Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Monday, June 16, 2008


A.K.A. Driver "reasons why Nick probably has OCD!"

1. When eating multi-colored candies (e.g., Skittles, M&Ms...), I tend to eat all of one color at a time before moving on to the next. Even if all the colors taste the same. Srsly.

2. My brain malfunctions when people tell me sit down somewhere (though this usually just occurs in school), because there's more than one chair, and they aren't specific aboot which chair they want me to sit in.

3. Strangely, I collect sided dice. Currently, I only possess 4 twenty-sided dice and... uhh... at least 8 six-sided dice. I plan to go for the 4, 8, 10, 12, etc. sides eventually. Y'know, if they were to ever sell them anywhere.

4. I like kitties. A lot. I have twelve cats at the moment, and if/when I ever get my own house, I wanna build a room for them, with like... catwalks hanging from the ceiling and all kinds of scratching posts and stairs and beds and toys for them to play with. Also, the rest of the house will probably have pictures of cats everywhere.

5. My ADD attacks are getting pretty bad. Oftentimes I'll pop in a video game, wanting to play it, and then get bored by the time I get to, like, the loading screen, maybe.

6. I have a bad habit of wiping my hands on my pants or shirt when they're dirty.

7. I'm able to hear the tone at the end of "A Day In The Life" on the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album. Apparently it only works on certain CD players, though. Or maybe it's because I was wearing headphones when I heard it.

8. I don't know how to swim, ride a bike, drive, whistle, blow bubbles with gum, or do most other things people can do.


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