundaries? you don't seem to very well.
I do actually.
over 2 years ago

Have you looked into virgin mobile? Seems like it would fit you well. Both because you're a virgin for life, and because they're only like $35 US a month.
A) it's going in my wife's butt and mooth
B) idk, maybe. I need a REAL phone
over 2 years ago

why dont you have a job?
Social phobia. Can't go anywhere withoot someone talking to people for me and helping me do stuff because I also don't know hoo to do most basic tasks
over 2 years ago

why would anna possibly wana have anything to do with you? ur a fat creepy pedo whos ugly as hell and only talks about annal sex. just give it up you you and anna is never gonna happen you should just kill you're self befor more people find out about ur pathetic life and throw you in prison.
Uh we're soulmates?
over 2 years ago

Hi, I'm an inside source. By inside source I mean I had sex with her. In the vagina. She screamed loudly, and never mentioned you, I only found out about you after we went separate ways. My penis was inside her vagina. I can't prove this to you, but only because you will never see her vagina, ever.
No. When I see her intact hymen for informational puposes only I'll ask her if I can post pix so you people stfu
over 2 years ago

I await your reaction when you have to face reality with Bated breath.
You're the one who needs a reality check
over 2 years ago anna posted that on her facebook page the other day; she went into more detail on her tumblr blog, it was pretty hot.
She lies
over 2 years ago

From your psych eval: "He was dressed casually and appropriately, although he was malodorous". Hahah, you smell so fucking bad, it's in official psych reports. Congrats.
I didn't smell anything
over 2 years ago

How many times a week do you eat fast food?
Not even necessarily ONCE a week. Lack of money. If it were up to me though I'd hit McDonald's daily.
over 2 years ago

When was the last time you took a shower?
I dunno. I stand in front of the sink and soap-water myself up plenty though. I just don't like getting in the tub. I feel endangered in there.
over 2 years ago

Speaking of Maddi, I like how she posted a comment on your deviantart page about her hating you even more than she did before because of your stupid fucking Hitler pic. I can't wait until you make Jessa hate you! I'm pretty sure Thom doesn't actually like you, either.
I love that the nice, forgiving, non-judgmental people are hated by all. That's super
over 2 years ago

RE: Anna/You being a virgin: Then why do you ask? You beg Jessa at least once a week and post sexual stuff about Maddi all the time.
I dunno man, I like sex in the butt. Welcome to the Nick
over 2 years ago

RE: Anna being a virgin - You are dumb. I mean, why is it okay for you to have sex but not Anna? It's a double standard and chauvinist, both things Anna hates!
It's not ok for me either actually
almost 3 years ago

You left out the parts about Maddie, the "visions from god," and how your step dad thinks you molested Amber when you took your psych eval. It's pretty obvious you're smart and self-aware enough to lie to the right people in order to to protect yourself.
My therapist knows everything but apparently the person who did my eval didn't read her notes or something. It bugged me that a lot of stuff was false or left oot too... and my therapist questions the accuracy as well. She said she wished the evaluator had been more thorogh
almost 3 years ago

Are you scared of the dark?
almost 3 years ago

Who are your favorite cartoon characters and why?
Family Guy: Quagmire, Herbert. Bonus Stage: Craig, Mr. Malice, Slim. Sooth Park: Butters, Tweek, Kenny.
I watch many cartoons but for some reason I'm blanking on shows and characters. In general though I like secondary characters who have a gimmick
almost 3 years ago

genuinely nick. what gives you the idea that a chick in her young 20s with poor impulse control ADHD several boyfriends and a fascination with sex would NOT have sex? bipolar girls are easy as fuck.
She just didn't ugh I'm tired of this subject
almost 3 years ago

What makes you worry?
Like everything. I'm p paranoid in general. Mostly I worry aboot bad things happening to my wife.
almost 3 years ago

Anna's changed a lot since 2008. So have I. So has pretty much everyone except you (well that's not true, you have, for the worse)
Well stop. Everyone's gotten worse exceot me and Thom, who have gotten better.
almost 3 years ago

Lol, Anna does have a life, she goes out and does stuff with irl kinda often (homestuck meetups, college buddies, ect). It's funny how much you don't know about Anna anymore.
>>>homestuck meetups
That's basically what I said
almost 3 years ago

I don't know you...and I'm anonymous. I would have nothing to gain in lying to you. I don't hate you, and I'm not trying to make you upset with this information. even Jessa knows! If you don't believe her then I don't know who or what would make you see what is truth & doesn't affect you in any way
It's believed that either Anna lied to Jessa or Jessa is lying to me while cleverly juxtaposing it with truths and niceness
almost 3 years ago

what do you think Anna has been doing this whole time while not talking to you for five years?
Mostly the same stuff. Fandom. Fanfics and such.
The only real new thing was going to college. Ugh, college...
almost 3 years ago

