Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Sunday, April 9, 2006

Anna and Nick Chatlog

hagurumon41: Hey.
shippinator_mandy: Haldo.
hagurumon41: Hi there.
hagurumon41: Guess what I might be doing Thursday?
shippinator_mandy: Meeting Myrrh?
hagurumon41: Uh... yeah.
hagurumon41: How did you know? Are you psychic?!
hagurumon41: I swear, that wasn't you! That was... some person I just made up!
shippinator_mandy: You talk aboot it a lot.
shippinator_mandy: Does she know?
hagurumon41: Yeah, we kinda just made the plans.
shippinator_mandy: Ah.
hagurumon41: Like, a couple minutes ago.
shippinator_mandy: Well, have fun.
shippinator_mandy: AND TAKE PICTURES.
hagurumon41: Ah, good idea.
hagurumon41: NEKKID PICTURES?!?!?!
shippinator_mandy: No.
shippinator_mandy: Just pictures of you two hanging out.
shippinator_mandy: Then I'll be more comfortable aboot the idea of meeting up someday.
shippinator_mandy: SOMEDAY.
shippinator_mandy: Like, in the future.
hagurumon41: Okay. Can we hang out nekkid?
shippinator_mandy: No.
hagurumon41: Oh. Okay then.
shippinator_mandy: The semi-distant, when we're in our late teens...
hagurumon41: : (
hagurumon41: Ummm... okay then...
shippinator_mandy: At very least, 16. We don't have a lot of interesting places in my
immediate vicinity.
hagurumon41: Heh.
shippinator_mandy: And when I'm 16, I can drive.
shippinator_mandy: And I'll be older and stuff.
hagurumon41: Well, I never wanna drive. Ever.
shippinator_mandy: Then how the fuck would we meet up?!
shippinator_mandy: I live on the other side of the fuckin' country!
hagurumon41: Ummm... somebody could bring... me...
hagurumon41: Like... my aunt... or Dad... or something...
shippinator_mandy: bbl, dinner
hagurumon41: K.
shippinator_mandy: Back.
hagurumon41: Hi.
hagurumon41: Wow, 40 minutes? Usually my dinners only take like, five minutes or less.
shippinator_mandy: We went out.
shippinator_mandy: Our dinners at home are shorter. Like, 5 minutes.
hagurumon41: Oh.
hagurumon41: Ah, I see.
hagurumon41: So... 'sup?
shippinator_mandy: Not much.
hagurumon41: ...Buick. *gets kicked* OW. ...Okay, that was fun.
shippinator_mandy: Yay!
hagurumon41: ..."yay"?
shippinator_mandy: Yay for fun!
hagurumon41: Uh... alright then. Jessica's still hot.
shippinator_mandy: Then why do you keep talking aboot Rya buttseckz?
hagurumon41: Uh... because I can? Also, I talk aboot Jessica buttseckz sometimes.
shippinator_mandy: Okay.
shippinator_mandy: Anyway.
shippinator_mandy: Y'know the sexy/cute/pretty question?
hagurumon41: Yeah.
shippinator_mandy: Well, now, answer it aboot the Bonus Stage girls. And Jessica may only be used
shippinator_mandy: ONCE.
hagurumon41: Fuck...
hagurumon41: Ummm...
hagurumon41: Jessica, Cassidy, Rya?
shippinator_mandy: Okay.
shippinator_mandy: I definitely agree aboot Casseh.
shippinator_mandy: She needs a hug.
shippinator_mandy: -hugs Cassadingdong-
hagurumon41: Is my prize buicking Jessica?
shippinator_mandy: Fine...
hagurumon41: YAY!
hagurumon41: And, um... who the fudge is "Mandica"? XDD
shippinator_mandy: Me and Jessica mixed somehow/
shippinator_mandy: .
shippinator_mandy: It's a very scary concept.
shippinator_mandy: FEAR IT.
hagurumon41: Wow.
hagurumon41: That's like... the hottest person ever.
