Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Basically yeah trolls out the wazoo, harrassing me on Twitter. And Maddi continues leaking stuff I do/say to them. And um I dunno what else. It took me a few months to get back here to Dad's because apparently stuff was going on there/here and his girlfriend was in a bad mood so he didn't want me to have to suffer that. But eventually he was like "eh okay it's been awhile" and here I am.

My to-do list is pretty big, but most of it involves Anna. I recently received advice from the unlikliest of advisors, and I guess at this point I'm desperate to do anything so boosh-- doin' it. Basically the plan is to refrain from discussing Anna publicly so she thinks I'm over her or something, then she contacts me. Unfortunately I had a bunch of Anna-related things stocked up so I kinda have to take care of those but once they're out of the way it should be smooth sailing.

Christmas was as expected. None of my loved ones (the Annas, Maddi, Jessa, etc.) were around, I still didn't get a laptop, etc. I did get a coffeemaker and a bunch of coffee paraphernalia though. Creamers and grounds and whathaveyou. But still. It was depressing. I drew a picture of what I wish Christmas was like.

January 7th, 2012

The following was written during the several months I wasn't able to go to Dad's, so a lot of it's really outdated and compared to more recent happenings, too unimportant to post. But I'd hate to waste a thing it took me that long to write, so here it is anyway.
The following was written during the several months I wasn't able to go to Dad's, so a lot of it's really outdated and compared to more recent happenings, too unimportant to post. But I'd hate to waste a thing it took me that long to write, so here it is anyway.

'Sup gais?! So, last time my stay at Dad's went p well. I knocked the big stuff of my to-do list, which was mainly putting my newest List of Canonical Favourite Recording Artists addition (Joanna Newsom. I know, what with almost every other artist on the list being alt-rock, it doesn't make sense for me to like an indie-folk artist. Yeah well, I don't go by genres, I go by artists. For example, is always telling me to listen to stuff that's similar to TMBG but turns out I don't like things similar to TMBG. Just TMBG themselves. I can't even recognize genres anyway. Dunno why. I don't get most of music theory. Keys, octaves, time signatures, rhythm. It's all Greek to me. But I digress.) on my iPod and uploading stuff I made. I also achieved a major win when I got one of Anna N's friends to admit one of the details of The Thing was a lie. Unfortunately, she only came clean aboot that one specific detail and not The Thing as a whole yet. Yet. It'll come oot eventually.
I also helped Dad disassemble a pool a little bit each day. Apparently the purpose of it is to take the aluminum to the recycling place and get paid or something. The whole thing was a real chore. Pretty much 90% of it was taking a drill and getting all the screws out. After that, we just smashed it apart with a sledgehammer. The sledgehammering was actually pretty fun. Due to my larping, I'm pretty decent at swinging motions. Actually, Dad mentioned that I'm pretty strong, but I think it really depends on what I'm doing. Like, even though I have really forceful swings, I'm not great at lifting stuff, or holding boards down while someone else saws/hammers nails in, or anything else that requires strength. Just swinging. Maybe punching too, but I've never really tried punching anything other than the air. All I know is, I keep throwing my back out holding my cats, so I'm preeeetty sure it's just swinging. Plus, I made ki flames, so that amplified my strength and agility higher than the default values. Also I jumped during the up-swings to gain more force, so... kinda cheated a lot.
So back at the not-Internet abode, I started watching a couple new shows mainly due to hype in the news and/or networks I was already watching acquiring rights to air them in syndication. They actually turned oot to be p okay so I continued watching them. Nothing else to do, ya know? Unfortunately, TV-watching is a very hectic hobby to figure out, because A) a lot of things overlap eachother, causing me to have to make choices, and B) most everything's on from 7 PM until 6 AM with few (if any) breaks between shows, so I don't have much time left over to do other stuff. I really dug my own grave this time. I should probably stop trying new things. Also, please note that the shows haven't been added to my List of Obsessions. They're pretty much just regular interests, like normal people have. Unlike things that are Obsessions, it's not a big deal if I miss an airing or two. I don't even really keep up with new episodes either. Well, I kinda do, but if I'm doing something else at the time then I forsake it and continue whatever I'm doing. TV is more of a thing to do when there ain't nothin' else to do. I dunno. It's complicated; I can't really explain. You non-aspies probably understand it anyway. (Can I call myself an aspie without actually being diagnosed? Everyone knows I am one...)

