Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Monday, January 21, 2008


Due to whatever holiday is nearby (I don't pay attention to holidays), I had off Friday and also have off Monday, which is why I'm still here at Dad's. But not for long. I go home tomorrow. But I'm bringing stuff home with me to entertain myself again.

My cold is improving. I can tell that this is probably the last day of noticable symptoms. The rhinorrhea is pretty much gone, as is the coughing. When I do cough, though, my kidneys and stomach hurt, causing me to involuntarily hunch over in pain every time I cough. Not sure if that's a normal symptom of a cold, but it's never happened before for my non-cold coughing fits. If I die, though, you all should know by now who I leave all my stuff to.

Actually, I've written a few wills, but I haven't shown them to anyone yet. Except for when my mom found one and gave it to my psychologist. And that's not even a joke. She seriously did that. Seriously. Then the dude went on to ask me why I wrote it. He was all, "So is this in case you randomly get hit by a car, etc., or are you planning on hurting yourself?" I went with the first one. Which was a lie. This was back when I was contemplating suicide. Not that long ago, actually. Maybe a year.

I acquired the MP3 of the TMBG song It Could Be Worse and have been listening to it ALL. FREAKING. WEEKEND. (Well, minus the time that I... you know... wasn't on the computer. And also when I listened to other stuff. (Which was mostly Pixies. (Speaking of, I still need that tribute album, dammit. TMBG covering Havalina = VERY YES.))) I... I don't know why. It's just... so catchy. Short but sweet. Still, though, repeat + all weekend = kinda excessive, yes?

My grandmother's daughter's ex-husband's son's father's sister's ex-husband's sister's son gave me some more guitar lessons. I caught on to the scale he taught me pretty quickly, if I do say so myself. I must be a quick learner or something, between guitar, keyboard, bass, and everything else non-musical. I can't wait until I learn accordion. Mwahaha.

My IRL friend from school has been IMing me, as well as a couple of my online friends. We even had a pretty epic three-way chat at one point. It was pretty hilarious. He definitely, DEFINITELY enjoys watching pens have sex.

...It's five in the morning. I'm going to bed. GOOD NIGHT.

(nobody's actually reading any of this)

Ed Note: I love how modern relationships make defining how someone is related to you a confusing pile of shit. Also, that would be Martin Luther King Day, moron.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


I has a cold. Or sympathy allergies. One of the two. My nose won't stop running and it's annoying. Hard to sleep at night when your bed, after lying in it for a few minutes, is soaked with, y'know, nose stuff. It's fucking nasty.

In other news, the second semester of school is over, and on Tuesday everyone at my school gets new classes. Except I had my schedule changed so I'm basically still in the same classes. Except I now have social studies instead of science. I dunno where I'm gonna sit at lunch now, though, because my lunchtime posse members all have different lunches than me. Maybe I'll just hang out in the classroom like I used to.

I also massively improved my keyboard skills in a matter of like, an hour by playing along to some instructional CDs. I can now read sheet music, play all the notes, hell, even play a few chords. I'm also learning guitar, but it's not going nearly as fast as keyboard. Right now I'm practicing a scale.

I also finished another comic recently. It involves the Coffee Crew (Nick, Mandy, Psy, Baby, Goliath, and apparently Jessa now) being hired to infiltrate an army base and destroy their secret weapon, which turns out to be some sort of evil mutant butt monster named The Buttlord. It's so totally a wannabe anime. I'd scan it if I had a scanner.

Friday, January 11, 2008


Boring week. Skipped school Tuesday. Monday and Wednesday, epicness ensued at lunch. I discussed butts, etc. with a girl at my table. Apparently I'm her wife. Thursday, I went to the homeless shelter for the first time in ages. This time, I went with this one other dude in my class. Friday, I went to the Farm Show all day. Walked around, ate food, watched some tractors square-dance, looked at a butter sculpture, etc. It was kinda boring, and really really hot. And my legs hurt like hell.