hagurumon41: EVERRRRR
shippinator_mandy: But she would wreak havoc on teh universe.
hagurumon41: Yeah. She has guy magnet abilities.
shippinator_mandy: Heh.
shippinator_mandy: Where did I mention her?
shippinator_mandy: I forgot.
hagurumon41: Actually, they're more like... "guys' tongue magnets", and they're in her anus.
shippinator_mandy: No.
hagurumon41: Ummm... HMB. The ^>V game thing.
hagurumon41: Aww.
shippinator_mandy: Ah.
hagurumon41: *hug*
shippinator_mandy: -hug-
hagurumon41: *hug x2*
shippinator_mandy: -huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuug-
hagurumon41: *hug x3*
shippinator_mandy: Okay.
shippinator_mandy: -infinite hugs-
shippinator_mandy: THERE
hagurumon41: *nekkid hug*
hagurumon41: HUUUUUG!
hagurumon41: ... *gets kicked* OW< FUCK!
shippinator_mandy: I like the word "nekkid".
shippinator_mandy: It's funny-sounding.
hagurumon41: Heh.
hagurumon41: It's like... a redneck word.
hagurumon41: And it's mixed in with my fake Canadian accent, so...
shippinator_mandy: My dad used to joke aboot a website called "".
shippinator_mandy: No, it doesn't really exist.
hagurumon41: it porn?
shippinator_mandy: It was supposed to be, but it's not a real website.
hagurumon41: Aww.
hagurumon41: Man, it SHOULD be real.
hagurumon41: Whoa, what if like...
shippinator_mandy: No, you are NOT registering that domain name!
hagurumon41: I made that site... and everyone could post nekkid pictures of themselves!
shippinator_mandy: NO
hagurumon41: Oh. But I WANT to. : (
shippinator_mandy: I'm not posting nekkid pictures of myself.
hagurumon41: o____o
hagurumon41: I'd post nekkid pictures of ME.
shippinator_mandy: O_o
hagurumon41: What?
hagurumon41: Everyone needs to see nekkid Nick.
shippinator_mandy: I don't.
hagurumon41: ...oh. Well, everyone else does.
shippinator_mandy: No they don't.
hagurumon41: Umm... why? I want people to see me nekkid! >_<
shippinator_mandy: Why?!
hagurumon41: I dunno. So they'd give me critique.
shippinator_mandy: You're crazy.
hagurumon41: Yeah.
hagurumon41: I am.
hagurumon41: I still wish I could do it, though.
shippinator_mandy: I'M GETTING THE HOODIE 8D
hagurumon41: Cool!
shippinator_mandy: Look at it.
shippinator_mandy: It's hawt.
hagurumon41: A'ight.
hagurumon41: Whoa, cool.
shippinator_mandy: I heart it.
hagurumon41: Heh.
shippinator_mandy: I HEART THAT SHIRT!
hagurumon41: OMG.
shippinator_mandy: What?
hagurumon41: Thiggy's a goon.
hagurumon41: I mean...
hagurumon41: I dunno. You're cool, I guess.
shippinator_mandy: Yeah.
hagurumon41: Of course you are.
shippinator_mandy: Yes, I do rule.
shippinator_mandy: But now I must prepare glazed confections for the local church.
hagurumon41: This package... is not for... you...
shippinator_mandy: I've always thought that with a keen cybernetic eye for detail, one truth
will...possibly...I dunno.
hagurumon41: So wait, your innner monologue's male?
shippinator_mandy: My genesis is weird and disturbing.
hagurumon41: With Joel? I don't doubt it.
shippinator_mandy: Favorite character designs?
hagurumon41: Huh?
shippinator_mandy: Like, your favorite designs for the BS characters.
shippinator_mandy: I like Phil's most recent one. It's the hottest.
hagurumon41: Too bad Jessica never got a redesign.
hagurumon41: Yeah, all the new designs are pretty cool, really.
shippinator_mandy: Yeah.