The current season of The Office has got me to thinking aboot some things. The first thing being Dwight's assistant (I forget his name... isn't it something like "Nate"?) keeps saying odd things that apply to me, and I'm wondering if maybe they're more symptoms of autism and/or Asperger's or something. Like, okay, the first time I took notice was during the "Lotto" episode when he said something aboot when there's a lot of noise going on at the same time, he can't hear very well. I took notice of this because, as I said in the Wildwood entry, I have this same problem-- even though my actual ears are fine AFAIK, when there's a lot of different sounds going on at the same time I have trouble making out any specific one. Like, in high school, on the bus rides I talked to the kid who sat behind me, but half the time I couldn't make out what he was saying because there's also the sound of the engine, other kids talking, etc. It wasn't a matter of volume, just... a lot of different sounds going on at once. It also affects my ability to hear all the instruments in music. I can only "zoom in" on one instrument at a time. But anyway yeah, I shrugged it off at first but then that dude said another thing that caught my attention in a later episode. The Christmas one, to be exact. When Val made a joke aboot the people in the office being "popsicles", whats-his-name misinterpreted it to mean that they're so rich they can afford to eat popsicles a lot, when really it means they have metaphorical sticks up their butts. But yeah, I misinterpet a lot of things in the same way. When I hear a new phrase, my brain instantly comes up with a complex explanation/definition that makes perfect sense to me, but then later when I actually look it up it turns out it really means something a lot simpler than what I assumed it meant. I don't know how to explain this. I can't think of any examples right now but it happens to me a lot. Anyway, between that and the hearing thing, I wonder if they're symptoms of something? I do often discover that a lot of my characteristics are Asperger's symptoms when prior to my research I never really gave them any thought. Like, I just kinda accept that they're normal things. But then WHAM, a trip to the Internet reveals it's an Asperger's symptom. Like, really often. Every time I go to Dad's, pretty much.

Another whimsical thing I noticed on The Office is that Robert California seems to be obsessed with Sesame Street. Last season finale he mentioned he learned aboot paper from the show, then on "The List" he randomly talks to Jim aboot Sesame Street again for no apparent reason, and then at Halloween we find out his son's name is Bert. I suppose it's a bit of a stretch (I do tend to jump to wild conclusions when it comes to shows... especially Bonus Stage), but I hope not. I hope it's an actual running gag/part of his character. The mental image of such an intimidating dude like that watching Sesame Street religiously amuses me greatly. Someone should tell Scootle aboot this. He'd probably be amused by it too. He also seemed to like my theory aboot David Wallace being the Scranton Strangler, because he RT'd it. Unless he meant it like how most people RT me when I say something unintentionally hilarious.

I've been on a baking spree lately. First was chocolate chip cookies, then a chocolate chip cake for a costume party (which Joyce finally bought me a fedora for!), and then Nanny found this recipe book she apparently had lying around for years but never noticed before. I made these "mocha drops" from it, which turned out alright. Almost learned how to marble things and also what "folding" means. Also, fudge and then more chocolate chip cookies, and then biscotti, then sugar cookies (Joyce blackmailed me into that one with McDonald's), then "cake in a mug", then brownies, then cake in a mug again, then even more chocolate chip cookies. Most of this stuff was fairly new to me; I usually just make chocolate chip cookies. So naturally mistakes were made. The fudge was completely ruined, as it turns out there's two different kinds of sugar and, not realizing this, I used the wrong kind. I used granulated when it was supposed to be confectioner's. I'm assuming confectioner's sugar has a much more subtle taste than granulated because the result basically tastes like eating a spoonful of straight-up sugar. Which I do sometimes. I also have difficulty marbling, so the mocha drops and biscotti looked weird. I don't think it affected the taste though. P much just aesthetic. I also misinterpreted the directions for the cake and ended up mixing together things that were supposed to be layered. I guess it didn't matter. Everyone liked it. You know what this means, right? I can cook for my wife and kids someday! ^_^ Also, apparently Nanny doesn't know what a mug is. The "cake in a mug", as the name suggests, was this tiny tiny cake you make in a coffee mug. I got out a mug and Nanny started yelling at me, saying that's a cup, not a mug. Then she pulls out this huge bowl that has a handle (and that I use for cans of soup too large to fit in your average bowl) and she said that was a mug. I ignored her stupidity and used the actual mug. When it obviously turned out fine, I rubbed it in her face. Fun day.

