Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Sunday, May 31, 2009


I was offline for quite a while there, mainly because Dad's computer broke. But now I'm back and I can report stuff that's happened recently.

1. Unfortunately, I graduated high school. So now my life is completely ruined, and even if I killed myself, it wouln't do any good because then I'd STILL be a high school graduate in Heaven.

2. I managed to steal my laptop back from Mom. Not the other stuff, just the laptop. They told me for the longest time I'd get my stuff back when I graduate, but now that I did it they changed their minds, so I got PO'd and just took it back anyway.

3. So far, I haven't been kicked out of the house yet, but I still really wanna move anyway. I hate my family and my family hates me. I need to stay very far away from them.

4. Even though I'm a senior and thus don't have to go to school anymore, on Monday I'm going to a little party thing that the special ed class is having for its seniors. We're supposed to paint ceiling tiles. I dunno how to explain that. But yeah. I'm also gonna go Tuesday because we're going on a field trip to Washington, D.C. After that, though, I'm done with school. FOREVER.

5. I have still been playing Pokémon. Although, the other day it pissed me off so much that I kinda lost interest. See, I was EV training an Ampharos, and for some reason, it would NOT get its EVs. I have no idea why. I used 30 EV-givin' items on him, which should've given him 300 EVs. Then, I fought some Pokémon, counting each one, to get 56 more EVs. Since you can only get 510 EVs, there should've only been 154 left to get. So I went and beat the crap out of Pokémon for like, five cycles, making sure to use up all my PP each time (I had 65 PP total). Plus I equipped a macho brace. This should've been way more than enough, but something went screwy because the chick in Slateport will NEVER give me my effort ribbon. So I dunno. I guess I have to start over, but I really don't feel like it.

6. Now that I have my laptop back, I'm probably gonna actually start working on The Coffee Crew. Right now I'm working on making the opening and end credits.

7. I have a cold. It sucks.

I'm probably forgetting a lot of stuff, but I'll do more posts when I remember them.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


It didn't bother me too much at first, but now it sucks how impossible it is to do such simple tasks. Like, last week I got a bunch of epic 80's songs, and I can't for the life of me figure out a way to actually listen to them. My dad's computer, which I usually use for CD burning, is broken, and Mom's CD drive's driver is uninstalled somehow. Troy broke my MP3 player not long ago, and as you know, my stepdad has my laptop. So the files linger there on my flash drive until I can burn a CD. You'd think such a thing as listening to some music is so dang simple, but OH NO, NOT FOR NICK. Plus I really wanna make more games in Flash but of course I'm relgated to using Flash only in school. And even then, all the time allotted is for schoolwork. Sigh... I need my laptop back. :(