shippinator_mandy: Well, Jessica kinda did...she lost that raised eyebrow thing.
shippinator_mandy: Which somehow made her less hot.
hagurumon41: The... wha?
shippinator_mandy: Well, she had that weird curved line above one eye.
hagurumon41: Oh. Well, that's just... uh... facial expression...
shippinator_mandy: But she always had it.
shippinator_mandy: And then it went away.
hagurumon41: Umm... okay... I'ma have to watch BS seasons 4-7 again.
hagurumon41: Thanks a friggin' lot, man. >_>
shippinator_mandy: You don't have to...
shippinator_mandy: Just watch First Cursh, then Depart's All Yours.
hagurumon41: Oh. Orrr... I could check out the wiki!
shippinator_mandy: Yeah.
shippinator_mandy: But it's not mentioned there.
hagurumon41: The wiki knows all.
hagurumon41: Yeah, but there's pictures.
shippinator_mandy: Yeah.
hagurumon41: So... when was it that the curved... line... thing... vanished?
shippinator_mandy: I don't know.
hagurumon41: 'Kaaay...
hagurumon41: Hmm... you're right.
shippinator_mandy: When did it vanish>
shippinator_mandy: ?
hagurumon41: Ummm... now THAT, I don't know.
shippinator_mandy: Where did you find the different pictures?
hagurumon41: Uh... I checked out a really, really, really, really, really, old version of the
BSWiki's characters page and compared it to the current one.
hagurumon41: Of course, I already knew the curved line used to be there, but I thought it was
only in the opening credits.
shippinator_mandy: Ah.
shippinator_mandy: No, it's always been there.
hagurumon41: Even in the actual episodes?
shippinator_mandy: Yeah.
hagurumon41: Wow.
hagurumon41: Dangit, Myrrh's trying to convince me to not do people again. >_>
hagurumon41: Well, I guess I need to check the episode pages, then.
shippinator_mandy: What's she saying?
hagurumon41: Well, she went to bed NOW.
hagurumon41: But she was telling me aboot all these sluts at her school, and stuff...
shippinator_mandy: Ah.
hagurumon41: And I was all, "AWESOME!", and she was all, "No. You're here to hang out with
me, not get laid."
hagurumon41: And I'm like, "But I want sex" and she's all, "No. You're too young", then the
battle began. Dun dun duuuuuun.
shippinator_mandy: Don't do her, Nick.
shippinator_mandy: She's really anti-sex.
shippinator_mandy: Even if she wasn't, I wouldn't like it.
shippinator_mandy: And I agree, you ARE too young. You're 14, for Groening's sake!
hagurumon41: I know that.
hagurumon41: And also, I was referring to doing those sluts at her school.
hagurumon41: Umm... 14 isn't young. At all.
hagurumon41: In my opinion, people can have sex whenever they want.
shippinator_mandy: Yeah, but that doesn't mean they should.
shippinator_mandy: Remember the risks.
shippinator_mandy: If you ARE gonna do it, wear a condom.
hagurumon41: I know, but I'm a perv.
hagurumon41: Umm.
hagurumon41: And also, I mean buicking and fellatio.
shippinator_mandy: Ah.
shippinator_mandy: Riiiiiiiiiight.
hagurumon41: So... now condom required.
hagurumon41: Also, I don't like condoms anyway.
shippinator_mandy: Still, if you have vaginal intercourse, you have to wear a condom.
hagurumon41: No condoms for Nick.
shippinator_mandy: STDs and all that. And pregnancy.
hagurumon41: Yeah, I know.
hagurumon41: But... I really don't care aboot vaginal sex...
shippinator_mandy: Any guy who won't use a condom during vaginal intercourse is an asshole.
