Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Saturday, April 12, 2008


The past week was mostly uneventful... at least compared to the lockdown the other week. On Tuesday, my teacher let me borrow a The Beatles CD, so I've been listening to that. It's pretty damn good. Wednesday, I didn't go to school. Couldn't wake up again. Mom found out and got all bitchy, so I can't go to Dad's next weekend (meaning no Internets). I returned to school on Thursday and returned the CD, which I realized must've looked pretty hilarious. To quote my teacher: "Next time I let you borrow a CD, you don't have to take a whole day off of school to rock out to it".

Then on Friday, I got caught making suggestive gestures with my hands (I clenched one fist and started thrusting one of my fingers into the tiny hole it made. As in, the fist was supposed to be an anus, and the finger was a penis. It was quite hilarious, until the kid sitting next to me saw it and freaked out.), and had to spend third and fourth periods sitting in this little secluded box thing. It was actually kinda nice to be isolated from people, except I was bored and I ended up entertaining myself by cutting up my arms with my fingernails and crafting a telescope from my glasses.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Well, sorta. The other day, my school had a lockdown because a student at Millersville University (which is pretty much RIGHT next door to my school) threatened to do another Virginia Tech massacre. So our classes were disrupted and nobody was supposed to enter or leave the school. We all thought it was an April Fool's thing, but it turns out it was the real deal. And apparently the gunman vanished, so we had to wait until he was caught. Luckily, they did find the dude, as he was in the library. Goes to show, even psychotic mass murderers have to study. So everything went back to normal. I forget how long we were on lockdown... probably an hour... maybe more, I don't know. But hey, it got us out of doing schoolwork! Though, actually, I was pretty traumatized by the event, so I should probably sue the school for emotional distress.

Also, the event was pretty huge in the news. Locally, anyway. I dunno whether or not y'alls heard about it.

Ed Note: Here's the only link I can find about it.

Friday, April 4, 2008


I decided not to go to Dad's for three weeks, so... I've been offline. But I'm back for now. I dunno, I might still not come up every weekend, though, as I haven't really been in the Internet mood lately.

So. School. Tanya's been surprisingly nice to me lately, like, commenting on my drawings and stuff. And not getting me in trouble anymore. Also, this other dude in my class, Iian, has been giving me stuff. A jacket, a Pixies t-shirt, a necklace, etc. I must admit, I look pretty good with the whole outfit on.

And as for at home, I've basically just been watching TV and listening to music. And I've gotten into playing Digimon World 2 for some reason. Other than that, I don't really do anything. At all. I may hang out with Iian sometime, though. He invited me over, so.