Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Saturday, April 4, 2009


First, the part where I catch y'allses up on my week.

-Worked more on my Mudkip game, although not as much because the rest of my class finally caught up to me, so we all got a new assignment which I had to do. But I still got a lot done when I was working on it. The basic behind-the-scenes stuff is done, what with the calculating stats and gender and shinyness and nature and stuff.
-Crossdressed in school again. I wore a pink skirt, pin panties and a white bra (do they have to match? I dunno.) under my regular attire, which I took off at the end of first block. I even went as far as unbuttoning my shirt the whole way and dancing around some. Even the teachers lol'd.
-I suspect I may have broken a finger, but it's healed now. I was roleplaying with my half-sister, and I accidentally punched myself in it while attempt to do some sort of rapid-punching attack thing, because I'm fail like that. It hurt to move it for a few days.

Tht's the jist of it.

And now the part where I reply to the many, many hurtful things Anna & Friends has said aboot me over the week.

-No, I will not fuck myself, and I'm not in denial. I'm really NOT a stalker, and you're a bitch for continuing to call me one. YOU should probably fuck YOURself.
-Whatever your reason(s) for hating me is/are, they're not even valid. You can't just go around suddenly declaring you hate someone whilest making up dumb reasoning for it.
-I find it hilarious that you enjoyed my Bonus Stage theories when we were friends, yet suddenly now yours are so much more feasible and mine are retarded, which also applies to other things, I'm sure. My logic is feasible too, ya know. Andrew has no backstory or anything, so I pieced it together that those two are related due to blue hair being a very uncommon trait. Two unrelated people having blue hair would be a huge coincidence. And I'm not even saying I'm 100% accuate. It's a THEORY. THAT'S THE POINT. And Andrew's hair most certanly IS blue. It's dark blue-green. Try a screen capture and then a pick color. Douche.
-Choke to death on my own shit, huh? Creative.
-Like the stuff I say is really any more fucked up than the stuff YOU say. And I must disagree, I totally SHOULD be online AND on social networking sites.

All this being said, you need to stop with the being a bitch. At least tone it down to a normal level. GOD. No wonder you're always complaining that you don't have a boyfriend. You keep unfairly ruling out all possibilities when the damn answer is lying right there in front of you. Keep it up and I guarantee you'll be alone forever.

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