That's my philosophy.
shippinator_mandy: I'd never fuck a guy who won't use a condom.
hagurumon41: Anal, however, is cool.
shippinator_mandy: You should still wear a condom for that. Like I said, STDs.
hagurumon41: O_O
hagurumon41: What, even after you're married?
hagurumon41: o___o
shippinator_mandy: No.
shippinator_mandy: If you're gonna get married, get tested.
shippinator_mandy: And tell your partner to get tested.
hagurumon41: Uhh... how?
hagurumon41: Dude, I friggin hate needles.
shippinator_mandy: Go to the doctor.
shippinator_mandy: But this is more important.
hagurumon41: No. Doctors freak me oot.
shippinator_mandy: Would you want to get some kinda terminal illness?
hagurumon41: Eh, I don't mind.
shippinator_mandy: Would you want your partner to get some kinda terminal illness?
shippinator_mandy: Do you wanna get HERPES?
hagurumon41: No.
hagurumon41: Eh, whatever.
shippinator_mandy: Herpes is, like, cold sores...on your genitalia...
hagurumon41: I know.
shippinator_mandy: And it's fucking important, Nick.
shippinator_mandy: If you think like this, I don't think you're mature enough to have secks.
hagurumon41: Uhhhh...
hagurumon41: But... I want to...
shippinator_mandy: That's not a good enough reason, I say.
shippinator_mandy: It takes responsibility.
hagurumon41: Yeah, but...
hagurumon41: o_O
hagurumon41: Umm...
shippinator_mandy: What?
hagurumon41: This... is weird.
hagurumon41: Uh, never mind.
hagurumon41: Yeah, dude, like I said...
hagurumon41: I... don't really care aboot vaginal sex, soo...
shippinator_mandy: Yeah, but still.
shippinator_mandy: You can pass on--and get--STDs other ways.
hagurumon41: Yeah.
hagurumon41: But... condoms suck...
shippinator_mandy: No they don't.
hagurumon41: Well, they kinda kill all the fun.
shippinator_mandy: No they don't.
shippinator_mandy: They make thin ones.
hagurumon41: Yeah, but still. Uh. I'd rather not have those.
shippinator_mandy: Why not?
hagurumon41: Because.
hagurumon41: I'd rather just stick with, like... birth control pills.
shippinator_mandy: Yeah, but those don't protect against STDs.
hagurumon41: Well, then... how do I get tested?
shippinator_mandy: Go to the doctor!
shippinator_mandy: -headdesk-
hagurumon41: Why would I have any if I've never even had sex yet?
shippinator_mandy: I dunno.
hagurumon41: So then... I shouldn't really have to get tested.
hagurumon41: Soooo... I'll just, like, get married.
shippinator_mandy: Whatever.'
hagurumon41: What?
shippinator_mandy: I don't care.
hagurumon41: Ummm... what? D'you think I'm stupid or something? Because we've already
established that.
shippinator_mandy: No.
shippinator_mandy: I'm just tired of this conversation.
hagurumon41: Ummm... 'kay...
hagurumon41: So... what else should we discuss?
shippinator_mandy: Uh...
shippinator_mandy: Bonus Stage? ._.
hagurumon41: Err... 'kay.
hagurumon41: Sooo...
shippinator_mandy: Worst episode? Totally Fibbing.
hagurumon41: Eh... I'd say Out.
shippinator_mandy: Yeah.
shippinator_mandy: That one also sucks.
hagurumon41: Yeah. It did.
hagurumon41: I kinda liked Fibbing, though. Mainly just for the first scene thing.
shippinator_mandy: Yeah...
shippinator_mandy: I just don't like Space Tree.
hagurumon41: Uh-oh. Did The Day The World Did Stuff piss you off?
shippinator_mandy: Why?
shippinator_mandy: It didn't.
hagurumon41: Oh, good. Because that kicked ass.
shippinator_mandy: Why do you ask?
hagurumon41: Well, he made a brief cameo in it.
hagurumon41: And also Evil's New Groove.
shippinator_mandy: Yeah, but still.
shippinator_mandy: An entire episode?
hagurumon41: Ah, I see.
hagurumon41: I have New Orleans Funk full version. : D
shippinator_mandy: Nice.
