Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Neither of his phones work. Pick up the phone! I want Internet, dangit! >C

Also, I've been playing Pokémon Ruby again, doin' some berry tree planting and breeding and whatnot. Oh, and taking advantage of Zigzagoons for millions of free rare items. That's always fun.

Also, I think I enjoy gardening. Like, IRL gardening. I have some plants growing, and... I'm actually surprised they're still alive. They're, like, a few inches tall and developing leaves and stuff. It's pretty cool. I might have to transplant them into pots soon, though. Right now I have 'em in those little Dixie cup things.

I'm also fending off internal conflicts. Tryin' to figure out if I'm being a Christian correctly and stuff. Maybe it's from all the Moral Orel, I don't know.

Also JUST realized that The Else is a really weird album title. I never thought anything of it until last night, when I got all philosophical and tried to decipher its meaning.

Also I still want No Answer to be on the next adult album.

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