...and if you DO think she'd lie about having sex just to get you to leave the fuck alone, that says a LOT more about you than it does her.
See previous answer
almost 3 years ago

I don't get why you think Anna would lie about having sex. Her life doesn't revolve around you as much as you think it does. She actually HAS a life while you sit around festering in your own shit and semen.
She really doesn't
But anyway she wants me to be miserable and/or she thinks I won't want to marry her anymore
almost 3 years ago

But you have? You've admitted to it via many chats, one specifically being with Anna. You make your attraction towards little girls very well known and you make no attempt to hide it, so why lie? Do I really have to dig up chatlogs of such? - So again, why haven't you been imprisoned?
I like children but I never did any irl. I just visualize. I said many times that I lied in those IMs. I was just talking to friends and didn't know I was gonna get dox'd
I also said many times that the chatlog in question is widely believed to be with the wrong Anna. It was witha different unrelated Anna, not the one I'm in love with. Why has nobody STILL corected that mistake?
almost 3 years ago

If Anna said she'd marry you if you fuck her pussy, would you do it?
That's disgusting but yeah I'd do it, reluctantly and I wouldn't like it
almost 3 years ago

Too bad you and Anna won't ever actually be together. I can't wait until the day you finally give up, it's gonna be hilarious.
We'll be together and I won't give up
almost 3 years ago

Why haven't you been imprisoned for molesting a child?
Because I never molested a child?
almost 3 years ago

If that's how you really think, well, I hope you like having a sad shitty life being alone because that isn't changing anytime soon. I'm in year six of my awesome relationship and we haven't even had our first argument yet, so I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about.
Once me and teh Ann0rz are together we won't argue either. It's really not that hard a feat, just don't be self-centered and want your own way all the time.
almost 3 years ago

Again, IT FUCKING DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK. It only matters what SHE thinks, and I'd bet she would think that what you said was rude and insulting. If you can't comprehend this, there is no fucking way anybody would be in a relationship with you for more than a day.
That's ridiculous. People call me retarded all the time but I take it as a compliment because I like retarded people more than smart people. Therefore when I say my wife's stupid I'm putting her above crappy smart people just like I do with myself.
almost 3 years ago

But you've said you want to buttfuck people who aren't your type?
Well yeah I'll still do peeps as long as they meet the MAIN requirements
It's hard to explain
almost 3 years ago

It doesn't matter if you specify it or not, they are still insulting. Jesus, you are too fucking stupid to ever even be in a relationship, man.
But I LIKE those things aboot her. They are POSITIVE things. I don't like people who're intelligent, objectively hot, talented/capable, etc.
almost 3 years ago

I'm a girl. Do you want to put it in my arse?
I dunno I have very specific tastes that nobody I've ever met has matched. Maddi and Anna P. are pretty close but
almost 3 years ago

Well then, you are even dumber than I ever thought you could be. No girl in the WORLD would ever think those things are complements. It just makes her hate you more. Everything thing you do makes her hate you more!
Um if I SPECIFY that they're compliments
almost 3 years ago

I'm a douche? Haha, little kid, you are trying to make Anna love you even though you called her smelly, dumb, fat, ugly, and other horrible insults. I've made sure she knows what you've said about her. She will never love you.
They're not meant as insults. I LIKE those traits of hers.
almost 3 years ago

Here's a psychic vision from me: You are never going to meet Anna. You are never going to talk to Anna again. You will die sad and alone.
That's not psychic you're just being a douche
almost 3 years ago

More self delusion. Your life is so boring that it isn't hard to predict what happens in your day-to-day life. Psychic visions aren't real. There is zero scientific evidence that supports your stupid claims.
The things I predict are specific and couldn't be guessed randomly
almost 3 years ago

Nobody who really knows you believed you when you said you had sex. Nobody who really knows you believed you when you said you had a girlfriend. People who know you knows that that will never happen.
They believed it. The one dude I told held back from calling cops on me ONLY because of the shittiness of the U.S. jails
almost 3 years ago

You don't have psychic visions. Nobody does. It's made up. You are lying to yourself. Making up bullshit like that is a part of having schizotypal personality disorder. It's a symptom. You are lying to yourself.
I've had tons of my visions come true already.
almost 3 years ago

Why would have Hitler liked you? You are an ugly, fat smelly man-child who is too afraid to live on their own, plus you don't do anything but take money from the government. Hitler would have killed you without hesitation.
We both like anal and scat. Maybe we could've double-teamed Ava Broon up her butt.
almost 3 years ago