hagurumon41: Yep. Someone posted it on the BSWiki's forums, even though it's kind of... not
supposed to be put up for download.
shippinator_mandy: Ah.
hagurumon41: OMG. Nekkid Nick.
hagurumon41: YES, IT EXISTS!
hagurumon41: It does. Really.
shippinator_mandy: I want the end music for Phil's Crazy-Ass Journey.
hagurumon41: Yeah...
hagurumon41: If it's not on the BSWiki, then I'd like, play through until that music, and then
turning on Sound Recorder or whatever.
hagurumon41: I tried to do that for Seabed Scuffle... I watched ep75 and got my Sound
Recorder opened and recorded it, kind of.
shippinator_mandy: Ah.
hagurumon41: Yeah, but the actual file would have MUCH better sound quality.
shippinator_mandy: brb
hagurumon41: Soooo... Flash decompiler.
shippinator_mandy: Back.
hagurumon41: Hey...
shippinator_mandy: Oh, I have that one.
shippinator_mandy: It's not the same.
hagurumon41: Isn't that the same one?
hagurumon41: Oh.
shippinator_mandy: No.
shippinator_mandy: They say it's a slowed down version, but they don't sound the same.
hagurumon41: Hmmm.
hagurumon41: I have a few MP3s on my lappy. Mostly battle music, but the Bacon Man is on there,
too, and so is all three New Orleans Funk thingies.
shippinator_mandy: UAU
shippinator_mandy: *YAY
hagurumon41: Ummm... 'kay. I should try to download like, EVERYTHING sometime.
hagurumon41: I have frickin' 20-some free gigabytes, even with all those SKF scripts and stuff.
shippinator_mandy: Heh.
hagurumon41: And also there was that Tara>Myrrh>Nick>Anna fanfic. o_O
hagurumon41: And some other random things.
shippinator_mandy: Go on aboot the fanfic.
hagurumon41: Ummm... it's a fanfic. Aboot us four cool people.
shippinator_mandy: Go on.
shippinator_mandy: CAN I READ IT?
hagurumon41: I only have five paragraphs typed up, it sucks, and it's on my laptop back home.
shippinator_mandy: Oh.
hagurumon41: And it's probably gonna have a crappy ending, because none of that would really work
shippinator_mandy: Heh.
shippinator_mandy: What's the plot?
hagurumon41: Umm... it's a love square... and I guess we basically all hit on eachother or
shippinator_mandy: O_o
shippinator_mandy: Who hits on who? XED
hagurumon41: I... don't really have much planned oot.
shippinator_mandy: *XD
hagurumon41: Well... like I said... Tara>Myrrh>Nick>Anna.
shippinator_mandy: Okay...
hagurumon41: Yeah... I suck at writing, though.
shippinator_mandy: Ah.
hagurumon41: It's... really horrible. I guess I need to somehow write it so that we don't all
live in different states.
shippinator_mandy: Heh.
hagurumon41: All the conversations are over IMs. It's... it's very writer's blocky.
shippinator_mandy: Ah.
hagurumon41: *hug*
shippinator_mandy: -hug-
hagurumon41: *huuuuuuuuug*
shippinator_mandy: -huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuug-
hagurumon41: *nekkid hug*
shippinator_mandy: no
hagurumon41: : (
hagurumon41: *cries*
shippinator_mandy: -hug-
hagurumon41: ^_^ *hug*
shippinator_mandy: YAY HUG
hagurumon41: OKAY I HUGD MY CAT
shippinator_mandy: Not as funny. D:<
hagurumon41: Yeah, I know.
hagurumon41: OKAY NOW IM NEKKID
shippinator_mandy: Whatever.
hagurumon41: Argh. It's impossible to be as funny as you.
hagurumon41: Stop being so damn funny! XD
shippinator_mandy: It's possible.
shippinator_mandy: Matt Groening's funnier than me.
hagurumon41: o_O
hagurumon41: Okay, okay, okay. I got another one:
shippinator_mandy: brb
hagurumon41: Phil, Paul and Matt Groening!