I had a terrible day on November first. I went to the mall to get the new TMBG rarities collection, but everything went wrong all at once. Joyce still hadn't given me the rest of the money she owed me for painting her garage a few months back, so I could p much only afford TMBG and one other CD. Or so I thought. We got groceries right before heading to the mall, but Joyce didn't have enough for everything, so she borrowed twelve bucks from me. So now I was down to just TMBG. OR SO I THOUGHT. Upon getting to the mall and searching both the "new releases" section and TMBG's section, it dawned on me that once again, a release date had been pushed back (Shh, I know, I'll get to it later) and I had to find out the hard way due to my lack of Internet access. Join Us all over again... So then I looked around at other recording artists I liked. I found four things that picqued my interest. I mean, there was a lot more than four things I still need, but these ones in particular were prioritized because I assume they won't be there for very long-- the store I go to has a really random selection of displayed items.

While looking at Beatles stuff I saw a bizarre collection I've never heard of before, of stuff they did with Tony Sheridan back before their first album. I was p much like "yeah man, gettin' this" but I figured I'd look around more and see if there was anything else I wanted even more. Then I found out they remastered Nevermind (just like they did with Bleach not long ago!) and rereleased it with a bonus disc of b-sides and stuff. Sadly, I didn't have the money for it. I also noticed there was a Joanna Newsom section, which surprised the crap out of me. They lack a few of my favourite artists, including Jack Off Jill who I'm p sure was fairly famous, so I didn't think they'd have her either. But they did. All they had was Have One on Me, though. Which I couldn't afford either, because, you know, three discs. I should probably get it next time I have money before it goes the way of TheSTART-- they had one of their CDs one time and then never again. Also of much confusion was that she was in the pop/rock aisles. The last thing I stumbled upon was the three-disc version of A Best of Us...for the Rest of Us by Reel Big Fish. Unlike Have One on Me, this was p cheap because it was on sale for some reason. Three discs for eleven bucks? Hells yeah, I thought. I assume it's probably limited edition, too, so yeah. So I got it. But next time I have money I'm gonna try to get those other three. They probably won't have them anymore though. Like I said, they always have a weird selection that changes each time I go there.
I had an interesting dream the one night. The vast majority of my dreams are interesting, especially the ones with my recurring locations/characters/events in them, but yeah. For some reason, there was some sort of gathering at my biological mum's place and in addition to her relatives were Thom, Anna, Jerkemy, and Anna's parents. Apparently my social phobia doesn't exist in the Dream World, because I was being very vocal aboot my hatred of Anna's stupid boyfriend. I was making quite a scene, actually. Probably ruining everyone's good times. Think Michael Scott at literally every party shown on The Office. At one point I just started crying and grabbed Thom for a consolation hug. Oddly enough, he obliged. Even odder though was that he was wearing a tux. Probably because I've been drawing him like that lately. No idea why. But anyway, what I took from the dream was maybe I should just not try and cure my social phobia at all. I mean, if I'll just be a dick anyway, maybe it's best for everyone if I just never talk to anyone. Sidenote, I noticed my condition is kind of like Raj from The Big Bang Theory's. Except, you know, not limited to just females. Maybe I should be drunk all the time too.

