Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Yeah, I didn't really intend to be gone this long, but my aunt was paying me by the hour to help fix up one of her apartments, so I was trying to get in as many hours as possible. I got up to 46.5 hours. I hope to buy an external hard drive with my payment, which is somewhere between 300 and 400 USD. 'Cept I'm getting screwed out of $75 of it, because my aunt insists on giving me a gift card and savings bond in lieu of payment. Hopefully $200 is enough... but if not, there's still another apartment after this one's finished. :)

The apartment was really the main thing that happened, but there was a brief period of time where I had TWO Nintendo DSes. See, Amber loaned me hers because she wanted me to play her Pokémon HeartGold and get her some progress and stuff, but mainly I just used it to trade Pokémon from my Diamond to my SoulSilver. Also I finally lived out my dream of playing video games CONSTANTLY, by always keeping one DS on the charger and one in my hand. When my battery runs out, I just swap out for the other. Except then I had a constant headache for a couple weeks until Amber took her DS back. But still. Worth it.

Also, the weather has SUCKED. At one point I noticed it was 98 degrees Fahrenheit. My solution? Get nekkid, turn the AC on full blast, eat/drink frozen things, and use cryokinesis to lower the temperature in the surrounding area. But even with all this, I was sweating bullets. Terrible, terrible. One of the reasons I hate summer. Another reason is bees. They're EVERYWHERE.

The only good thing aboot summer is the sprouting of those weird, puffy white flowers that people blow and wish on. I like to grab a stick, pretend it's a katana, and run around chopping them in half. Horizontally, of course. But man, it's been years since I really did a full-assed LARP. I don't really have it in me anymore... I mean, I'm out of breath after only a handful of slashes. Might not help that I sometimes do aerial attacks too.

There was also a noteworthy event a couple days ago. I looked out the window and saw that Captain (one of my cats) was playing with a bird. I tried telling him to stop, but he didn't really listen. So then I got a stick and a bucket and long story short, pushed the bird into the bucket. I then brought the little dude/chick into the hoose, and Nanny told me to just kinda leave it there for a while. So I did. Then we checked on it again a little later, and Nanny told me to dump it out of the bucket onto the carpet and see what it does. We were kinda expecting it to die from its injuries, but apparently it wasn't too injured because as soon as I tipped the bucket over it started flying around the hoose.

Unable to catch the bird, we waited until the next day to call Steve in to get the job done. Meanwhile, I put out some bread and a saucer of water for it, which it seemed to enjoy. It also enjoyed crapping everywhere. But, after a long night of guarding my eyes from being pecked, Steve finally captured the bird and released it outside. The end.

Also, I made a lot of lattés and apparently a possum lives in our yard.

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