shippinator_mandy: YAY
hagurumon41: ^_^
shippinator_mandy: Back.
hagurumon41: 'ello.
hagurumon41: So... WHO WINS?!
shippinator_mandy: I CAN'T CHOOSE. D:
hagurumon41: Hehehe.
hagurumon41: Okay, fine:
hagurumon41: A cat vs. a dog vs. Nick Bate vs. some nekkid guy with a trench coat
shippinator_mandy: If he had a trenchcoat, he wouldn't be nekkid.
shippinator_mandy: In any case, Nekkid Trenchcoat Guy somehow.
hagurumon41: Well, he's nekkid UNDER the rench coat. And he flashes people rnadomly.
hagurumon41: o_O
hagurumon41: : (
hagurumon41: *cries*
shippinator_mandy: You'd win second.
hagurumon41: Yay!
shippinator_mandy: And you'd fellate Nekkid Trenchcoat Guy.
hagurumon41: ...only for cash.
shippinator_mandy: Okay...
hagurumon41: A large amount of cash.
hagurumon41: Like, 50 bucks maybe.
shippinator_mandy: Nekkid Trenchcoat Guy is a hermaphrodite.
shippinator_mandy: And you perform cunnilingus on him.
hagurumon41: YAY!
hagurumon41: ^_^
hagurumon41: *cunnilingus'd!*
shippinator_mandy: O_o
hagurumon41: What?
hagurumon41: He... he paid me.
shippinator_mandy: Okay...
hagurumon41: Yeah...
hagurumon41: *hands you fifty bucks* This is... umm... for... no reason... no reason at all...
shippinator_mandy: Yay!
hagurumon41: >_>
hagurumon41: <_<
hagurumon41: *hands you twenty-nine more bucks*
shippinator_mandy: ...Cool, I'm rich.
hagurumon41: WEll. Now I'm broke. My wallet is... empty. Except for this change.
hagurumon41: But I never use change, so here. *gives you change*
shippinator_mandy: Okay.
shippinator_mandy: Wait...79?
shippinator_mandy: Is that supposed to be symbolic, or is it just a coincidence?
hagurumon41: 79?
shippinator_mandy: Or am I just reading too far into this, like I always do?
hagurumon41: What?
hagurumon41: 79 isn't anything. You're thinking of 69 or 89.
shippinator_mandy: Bonus Stage episode 79?
hagurumon41: Oh, wait. Ryaconning. Duh.
hagurumon41: Why did I not notice that?
shippinator_mandy: Yeah.
hagurumon41: ME TOO
hagurumon41: Hehe.
hagurumon41: Look at The FAT of the LAN's number.
hagurumon41: : D
shippinator_mandy: 89?
shippinator_mandy: So?
hagurumon41: YUP!
hagurumon41: 89.
shippinator_mandy: I get 69, but not 89.
hagurumon41: 89 = buttseckz
hagurumon41: 8 = a butt
hagurumon41: 9 = some dude
shippinator_mandy: Oh.
hagurumon41: 89 = a butt and some dude = buttseckz
shippinator_mandy: O...kay...
hagurumon41: : P
shippinator_mandy: Heh.
shippinator_mandy: 69 was a great episode.
shippinator_mandy: Rya's Wedding.
hagurumon41: You should've seen the Keentoons forums when Rya's Wedding came out.
shippinator_mandy: What?
hagurumon41: Everyone was like, "hahaha! 69!"
shippinator_mandy: O_o
hagurumon41: Yep.
shippinator_mandy: It would've been sad if Joel hadn't made his comment aboot it being a
happy ending.
hagurumon41: Yeah... I was kinda crying there.
shippinator_mandy: I wasn't, but it was still depressing.
hagurumon41: Yeah..
shippinator_mandy: Like, she KNOWS that she can't ever be truly happy, but she's trying anyway.
hagurumon41: Awwwww...
hagurumon41: I wanna hug Rya.