I have talked to Anna directly. There is no way she could make some stuff up. She has had sex. You are lying to yourself to make the truth not hurt, but sorry.
Yes she can. Remember when I said I had sex? Remember hoo detailed it was? People still believe it even though I admitted I lied.
almost 3 years ago

Nah, I'm not! You are. You aren't some sort of magical oracle, you are a pathetic scaredy-cat little baby who is too afraid to grow up! No one will ever love you. Your family sure as fuck doesn't.
No, I actually do have psychic visions a lot which later come true.
My b-family, you mean? Well duh. I don't care. They suck.
almost 3 years ago

Hitler also hated people with mental problems so he would have put you in a camp without even thinking about it.
Nah I think he would've liked me
almost 3 years ago

Nobody is ever going to love you, and that is funny. I am laughing over here! Haha! Anna, who has had sex before (I can confirm it, I have an inside source) will never talk to you again! Haha!
Your inside source is a liar. Or Anna lied to THEM. It's unclear which but SOMEONE over there is lying
almost 3 years ago

Anna and her ex had sex doggystyle, so you know. His penis thrusted in and out of her vagina until he came. She can get pretty loud while having sex, apparently ;)
They never had sex at all. You're misinformed, kid.
almost 3 years ago

You are fucking dumb. I meant every person he killed was a mistake. The dude has over 11 million mistakes.
It was all one action on his part though. "Hey minions, do the final solution"
almost 3 years ago

What is your obsession with Hitler about? He was a terrible human being in every sense.
IMO, he gets a bad rap. He made ONE mistake. Like nobody else ever messed up before! If you ignore the Holocaust, Hitler was really cool. He had that awesome mustache, hairstyle, salute and accompanying catchprase, he popularized the swastika which is a cool symbol, he liked anal and scat... In a way I kinda feel like me and Hitler are kindred souls. No homo.
almost 3 years ago

The mailbox stands in front of your home, however you do not recognize it, but somehow know it to be yours. You think you came out to check your mail.
I... check it, I guess? I don't get this
almost 3 years ago

dude you aint gonna get any bitches with that beard - shave it and get some chances man. and how often do you talk to maddi? hows she been doing lately?
I've been wanting to for a while but I can't figure oot hoo to.
I haven't spoken with her in a while. She seems to have mysteriosusly stopped liking me. I dunno why. I still consider her my BFF though. I hope she likes me again. I also wanna stick it in her pooper.
almost 3 years ago

What was your first mobile phone?
A really crappy prepaid phone seemingly designed to eat your money. Minutes are expensive, and then it screws you oot of them. For example if it fails to send or receive a text, it still charges you AGAIN for EVERY ATTEMPT to send/receive the same text. Also, the maker disabled USB connectivity so the only way to get YOUR OWN photos is to email them to yourself and then check your email on a computer. And guess what? Attaching photos eats up your minutes. I noo have a different phone but it's the same story again. Sigh.
almost 3 years ago

You are standing outside. There is a mailbox. What do you do?
Huh? What do you mean? Is it MY mailbox? I check my mail sometimes.
almost 3 years ago

Why do you like young girls so much?
In general they are more physically attractive, have better personalities, are nicer, have better hobbies/interests, etc
almost 3 years ago

i want to destroy everything that you love. i hate you so much.
What did I ever do to you
almost 3 years ago

Also I have a friend who lives in the same county as you do. I could ask him the name of a safe dentist who absolutely doesn't hurt ppl. I know it's scary as hell but I also think it would be very sad if you died of an infection before ever seeing Canada for real. On your side here bro!
Man I got a lot of questions aboot Canada today
almost 3 years ago

Sorry. Hit enter when I didn't mean to. 1. Dentists who touch ANY part of a patient below the neck would GET CAUGHT and go to jail. 2. Also, the mouth has blood vessels that can carry infection to the brain. You don't want to die before meeting Anna, Maddi, or Jessa in real life right?
I'm not worried aboot getting raped (that would be nice actually), I'm more concerned with someone who has sharp and blunt objects being in my mooth where my throat is. I do not leave my throat unguarded. You online people would have no way to know this but even when I drink and it's empty enough I have to throw my head back to get the rest in my mooth, I use my other arm to cover my neck. I'm pretty paranoid and take all possible precautions to all possible scenarios.
almost 3 years ago

looks like NCF really owned you this time
I don't know what that is. Soonds like a title in wrestling
almost 3 years ago