Once I got more phone minutes I immediately used ten of them to load up the TMBW page on Album Raises New and Troubling Questions to find out what happened with it. Turns out it was never meant to be released in stores; it's a digital download with a limited supply of CDs available on their website. AAAUGH another digital-only release. >< I hate when they do that, because A) I have very sparse periods of Internet access, B) they always use mp3 format, so there's quality loss, C) I just plain like having physical things, and D) I don't have a bank account or credit cards or anything. Also apparently the CD is only there for a limited time. Well, I guess it's not as bad as Almanac, which never had a physical release at all. Also, The Spine Hits the Road. And the original Venue Songs. And every live show ever. Except for Live!! New York City 10/14/94. But I digress. Luckily Joyce had a couple more painting jobs for me to do and I managed to get paid and ask my b-mum to preorder it for me. It came with a free mp3 download, so I listened to it even before the CD arrived. It's pretty great. I tried listing my favourite tracks from it but it ended up being pretty much all of them. Mixed feelings aboot Havalina being on it. It's a great song and I think TMBG did the original justice p well (I listen to the Pixies, so) and I'm glad it's a lot more accessible now, but... I dunno man, I already had Dig for Fire: A Tribute to Pixies and I was hoping to let Anna listen to the track and she'd be all "OMG THIS IS AWESOME HOW DID YOU EVEN GET THIS", 'cause, like, as thorough as she is when it comes to TMBG, I don't think she collects the various artists compilations like I do. Well, I dunno, hopefully I still have other rare finds to show her, like... I have the 1985 Demo Tape, Wiggle Diskette, all the commercial singles/EPs and a couple inconsistent promotional ones, a few Dial-a-Song demos, bootlegs, etc.... I mean yeah, mp3 format, but she doesn't mind sound quality. Sometimes we're so different... Heh.

Maddi kinda really screwed me over again. Apparently she made another Nick thread on /cwc/ and this time it got me an ED article. So now that I've been brought to pretty much the entire Internet's attention I've had trolls harrassing the crap out of me on Twitter and stuff. Not really sure what to do aboot it. I hate to argue with them, because that's what they want-- to read the stuff I say and lol at my sperginess, but really once you're dox'd you're basically fucked. If you ignore them, they make fun of you. If you talk to them, they make fun of you. It's lose-lose. Jessa claims they got a lawyer to ban me from California, but... come on, man. Come on. A) I would have been notified somehow, B) they're not gonna do that without giving me a trial or whatever to defend myself (epsecially since I haven't even done anything), and C) p sure that'd be outside the powers of a lawyer anyway. I don't know why they keep coming up with all these ridiculous things. Also Jerkemy picked a fight with me for a few days. Turns out he really is a jerk. Like, big-time. Not even just in the argument; he kept responding to all my regular tweets that weren't even aimed at him (like aboot when I messed up baking the fudge and stuff) and kept throwing insults at me like, constantly, for no reason whatsoever. Also apparently he's a troll because he posted the whole thing on /cwc/. I don't know why Anna would date a douche like that. Especially a troll.

So yeah Maddi kinda ruined my pre-life and possibly part of my future actual life too. Why does she keep doing this? Well... not much I can do at the moment but keep working on Anna. Maybe when I turn out to be the only one right out of hundred of thousands, they'll shut the hell up aboot me being crazy and stuff. But anyway, even though it should go withoot saying, I'mma go ahead and say it anyway, in case it isn't: if you read my ED article or hear stuff floating aroond aboot me online, it's not true. I mean, there's some truth in there, but... you know how trolls roll. It's all twisted into insults/slander/libel. Like, obviously the situation with Anna exists, but I'm not a stalker or whatever. And obviously I never molested any children. Et cetera, et cetera. Hey Maddi, can you like, stop posting our DMs on /cwc/ and stuff? You said you regretted posting that first thread, but then, like, you did it again. And then continued to do so. Even more. It's kind of irritating and is screwing me over pretty majorly because as I said, my dumb b-family keeps thinking I did something to initiate trolls calling them and then they yell at me and stuff. I still platonically love you though, *hug*.

So in summation... did things online that most people would find mundane but not me because Asperger's, destroyed a pool, watched TV, apparently I enjoy baking, had a sorta psychic-ish dream, digital downloads upset me greatly, and oh yeah I have trolls on my ass (figuratively speaking). I have the boringest pre-life. When can my actual life start?

Thursday, January 5, 2012