shippinator_mandy: Yeah.
shippinator_mandy: She totally needs a hug.
hagurumon41: From Phil.
hagurumon41: While he has a boner.
shippinator_mandy: O_o
hagurumon41: : D
hagurumon41: oUo
hagurumon41: XDDDD
hagurumon41: That didn't look right.
hagurumon41: That "oUo" was supposed to be, like... a really big grin, but... look at it.
shippinator_mandy: What was it supposed to be?
shippinator_mandy: Oh.
shippinator_mandy: It reminds me of Kilroy.
hagurumon41: XD
shippinator_mandy: Or penis.
hagurumon41: Kilroy?
shippinator_mandy: The "Kilroy Was Here" guy.
hagurumon41: From HRWiki?
hagurumon41: I go to his site sometimes.
shippinator_mandy: No.
shippinator_mandy: He's a guy from graffiti...he's always shown peeking over a wall.
hagurumon41: OOOOOOOOH.
hagurumon41: Yeah, but oUo looks like a penis and balls to me.
shippinator_mandy: Kinda.
shippinator_mandy: Kilroy's like this: o'u'o
shippinator_mandy: Just peeking over the wall.
hagurumon41: Yeah.
hagurumon41: And having an erection.
shippinator_mandy: O_o
hagurumon41: Uhhh...
hagurumon41: I think right now it's... Phil.
shippinator_mandy: Why?
shippinator_mandy: ...Nick?
shippinator_mandy: What happen?
hagurumon41: Hi.
hagurumon41: AOL happen.
shippinator_mandy: So why does Phil need a hug?
hagurumon41: 'Cause.
hagurumon41: He's pissed at Joel because of episode 82 and 84.
shippinator_mandy: Ah.
hagurumon41: And I guess 83, 'cause of his house being on fire...
shippinator_mandy: Then there's the Shipper Explanation...
hagurumon41: But it was the boat cruise that finally set him off.
hagurumon41: *hug*
shippinator_mandy: -hug-
hagurumon41: *hug*
shippinator_mandy: I still go with the Shipper Explanation.
hagurumon41: Eh...
hagurumon41: Wait, what's that?
shippinator_mandy: Isn't it obvious>
shippinator_mandy: ?
shippinator_mandy: The reason Phil needs a hug?
hagurumon41: Episode 85?
shippinator_mandy: EPISODE 79. DUH.
hagurumon41: Awwwww.
hagurumon41: *hugs Phil and also you*
hagurumon41: *watches Psychosis grope Rya's corpse*
shippinator_mandy: NO!
shippinator_mandy: Fuck.
hagurumon41: OKAY
shippinator_mandy: YOU MADE PHIL EVEN SADDER.
hagurumon41: Oops.
hagurumon41: Well, Psychosis did it, not ME.
hagurumon41: So when you see him online tomorrow or whenever, kick him.
shippinator_mandy: Okay.
shippinator_mandy: But yeah.
shippinator_mandy: SHIPPER EXPLANATION FTW
hagurumon41: >_> Oh, FINE.
hagurumon41: I'll agree with you. But only 'cause you're hot.
shippinator_mandy: I mean, it has to have contributed to his hug needage in some way.
hagurumon41: Yeah, you're right.
shippinator_mandy: XD
shippinator_mandy: I got Ondine by TMBG last night.
hagurumon41: Hey, I'm thinking aboot putting the entire BS site on my CD. Like, the GIF
image, the episode guide...
shippinator_mandy: I've already listened to it at least 50 times.
shippinator_mandy: That would b hawt
hagurumon41: Is it cool?
shippinator_mandy: YES.
shippinator_mandy: I dreamed I killed you again...
shippinator_mandy: It's from an EP, though.
hagurumon41: >_>
shippinator_mandy: "Back To Skull".
hagurumon41: Heh, okay.
hagurumon41: Wait... you dreamed you killed me?
shippinator_mandy: It's from the song.
hagurumon41: Oh
hagurumon41: : (
hagurumon41: I'd like to be in someone's dreams sometime.
