Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Thursday, December 25, 2008


So uhh. I've been gone for a couple weeks. Not even keeping up with LJ or anything. So today, I finally get on a computer to set up my new MP3 player and flash drive and stuff, aaaand I find I'm still being talked about. Quite negatively, in fact. How many times do I have to say I haven't done any of the creepy stuff she's claiming I have? There's no shrine on my wall and I don't want to have sex with her in her sleep. And yeah, she's forgiven me a lot in the past. And I've always taken heed of her words and never made the same mistake twice, so there's no reason she should stop forgiving me for things. Well, especially since I didn't even do anything this time. Come to think of it, how did this even start? Regardless, I still can't give up. I have more un-dried-up resources left to use.

...And yeah I tried calling her. That one didn't work. I think she told her mom she didn't know me. Probably should've prepared for that scenario more thoroughly. Well, my school social worker is trying to get me a psychiatrist, so hopefully I can figure something else out with him/her. It'd be nice if Anna could come to the sessions to relay her side of the story, but yeah. She won't.

In unrelated news, my gifts this Christmas include the afforementioned flash drive (a 4 GB improvement over my old one), a generic mp3 player which isn't compatible with any of the iPod accessories that I also received, a cell phone (YES YOU CAN CALL ME AS LONG AS YOU DON'T HARRASS ME ABOUT YOU-KNOW-WHAT), and various small things that aren't important mainly because the giftbuyers obviously have no idea what my interests are. Speaking of, my current obsessions are Moral Orel and Dragonball Z. Weird combination, right?

Also, I've been hanging out with this kid I met on my bus. He drags me out of the house long distances on foot and usually leaves me to walk home alone, eats all our food, leaves my room a mess, cheats at video games, gets me in trouble by keeping me out past my curfew, consistently shows up at the wrong time, and oh yeah he caused permanent damage to both my arms. Now it hurts to move them and I have difficulty sleeping because of the pain. How do I get myself into these things? Other than all that, though, his heart's in the right place. life's a mess. Save me.

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