"The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) yielded an invalid profile based on Nick's endorsement of far more symptoms than would be typical even for an individual being treated on an inpatient psychiatric unit." They know that you have exaggerated everything, you fat fuck.
I told the truth aboot everything. The person who gave the test said it just means I have more mental illnesses than mentally ill people are expected to have. We all kinda knew that already.
almost 3 years ago

Have you played Minecraft before? How would you feel about mining in Quebec?
I have not played it. Is it like mining in Runescape? 'Cause that's fun. 'Cept when someone gets the ore before you and then you have to find another rock.
almost 3 years ago

As someone who lives in Canada, I can say that you wouldn't want to live here. For one it's Cold, Two, our government is Corrupt as hell. And Three, there's nothing to really see here, there's mostly trees and thats about it. So my question is, Why would you want to live in Canada?
For the last time Jessa I just like it
almost 3 years ago

Just posted a link to your psych eval on your ed page :) Also good job about lying about not being a virgin!
What? I didn't lie aboot anything.
almost 3 years ago

You wouldn't be alone in a room with the dentist. They usually need at least one assistant, who is often female if that helps. Also dentists know people get anxious about them, and you would probably be allowed to meet them before undergoing any treatment. They do want anxious ppl to be comfortable.
But assuming they have the same assistant(s) a lot they would become friends and they wouldn't stop the dentist from doing stuff to me
almost 3 years ago

But the psych eval does recommend "residential placement," meaning something like a group home. Your answer to the stovetop fire question was part of that. Also there's a thing called "sedation dentistry." You can be sedated while they work on you and just wake up afterwards.
We talked aboot the results afterward and the thing I said is what they signed me up for, so
Also being alone in a room unconsciouus with a stranger? No thx
almost 3 years ago

did you release your psyche evaluation to the public? it made its way over here: oh and if you get committed to inpatient treatment how will you ever find anna?
No, I didn't. But oh well. Also the thing is only 8 hoors a day for 2 days a week. It's not an actual hospitalization like you're thinking of
almost 3 years ago

What’s your favorite seafood?
Fried shrimp.
almost 3 years ago

When you dance, you look like…?
someone having a seizure
almost 3 years ago

How much money have you spent today and on what?
Zero dollars because withoot an income I can't afford to buy things
almost 3 years ago

Let's say hypothetically that I had sex with Anna myself. What sort of bad things would happen to her as a result? Or in other words, why is it so imperative that "Things" don't occur? You have vaguely stated that it would be "bad", butt never really said why.
For reals man, I seriously have no idea WHY it can't happen, I just know it can't
almost 3 years ago

Why is it so important that Anna has to be a virgin?
I actually don't even know, she just does
almost 3 years ago

How often do you draw?
Not much anymore. I did every day in school during doontime because there was nothing else to do but noo that I'm always home I have alternatives.
almost 3 years ago

You say you love her. I don't believe that. You've mentioned that she is a really awful person, but you'll fix her after you marry. Loving someone meaning loving everything about them, and never wanting them to change.
Dude I know, I'm the one who says that ALL THE TIME. I love all of her, even the bad stuff. I just don't LIKE it. They're different
almost 3 years ago

You say God meant for you and Anna to be together. How the FUCK do you know that? Are you some divine prophet who can communicate with God? Are you really that holy and saintly?
almost 3 years ago

What's the likelihood of you killing someone someday? You say you have fantasies about it, so what's the actual chance? I don't think I'd be massively surprised.
My therapist says my social anxiety is a buffer preventing me from doing so. Although I guess that's sorta obvious; if I can't be aroond peeps obviously I can't murder
almost 3 years ago

so looking back now that you know anna's kinda been a slut (bipolar girls dont tend to hold onto their virginity) don't you kinda feel stupid for all the destiny BS?
Actually she's never done anything sexual, why does everyone think she did
almost 3 years ago

Canada has a lot of problems, similar to America. If you really think one is better than the other it just shows how ignorant you are. Also, not everybody in Canada is nice, that's a stereotype and can be offensive to some.
Duh, everywhere has problems but it has way less than the U.S.
almost 3 years ago

Hey asshole, answer your questions!
Hey asshole, I didn't have Internet access for a while. Try reading my Twitter.
almost 3 years ago

You know you aren't going to live very long, right? You don't take care of yourself at all.
Hoo do you figure? I eat all the food groups and masturbate every couple days.
about 3 years ago

How do you define femininity? Would you want to be with a woman trapped in a man's body?
I actually don't believe in femininity or mascuinity. Gender roles are a ridiculous concept. Males can like soap operas and baking and stuff and females can like sports and whatever else is sterotypically atributed to males. I really only know of that one example.
about 3 years ago