hagurumon41: Coolness...
hagurumon41: I still wanna be in your dream, though.
shippinator_mandy: Yeah.
hagurumon41: Can you be in MY dream?!
shippinator_mandy: Go ahead.
hagurumon41: Cool. I... just wish I knew how to put people in my dreams.
hagurumon41: If I knew, I would've had Bonus Stage dreams by now.
shippinator_mandy: I've had Bonus Stage dreams.
shippinator_mandy: No really significant ones, though.
shippinator_mandy: I don't control my dreams.
shippinator_mandy: They're crazy, though.
shippinator_mandy: Want me to tell you aboot a REALLY pervy dream I had?
hagurumon41: YESYESYESYES!
shippinator_mandy: Okay...
shippinator_mandy: I dreamed I was rooting around in my parents' bedroom.
hagurumon41: : D
shippinator_mandy: I found a blister pack, like the ones they package toys in.
shippinator_mandy: Inside it was a giant, glow-in-the-dark-looking condom. The package
proudly advertised, "24 INCH!"
shippinator_mandy: I told my mom, and she's all, "Oh, that's your dad's, honey!"
hagurumon41: XDDD
hagurumon41: That... is hilarious!
hagurumon41: I'd like to know how the hell a movie reference got inside your brain, though.
shippinator_mandy: Huh?
hagurumon41: ....nevermind.
hagurumon41: "lol ur hawt" = another of my catchphrases. WHEEEE!
shippinator_mandy: WOO
shippinator_mandy: Know who else needs a hug?
shippinator_mandy: CASSIDY.
hagurumon41: Yeah!
hagurumon41: *hugs Cassidy, Phil and you*
shippinator_mandy: I don't know why...maybe because she's so sweet somehow.
hagurumon41: Yeah... probably...
hagurumon41: Or the fact that she's all... cute.
shippinator_mandy: Like we said, she's the only character who's really truly innocent.
hagurumon41: Smithy has probably hugged her thousands of times by now.
shippinator_mandy: Yeah.
hagurumon41: What aboot- Oh, no... wait... HE's not, either...
hagurumon41: Smithy's probably buttraped Cassidy, too. XD
shippinator_mandy: Aww.
hagurumon41: ...what's the "aww" for? "Aww, that's adorable", or "Aww, that sucks"?
shippinator_mandy: The second one.
hagurumon41: Aww. (same here)
shippinator_mandy: Yeah.
shippinator_mandy: In a lot of ways, she's like a very precocious child.
shippinator_mandy: Uh...with boobs.
hagurumon41: XD
hagurumon41: BOOBS!
shippinator_mandy: And in Rya's earliest design, she was a five-year-old with boobs.
hagurumon41: ...hawt.
hagurumon41: I'm a 14-year-old with boobs.
hagurumon41: Except my boobs are ugly.
shippinator_mandy: It's a joke between Jello and I.
hagurumon41: Indeed.
hagurumon41: I'm a joke between my mom and my dad.
shippinator_mandy: XD
hagurumon41: Noooooooooo!
hagurumon41: That's it! My mom sucks, so I'm getting a new mom!
hagurumon41: *looks around* Ummm... YOU! You're my new mom!
shippinator_mandy: No.
hagurumon41: DX
shippinator_mandy: JESSICA is your new mom. >8D
hagurumon41: YAY INCEST
hagurumon41: Geez, I should really start saving these convos.
hagurumon41: Also, YAY INCEST
shippinator_mandy: O_o
shippinator_mandy: Save this one.
hagurumon41: Ummm... 'kay.
hagurumon41: But I only have everything after [01:10] Hagurumon41: *hug*
[01:10] shippinator_mandy: I still go with the Shipper Explanation.
shippinator_mandy: Okay.
shippinator_mandy: I'll email it to you...your email address?
hagurumon41: Ummm... is what it's always been, since like, a few
months ago.
shippinator_mandy: Okay.

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