Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Monday, September 27, 2010


I don't know what's been up with Dad lately, but suddenly he's mad at me for a bunch of unknown reasons. Right now he's literally doing some kind of rant that I'm not really listening to but I'm p sure he's telling me I'm going to be homeless and that I'm making everyone miserable or something... I don't know. But it's been really annoying have to come up here all the time with everyone being a douche constantly...

I mean, it was bad enough they keep making me do chores and kicking me off the computer when I'm in the middle of something important, but then they tell me I have a two-hour limit (they never actually activated that thing, but still. the principle of the matter), they forbid me from talking to my girlfriend, apparently they were messing around in my Windows account because Dad found some picture from years ago and was really adamant that I delete it immediately... I used to be able to tolerate this crap because this is the only house I have Internet access at, but now I can't take it anymore.

And apparently I got my wish, because suddenly Dad decided to wake me up and tell me I can't come back until I get a job. I don't know what brought this up again, but yeah. I don't know how many times I have to tell everyone I can't work but nobody ever shuts up about it. It's really annoying. But now I have no way of doing all my Internet stuff, which... well that's basically all I do. So now I have nothing to do. Ever again. Unless of course I manage to get a laptop, but I'll never get enough money, so. Yeeeaah...

tl;dr i'm screwed

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