You don't know what hypothetical means.
Yes I do. Jessa explained it to me a few weeks ago.
about 3 years ago

going back to the question where someone fell in love with you, imagine its not anna, someone you dont know who isnt pretty and doesnt even like tmbg keeps saying those things, that you two should be together forever because God says so. how would you feel?
Oh, okay. Yeah not liking TMBG is a dealbreaker. But really dealbreakers don't exist because you can't choose who to love and stuff you have in common is irrelevant. So really it just comes doon to if you're supposed to be together, like me and Anna. I'm assuming in this hypothetical this person's claims that we're fated to be together are corect, yes? If so then I mean... you can't fight fate. That's kinda the whole point of fate.
about 3 years ago

Whose name were you told not to say? Is someone infringing on your freedom of speech?
Well some of my friends stay oot of all the Anna stuff so I avoid alerting trolls to their existence
about 3 years ago

"Every one of those sentences is inaccurate" so anna isnt cute?
I've come to terms with the fact that just because I like her appearance doesn't mean other people do. I've shown photos of her to many friends, acquaintances, enemies, Anna's friends, my b-family, the other kids and staff in high school, and posted them on websites where I don't even know anyone and I only ever got one positive comment and it seemed like he was just being nice. So when I call Anna hot I always specify "subjectively hot" as I seem to be the only one who thinks so.
about 3 years ago

Do you smile at strangers?
I don't smile in general. I never figured oot hoo to. The closest I can get is that face I make in photos.
about 3 years ago

You said you wished your cryokinesis was on by default, can you not use it sometimes?
I have to focus to use it, and lord knows that never lasts long. I can't control my thoughts so I'll be trying to do something but then suddenly other stuff pops up in my head against my will like Anna N., TMBG, fantasies of me killing people which I should probably get my dosage increased for, etc.
about 3 years ago

You said if Anna had a penis, you'd still want to be with her. Does this mean you're pansexual?
I don't believe genitalia has anything to do with sexual orientation. I like females but hate vaginas. I don't like males but would like females who have penises.
about 3 years ago

picture yourself being friends with a girl who fell in love with you, but you didn't feel the same. she got persistent so you block her. years later she's still talking about fucking you in the ass with a dildo and claiming that you're going to be married because "God said so." how would you feel?
That would be awesome. If it was Anna doing that stuff we wouldn't have all that bullshit going on. We'd be married already.
about 3 years ago

What if Anna doesn't like anal?
Supposedly she doesn't even though she has no way of knowing what it's like. She put stuff in there all the time back when we were friends but that's hardly the same. Anyway, she'll like it once I show her hoo great it is firsthand. inb4 rape; she'll consent
about 3 years ago

why do you find vaginas repulsive?
I dunno, just do. They're gross and I gag when I see them.
about 3 years ago

Why don't you believe in rehab?
People should be allooed to do drugs as long as they aren't hurting anybody.
about 3 years ago

Are you outgoing or shy?
VERY shy. I have severe social anxiety and can't go anywhere or do anything withoot someone I know.
about 3 years ago

have you perchance thought about mentioning the whole 'kids can consent' thing to your therapist?
Not yet but I guess noo I will
about 3 years ago

Homeless people who are married aren't happy, who the fuck told you homeless people who were married are happy?
ANYONE who's with their soulmate is happy
about 3 years ago

What's your stance on drugs?
I'm okay with them. I used to smoke marijuana years back. I want to again someday but I can't go ootside to find dealers. :(
about 3 years ago

How can you really think you are a good person? You aren't.
I am. You've never met me in person so like
about 3 years ago

Piracy is a civil issue and marijuana does not involve hurting others. Do you honestly think the police would look lightly at child molestation?
Consentual sex acts aren't hurting anyone either.
about 3 years ago

how could you fellate someone if you gag when anything goes in your mouth? at least keep your torrent of bullshit consistent.
Food and penises are the exceptions obviously
about 3 years ago

Yet you can eat your own weight in McDonald's all the fucking time. Grow up.
Stop trashing McDonald's. It's the best restaurant.
about 3 years ago

Anna is not going to change her mind about you, ever. The only way she would ever love you is if YOU changed and became a better person, but I really don't see that happening.
I'm already one of the BEST people there is but nobody seems to realize this
about 3 years ago

If Anna got a sex change, would you still want her?
Yes and that'd be kinda cool because then I could fellate her but I want biological children so fffffff
about 3 years ago

Bad oral hygiene is not genetically controlled. It's called laziness.
My b-mum has two teeth left and my b-dad's teeth basicaly look like mine soooo
about 3 years ago

Even if a child consents to sex, it's still illegal. I really hope the authorities see these posts. I may have to alert them myself.
Yeah well pot and piracy are illegal too but they're stupid laws so people do them anyway
about 3 years ago

