Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Hello new accoont

Hey nudists (I can say it, YOU can't; it's like the "N" word). Hoo long's it been since I last updated? I think like two years. People always ask me why I haven't posted in so long and I tell them "because it's too hard to type on a tablet, yo". My source of Internet for the past several months has been using B-mum's portable wifi box thing with my tablet when we work at her store at the same time every two oot of three weekends. But I have a new laptop finally so I'm doing an LJ entry.

Major crap happened since I last posted on LJ. My b-grandmother whom I was living with got dementia, so my aunt wanted to get me oot of her hoose. She made me move into one of her apartments and got me a case worker to set me up with welfare and programs and stuff. So I ended up with SSI, food stamps, therapy, a psychiatrist (turns oot they're different), medical insurance, a medicinal doctor and a really frustrating bus that takes me to therapy a couple hoors before the appointment actually starts unless they forget to add me into the system in which case they don't take me at all. And I'm in this pretty cool group thing where we go on field trips to like... well we've gone to Hershey Park, the Farm Show in Harrisburgh, I dunno, lots of places. We either do a field trip or stay at HQ and have like an educational lesson. I try to attend the ones aboot cooking 'cause I like cooking 'cause I'm stereotypically feminine. It's a lot like my fourth period class back in high school really.

Anna still hates me. And I still don't know why. Sometimes I kinda wanna try dating someone else but then other times I flake. There's actually this one girl I know irl who's pretty cute but I don't know if she'd be interested in me (and why would she BE-- I suck), I don't even know anything aboot her, I still can't really talk to people, I have no money or transportation with which to go on dates, I don't actually know what one is supposed to DO on dates, all my eccentricities would probably scare her off anyway, et cetera. So nothing'll probably pan oot there. I'll wait for Anna to stop hating me, I guess. Sometimes it's fun to have pipe dreams though. Also I'd like to have a girlfriend by August because of this one thing August is the National Month of that I won't say here because normies might be reading this. - In addition to LJ, I also use again noo that I got this new laptop. For those unfamiliar, it tracks what music you listen to and coonts what songs/bands you listen to most and stuff. Tip: for me it's mostly They Might Be Giants.

Nick L. Nickel, signing off. Remember kiddies, there's an infinite number of parallel universes, but none of them contain Kentucky.

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