Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Defecation Survey

@FagPrime oh, a few years ago I made a survey of 50 defecation-related questions, do you think my wife would fill it oot? Also you and maddi

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1) How often do you defecate? How many times per day/week?
2) Around what time of day do you defecate most often?
3) Do you enjoy defecating?
4) Once you sit down on the toilet, how long does it take for the feces to actually come out?
5) What do you think about while defecating? Are you focused on the defecation itself, or do you think about other things?
6) How often do you get diarrhea?
7) Do you fart while defecating?
8) How big is your feces, usually?
10) Does it have corn chunks in it?
11) Is it soft or hard?
12) Do you strain to defecate, or just relax and let it come out by itself?
14) What motion do you use? Do you wipe in a circle or up and down? Do you try to clean inside too?
15) How many fingers do you wipe with? Which ones?
16) Which hand do you wipe with? Do you reach around your back or through your legs?
17) Do you wash your hands afterward?
18) Do you ever clog the toilet?
20) Are you comfortable defecating when other people are nearby?
21) Have you ever defecated outdoors? If so, explain. Where was it? What were the circumstances? What did you wipe with? Did anyone see you?
22) Are you aroused by the thought of defecating on someone, being defecated on, other people being defecated on, or any combination of the three?
23) Have you ever touched your own feces?
24) When sitting on the toilet, do you slouch, sit up straight, or lean over?
25) Are your legs spread or closed?
9) What colour is it? Be specific-- if it is brown, is it light, dark, or medium brown?
12+1) Do you wipe afterwards? If so, do you fold the toilet paper neatly or crumple it into a ball?
19) Are you comfortable defecating in someone else's house?
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26) How far are your pants/skirt and panties pulled down? Ankles, calves, knees, mid-thigh, etc? Or are they removed completely? What do you do with other clothing items such as shirts, bras, dresses, socks, shoes, etc?
27) Are your feet flat on the floor, lifted, or do you push up with your toes? Do you tap your foot/feet, or bounce your leg(s)?
28) Do you point your feet inward or straight out? Do you curl your toes?
29) What do you look at?
30) What do you do with your arms?
32) Have you ever had a conversation with anyone while defecating? In person, on the phone, and/or via IM?
33) Have you ever shown anyone a photo of your feces, or even your feces itself?
34) Do you ever do anything else while defecating (video games, music, masturbation, eating, etc.?)
35) Do you put toilet paper or anything on the seat, or just sit on it without any layers in between?
36) Has anyone ever seen you defecate? Have you ever seen anyone else defecate?
37) Do you close the lid after defecating?
38) What was your worst/most embarrassing defecation moment?
39) Have you ever accidentally forgotten to flush?
40) What is your opinion of feces and defecation? Is it sexy, fun, pleasurable, funny, and/or or gross, or do you have no opinion?
41) In what order do you flush, close the lid, wipe, stand up, and pull your panties/pants/skirt back up?
42) Do you ever squat to defecate?
43) Does you feces smell good or bad? Do you spray perfume or anything after defecating?
44) Do you ever miss anything while wiping? Do you find feces stains in your panties and/or on your washrag when you bathe?
45) Does your anus ever burn or itch after defecation?
47) Have you ever tried to intentionally induce diarrhea?
31) Have you ever defecated in your pants (excluding as a baby, obviously)? Explain. How old were you? How did it happen? Where were you? Did anyone notice? What did you do aboot it?
46) Do you ever think aboot other people defecating?
48) How do you feel aboot me masturbating to mental images of you defecating? Can I have photos/video of your feces and/or you defecating?
49) What terms do you prefer: feces/defecated/defecating/defecation, poop/pooped/pooping, poo/pood/pooing, or shit/shat/shitting?
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50) Do you ever get constipated? Do you use enemas and/or laxatives?

BONUS! Are there any additional notes concerning your feces/defecation you can share that weren't covered by any of these 

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