Anna only loves men with a full set of teeth.
You can't choose who to love. I'm disgusted by piercings and Anna has some but I love her anyway.
about 3 years ago

You do understand that your nasty gross mouth is one reason Anna would never come 100 miles around you? Who the fuck would want to kiss you?
Yeah ok because kissing so clearly involves teeth and not lips
about 3 years ago

Could you not just go to the dentist? it's expensive but it's not like you're gonna be paying for 
yourself anyway. Come along Nick, you can't blame genetics for you being a lazy cunt. Teeth as bad as yours have nothing to do with genes. How often do you even brush them?
I can't go to a dentist because I gag when stuff's in my mooth
Also idk sometimes but it's too late anyway so pfft
about 3 years ago

With you admitting to want to molest Anna and molesting your sister, the police can bring you in just based on your statements.
I didn't molest my sister and also with Anna I said IF SHE CONSENTS
about 3 years ago

When Anna gets married to someone else, I hope you finally grow the fuck up. Oh, and people tend to have sex when they're married. It doesn't matter though because Anna isn't a virgin.
A) she won't B) not necessarily C) yes she is.
about 3 years ago

There's a pretty easy way to stop your teeth getting fucked up. It's called 'proper oral hygeine' and I have no idea why you're so against it.
Well it's sorta too late. Plus bad teeth is in my genes so it's inevitable anyway
about 3 years ago

Bill Gates does go outside, moron. He does a ton of charity work in Africa.
I'm pretty sure he lives in the U.S., not Africa.
about 3 years ago

Being with you would not make Anna happy.
Yes it would, to the max. You peeps don't know anything aboot me and my positive attributes.
about 3 years ago

Anna is pretty cute and you are fucking disgusting. She could find somebody that's both attractive and not mentally unstable to make her happy. Anybody can give her what you say you would give her. You aren't special. You suck. You'd make a shitty boyfriend.
Every one of those sentences is inaccurate. Congrats
about 3 years ago

Why are you actively trying to fuck your teeth up?
I'm not, it's unintentional
about 3 years ago

What’s on your mind?
My wife Anna Nickel, TMBG, Adventure Time...
about 3 years ago

Do you have any strange phobias?
Oh, so many. The most well-known being bathing (ablutophobia) and also there's three numbers I'm afraid of
about 3 years ago

If Anna was a child, would you molest her?
Only with her consent, which would make it not molestation anyway so no
But yeah if Li'l Anna consented I would tear dat ass up which I assume was really your point
about 3 years ago

Anna wants nothing to do with you. Letting her go would make her happy. Why can't you let her go?
Actually us being together is the only way she'll be happy soooo
about 3 years ago

How often do you shower/bathe?
I dunno it's random
My therapist suggested thrice a week but I haven't been able to make that yet
about 3 years ago

If God asked you to give up on Anna, would you? Keep in mind, your main argument for being with Anna is because God said so.
Yeah but He won't because He already decided we're getting married and He doesn't change His mind except that one time at sodom and gonorrhea
about 3 years ago

God told me that Anna and you will never marry.
No he didn't.
about 3 years ago

How can you justify your love for Anna with the same biblical logic that prohibits wearing clothes made from more than one type of material (Leviticus 19:19)? How devoutly religious are you?
Haha that's funny because I only like cotton anyway
about 3 years ago

Even if Anna agrees to marry you, how do plan on paying to do so? Even getting a marriage license costs money for processing.
I don't know man me and anna'll have to discuss hoo to obtain money once we're together, maybe some illegal way idk I hear criminal activity pays a lot
about 3 years ago

If Anna got married to someone else, what would your reaction be?
That's actually not a big concern as long as Things don't happen because divorce exists
about 3 years ago

What is your opinion on child sex laws?
Oh lord no not doing this one
about 3 years ago

Why have you not shown up at Anna's house yet?
Because I can't go places alone and nobody'll take me there.
about 3 years ago

But you haven't talked to Anna in would you know if she's still the same? (SPOILER: she's not)
I still read her blogs and stuff. She's still the same.
about 3 years ago

If you could have any wild animal as a pet what would it be?
Probably an axolotl or mudskipper or something like that because Mudkip
about 3 years ago

How many teeth do you have?
Hm... I think they're technically all still there, but a few broke in half and/or rotted almost completely. So whatever the default number of teeth is, let's subtract like five or so.
about 3 years ago

Do you have any idea what Anna is like these days or what she does?
She's p much still the same.
about 3 years ago

Who is the smartest person you know?
My mentor/father-figure Thom. He's not U.S.ian so he's already intelligent but then apparently he's also even smarter than most OTHER non-U.S.ites.
about 3 years ago

