Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Not too much going on but it's been a bit since my last entry, so whatevs. Eh, I've been playing Age of Empires 2 a lot. I used to play it at Dad's years back and decided to get back into it. I suck at it though. I can never beat Moderate difficulty. I dominate at Easiest and Standard though. Then sometimes I set up games where nobody ever wins and just screw aroond for a few hoors. This one time I managed to clear every tree on the map. That was fun. I also learned a bit aboot the middle ages thanks to that History section. I must say, despite having the same name as FF7 and Scrubs characters, I have to retroactively root against the Turks in the battle of Constantinople. Although I guess if the Byzantines won we wouldn't have the hit TMBG single Istanbul (Not Constantinople). Or we still would but it'd have a different title and lyrics. I dunno.

Other stuff is going the same. I've been attending events with my group and working at B-mum's store. She's probably not gonna continue once the lease is up this May. I dunno what I'm gonna do for Internet access after that. I keep trying to talk my aunt into getting me an ISP at home but she won't do it. She keeps trying to talk ME into getting cable though, which is ridiculous. If I had Internet, I could watch shows online as well as do other stuff too. Also I only watch certain shows.

I was looking into getting an accordion. Unfortunately even used ones are still hundreds of dollars but I foond a children's one for like 50 USD and I figure it'd still work. There's only like four buttons but I plan to do like John Linnell and just use the keyboard side anyway, so that's moot.

They Might Be Giants are still awesome

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