Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Friday, July 25, 2008

My most depressing bio yet

I was tinkering with Flash and liked this effect, so I decided to make something with it.

And yeah, the political party thing is for serious. It's too complicated for me to explain. I just share certain views of each one.

A man and his Internet friends

Just something I drew. See if you can guess who everyone is. Ignore the scribble - it was the work of my sister. -_-

The shirt you can't read says "<TITS></TITS>". I saw it in a picture online and it's an awesome shirt. I want it, despite being male.

Everyone (c) themselves.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


I wasn't expecting that last post to be that long. Meh. Anyway, here's what I did this week.

Started working on yet another card game, and struggled to come up with the gameplay rules, seeing as how pretty much every possible choice is already taken by another existing card game. In fact, I keep finding myself ripping off either Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokémon, Digimon, or Dragonball Z. So then I have to scrap the project and start over. This time, I created a game that doesn't rip anyone off, but... unfortunately, it sucks.

I also finally pwn'd those battles I was stuck on in FFT, but now I'm stuck again. I have to beat these hot assassin chicks, but first I wanna learn Ultima from 'em. But I have to actually survive the attack to learn it. Which I don't.


Saturday, July 5, 2008


More of those "more than you ever wanted to know aboot Nick" facts which may or may not be fun.

1. I tend to pick at my fingernails a lot. So much, in fact, that I never need to use clippers because I end up tearing the excess off completely, leaving behind sharp fragments which I later end up cutting myself with by accident.

2. I also have a habit of shouting profanities at my video game console when shit goes wrong. I think this may have come from my dad, who yells at the computer frequently.

3. Kind of an addendum to Part 1, actually. I can't snap my fingers. However, I can do something similar with my right index finger (not my left, which is weird because I'm left-handed).
4. I'm left-handed, but I learned guitar right-handed. This is because I didn't actually know they made special guitars for lefties until it was too late.
5. I've developed a habit of smashing my head into doors every time I enter or exit one. Not ALL the time, but fairly frequently. Mostly in school.
6. When I knock on doors, I do it to the tune of guitar riffs. My most common knock is Ana Ng, but I've been known to do Smoke on the Water and Hocus Pocus, too. It hurts my hands. And my head, when I knock using it. I'm probably going to give myself a concussion someday.
7. I'm officially left-handed, but there's also certain things I can only do with my RIGHT hand. Most notably: operating a computer mouse, wiping my ass... pretty much anything that requires hand-eye coordination except writing and masturbation, actually. I'm pretty clumsy with my left hand.

8. I learned to read before I started kindergarten. The story goes, my family read to me all the time when I was little, and somehow it turned around to ME reading to THEM. However, I don't recall any of this. But whatever. People also claim I'm really smart, which I guess I kinda agree with. Up to fourth grade, anyway. That's when they introduced division, and seeing as I hadn't mastered subtraction or multiplication yet, I struggled greatly. Though, I do also remember a few challenges before that. Like, in kindergarten, they had us doing this arts-and-crafts thing... we were making a Santa face out of construction paper or something... it was hell, man.

9. Speaking of school... they put me in special ed class in fourth grade (yes, same year as they introduced division), and due to escalating bullying (I mean, this one time, there were three or four kids ganging up on me in the hallway) I switched to homeschooling. This occurred in the very beginning of seventh grade. Then, foolishly, my parents decided to put me back in school in eleventh grade. This was a stupid idea because not only are kids STILL dicks, but I'm accustomed to the elementary-school setup of only having one class and having the teacher tell you where to go, and now they suddenly expect me to go to a bunch of different rooms without any direction. And they have this whole "credits" thing and a bunch of other weird terms like "marking period", "sophomore", "homeroom"... and they TAKE RECESS AWAY. WHY WOULD YOU TAKE RECESS AWAY?!

10. Perhaps my most notable habit (if you ever see my room, anyway) is my tendency to jot down random notes and then never look at them again, instead tossing them onto a pile somewhere. Usually my notes are hints for video games that I've looked up online, or ideas for a game/comic/RP I wanna do, track listings for albums, etc. Seriously... I have a huge tub in my room full of these things. They vary in age from a few weeks ago to back when I was a little kid. Oftentimes I'll stumble upon an old piece of paper and be completely clueless as to what I was thinking at the time it was written.

11a. I had this old live-action roleplay called "The Nick Team" that lasted for YEARS. Pretty much my entire childhood and early middle school. Eventually SKF replaced it, but whatev. Its storyline and characters changed constantly, but it always ripped SOMETHING off, whether it was DBZ or Digimon or Final Fantasy. Or all three at once, as in the case of the latest and greatest evolution. Of course, I was the only one who understood it, since what wasn't in my mind was written on those incomprehensible papers.

11b. Nevertheless, a few other kids joined in at recess. We pretty much ran around, punched the air, and pretended to shoot energy blasts. Actually...I kinda STILL do that, except with sticks that're supposed to be swords replacing the energy blasts. Needless to say, we [I] took [take] a lot of heat from other kids who were [are] dicks. Also, my mom, who tells me to "stop being stupid" whenever she catches me. Controversy grew near the end of sixth grade, when one of my Nick Team members kinda turned on us and reported one particular incident to the teachers. (This incident involved the use of "attacks" consisting of throwing urine-powered energy blasts at people. No idea how they could be made of urine and energy at the same time.) The Nick Team was banned, but we still did it anyway.

11c. Then, for the week or two I was in middle school, there was a literal crowd of people gathered around whenever I did my roleplays. They just stood in a circle around me and watched as I punched the air and stuff. I think maybe I should've told them I was pretending to punch someone, and that I wasn't just flailing around.

11d. Sometime during my homeschooling (I believe it may have been shortly after I started watching Bonus Stage), I was inspired to create my own Flash series (you may know it as SKF, though I'm thinking of a new name). So I gave up on The Nick Team and started on SKF. The two have nothing to do with eachother, other than that they share two characters (Nick and Goliath). And as for the posse and roleplaying, I still do the punching the air stuff (But now I only do it in my yard, and I use sticks as previously mentioned, plus I pull off some wicked awesome techniques and combos. But sometimes it gets so vicious that I accidentally whack myself with the stick, which fucking hurts. Plus it kinda ruins the roleplay because then I have to go back in the house to wash my injury and cry.), and nobody roleplays with me. A few peeps are kinda interested in my comics, though.

Those last few were way too long.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Due to my ONCE AGAIN screwed-up sleeping habits, I keep being asleep when everyone's online, and awake after everyone's in bed, leaving me with really not all that much to do. I made a new (kinda pointless) page over at BSWiki (yes, I'm still doing that)... posted on Psy's fairly-dead forums... FINALLY posted that RP... yeah, that's pretty much it. Everyone needs to stay up late so they can talk to me. I NEED ENTERTAINMENT.

If not, I'll probably just go back to Nanny's for a few days and play FFT again. 'Cause I already kinda was supposed to go home several days ago. Whoops. =/