How often do you listen to the radio? What is your favorite radio station?
I never listen to the radio as I stick to 17 artists of various genres
about 3 years ago

What is your favorite word?
about 3 years ago

You are a grey, soulless blob.
about 3 years ago

Do you not realize that a good majority of universities are not alcohol and party centered? Why is it that people with Down's syndrome are able to go to college, but you can't try? Down's syndrome afflicted people have it worse than you.
Um Down's syndrome people can be aroond people
about 3 years ago

actually, money is INCREDIBLY important in a relationship. otherwise you and your "wife and kids" will end up on the street starving. "love" won't get you anywhere.
Homeless people who're married are perfectly happy. Anyway we'll figure oot what to do for money
about 3 years ago

you do realize that most people that are together don't hate each other at first and need five years and some ridiculous "plan" in order to get together? your life is not a fucking TV show
you do realize that everyone's different and not just grey soulless blobs?
about 3 years ago

Aside from emotions and feelings, what do you have to offer Anna? Why are men who have jobs and intelligence no match for you?
Emotions and feelings are way more important than money
about 3 years ago

What if God told Anna that she was fated for another? Or are you always right no matter what?
God already decided she's fated for me
about 3 years ago

Why aren't you in college like most people your age? Plenty of people with serious mental illness are at least doing something with their lives.
I can't be aroond other people, I have no need for a diploma, I don't want to be intelligent, I find the college lifestyle of casual sex and alcohol parties appalling, nobody can ever pay back student loans, all the tests are too difficult and stressful, it takes up all your free time, I would be bullied again, etc. I will never go to college ever. It's the stupidest choice anyone can make.
about 3 years ago

Why do you purposely ignore questions?
No they're just coming in quicker than I can answer
about 3 years ago

soo yoou need help thinking oof ways too "get" anna but yoou think oonce yoou "get" her she will stick aroound
Yes keeping her will be the easy part because she'll be happy with me once she actually "gets" me and what I'm all aboot and what I can do for her
about 3 years ago

why doo yoou call yoourself the nick you are noot the oonly nick
It's like the Todd from Scrubs. I adapt lots of weird things from my Obsessions into real life. See hoo many you can figure oot!
about 3 years ago

Why don't you realize that you will never have Anna?
I will have her. I will have the crap oot of her. Or rather she'll have me, as she's the dominant one as per AnnaxThe Nick, not the NickxAnna.
about 3 years ago

are you gay or straight
I like females. Whether I'm gay or straight depends on your philosophies aboot transsexuals. I guess I'm a lesbian idk
about 3 years ago
oo yoou just sit there and hoope it will happen instead oof actually taking any kind oof actioon're still not... you only do it with o-u and o-w soonds... Anyway, I try stuff when I think of it but like my ideas suck and I need help.
about 3 years ago

yoove had loots of time hoow much moore doo yoou need
You are doing it wrong. Also idk, I only know it will happen I don't know WHEN it'll happen. I sure hope it's soon though there's so much I need to do with her and life is so short. Also I don't wanna miss any more of her life. I'm already distressed I missed her entire childhood, especially the prepubescent years. I bet she was a really cute little girl.
about 3 years ago

if its not impossible why havent you done it
It takes time
about 3 years ago

exactly how can you achieve things if instead of pursuing things worth doing you spend your time trying to do the impossible
's not impossible man
about 3 years ago

no but you still go after anna even though she doesnt want you
Well yeah I mean hoo can I achieve things if I don't pursue them
about 3 years ago

when talking about the ice king i meant you had the ice kings social traits like you offend people and apparently dont understand that kidnapping princesses is wrong
I don't think I offend people... and I ~know~ I don't kidnap princesses or people in general even
about 3 years ago

What's your favorite flavor of bubble gum?
about 3 years ago

What are your favorite beverages?
All coffee products (cappuccino, latte, frap, iced, etc), Monster, pretty much all flavours of soda, all kinds of tea (especially chai).
about 3 years ago

What's on your to-do list this weekend?
My weekends are no different from my weekdays. If Friday coonts, that's my therapy day though.
about 3 years ago

do you even lift?
No. Apparently I can't. In high school my special ed class went to do this "maxing oot" thing once where we kept adding more weight to the barbell until we find our limit but I couldn't lift the bar itself with no weights on it.
about 3 years ago

do you realize that you are basically the ice king
Actually I became cryokinetic long before Adventure Time. Check my old wiki, dA drawings, etc from my childhood
about 3 years ago

if you dont like sexual assault why do you stalk anna
I don't
about 3 years ago

given that anna n has had sex how can you possibly expect her to have her first time with you
She hasn't though. It's a thing she and probably her friends say to upset me
about 3 years ago

