Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Sunday, May 31, 2009


I was offline for quite a while there, mainly because Dad's computer broke. But now I'm back and I can report stuff that's happened recently.

1. Unfortunately, I graduated high school. So now my life is completely ruined, and even if I killed myself, it wouln't do any good because then I'd STILL be a high school graduate in Heaven.

2. I managed to steal my laptop back from Mom. Not the other stuff, just the laptop. They told me for the longest time I'd get my stuff back when I graduate, but now that I did it they changed their minds, so I got PO'd and just took it back anyway.

3. So far, I haven't been kicked out of the house yet, but I still really wanna move anyway. I hate my family and my family hates me. I need to stay very far away from them.

4. Even though I'm a senior and thus don't have to go to school anymore, on Monday I'm going to a little party thing that the special ed class is having for its seniors. We're supposed to paint ceiling tiles. I dunno how to explain that. But yeah. I'm also gonna go Tuesday because we're going on a field trip to Washington, D.C. After that, though, I'm done with school. FOREVER.

5. I have still been playing Pokémon. Although, the other day it pissed me off so much that I kinda lost interest. See, I was EV training an Ampharos, and for some reason, it would NOT get its EVs. I have no idea why. I used 30 EV-givin' items on him, which should've given him 300 EVs. Then, I fought some Pokémon, counting each one, to get 56 more EVs. Since you can only get 510 EVs, there should've only been 154 left to get. So I went and beat the crap out of Pokémon for like, five cycles, making sure to use up all my PP each time (I had 65 PP total). Plus I equipped a macho brace. This should've been way more than enough, but something went screwy because the chick in Slateport will NEVER give me my effort ribbon. So I dunno. I guess I have to start over, but I really don't feel like it.

6. Now that I have my laptop back, I'm probably gonna actually start working on The Coffee Crew. Right now I'm working on making the opening and end credits.

7. I have a cold. It sucks.

I'm probably forgetting a lot of stuff, but I'll do more posts when I remember them.

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