Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Sunday, November 30, 2008


So, as you all may have heard, I sent Anna a letter recently. Basically all I said in it was that I wanted her to contact me somehow so we can talk everything through. I don't see how that's such a difficult request... I mean, I want us to work this thing out by talking like civilized people. Yet somehow she continues to refuse - not even giving any valid reason, mind you - and instead keeps telling me to never contact her again and misleads random people by telling them I'm a creepy stalker (which is obviously completely untrue, which I've been trying to prove to her this whole time). So now, on top of the mountains of pain she's already causing me, I have all these people blindly agreeing with her without even caring to hear my side of the story. Just stop listening to her, seriously. You people should be smart enough to see that she never gives any reasons for saying these things about me, and what little "evidence" she does give I could disprove if anyone would listen.
Really, Anna. It isn't like you at all to do this. The old you would never do this to someone who loves you. What's happened to you?

Friday, November 21, 2008


mood:  depressed hopeless

Reason for my not being online: what's the point? I really only use the 'net to talk to... "Rya". So, I haven't gone to my dad's house for weeks. Thus, no Internet access. I managed to post this entry, though, since everyone's probably wondering about me.

But I haven't given up on trying to make amends with "Rya". I sent a letter asking her to contact me so we can talk about this, but from the sound of it, she probably won't even read it. I have no idea what to do anymore. No matter how hard I try to prove that I really love her, she continues not believing me and calling me a creepy stalker and just treating me like shit in general.

I'll probably continue not being online for a while. Maybe I'll stop in periodically to talk to the few people who don't hate me, I don't know. Until then, bye.

P.S. - to the aforementioned few people, take care of her. And by that I don't mean like taking care of business or whatever, but actual care. Seeing as how I can't do so anymore.