What is your favourite TV show?
Hm... I don't think I can narrow it doon to one. My current Obsession changes every week or so. I believe the top couple are Adventure Time, The Office, Scrubs, American Dad! and Family Guy.
about 3 years ago

Why do you still talk about people that hate you and want nothing to do with you?
Uh if you mean Maddi and Jessa they're my best friends
about 3 years ago

How come you have such double standards for Anna and you? You get to "have sex" with your fake girlfriend, but you won't believe that she's actually had sex and don't allow her to? Why are you so controlling?
I don't. I'm not supposed to do sexual stuff either.
about 3 years ago

If Maddi asked you out would you give up on Anna and marry Maddi instead?
No, that did happen twice. We dated but I still loved Anna. Maddi knew though, she was ok with it
about 3 years ago

If you could have sex with anyone in the world besides Anna who would it be?
Maddi. She's sexy as hell.
about 3 years ago

What is the best movie you have ever seen?
Mallrats. I have adapted Brodie's Dixie cup wielding into real life. Also the stinkpalm
about 3 years ago

What is the thing you hate the most?
Sexual assault. I can never read or watch news because there's always some going on and it freaks me oot.
about 3 years ago

Like I said before, I am Anna's current boyfriend. How do you feel about me fucking her two to three times per week?
You're not and you never will.
about 3 years ago

If she hasn't dated you in 10 years what then?
It HAS been almost 10 years. I'll just keep trying until one of us dies and then resume trying when the other dies and we meet up in Heaven. I'd prefer it not take that long though. I want kids and I don't know if you can procreate in Heaven. No idea hoo that works.
about 3 years ago

Why are you not allowed to be alone with your sister?
I don't even know. Every time we both go into the next room to watch TV or whatever somone's like AMBER GET BACK WHERE WE CAN SEE YOU. My b-fam are dicks.
about 3 years ago

You're getting older mate. And Anna's recently changed her Facebook status to being in a relationship with another boy. She's not coming back and you have to move on
Eh she's had other boyfriends before. Never lasts long
about 3 years ago

What do you like watching the most on television?
Adventure Time.
about 3 years ago

Is anyone going to ask you a legitimate question?
Good question. Probably once my friends discover I have this
about 3 years ago

Why did your family deny you access to your sister?
What? They don't, I'm just not alloed at their hoose I still see her all the time in other places
about 3 years ago

What will you do for money when your family leaves you or dies? Knowing that your art is worthless, will you get a job? How do you feel about the fact that you will never be able to do better than welfare wages?
What? It's a Flash series, it's SUPPOSED to be cartoony and not like anime style or anything. Does anyone have any questions that aren't just insults?
about 3 years ago

Why did you claim to molest your sister? Why did you not deny the allegations until the potential of police involvement was brought up?
Uhh I've been denying it since always. It didn't happen. Stop.
about 3 years ago

Why did your family not report you for molesting your sister?
Uh because I DIDN'T molest my sister? What is wrong with you people
about 3 years ago

How bad do you smell? I bet it's pretty bad.
I smell really good actually. Literally like a cold cut sub if you stash it in the fridge overnight.
about 3 years ago

Anna will never love you. How does that feel?
yes she will. Shut up troll
about 3 years ago

How jealous are you that I get to fuck Anna every day? -Her boyfriend
Well you actually don't ever and nobody ever has or will so uh not at all
about 3 years ago

What time do you usually wake up in the morning?
For most of my life I'd sleep and wake up completely randomly. Sometimes I'm awake at night and asleep in the day, sometimes the opposite. Whatever I felt like doing. But lately I have to get up at like 07:00 to get ready for my therapy appointments and stuff.
about 3 years ago

How do you like to celebrate your birthday?
The standard way. My loved ones gather, we eat food of my choice (McDonald's), cake, and I open my gifts. Sadly I've never had any loved ones attend my b-days yet. Just my stupid b-family.
about 3 years ago

If you could go on a roadtrip with any person, who would you choose and where would you go?
Assuming my wifey doesn't coont, I guess I'd go somewhere with my bff Maddi. Maybe like Japan. She likes Japan.
about 3 years ago

Love or Hate?
Love, of course. I'm quite a romantic. They call me the Bard of Love sometimes, even. My love for my wifey knows no boonds!
about 3 years ago
Ask @NickBate:

What, when, why…ask

Ask anonymously
About Nick L. Nickel:
I have autism and say stuff I shouldn't. Working on this in therapy. I also love this one girl and am on a quest for reciprocation.
In my heart, Canada.

The Link

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