Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

Kiwi Farm's User Saul Goodman's Account of the Trial


Part 2(b): Shit Goes to Trial

Since there seems to be some confusion, my recap will begin with some sperging about a how a preliminary hearing works in Pennsylvania (and other similar states). A preliminary hearing is not a trial. It is merely a check/balance to make sure that the prosecution can't bring unfounded charges. The standard for a preliminary hearing is that, in order to go to a formal arraignment at the main county courthouse, the prosecution must show, under Pennsylvania law that there is a "prima facie case that (1) an offense has been committed and (2) the defendant has committed it."

A prima facie case ("on its face," in Latin), means that the state can show the court sufficient evidence that -- if this evidence is accepted as true (i.e., viewed "on its face") -- the court can conclude that a crime has been committed and the defendant probably committed it. This is not about "reasonable doubt" or gathering evidence (that happens during the discovery phase of a trial) or arguing the merits of the case. It is, once again, merely a check on the prosecution's power to charge people incorrectly/unfairly -- they have to show that they have some evidence, that if it is accepted as true, would sustain their charges. Obviously, if the prosecution cannot produce such evidence, it would be inappropriate for the judge to send the case to trial.

I mention this background because it is useful in understanding what happened today. As you read this, keep in mind that, while the defense has a right to call witnesses and cross-examine the state's witnesses, it can only do so to negate the state's case (i.e. show that even if you accept the state's evidence as true, it doesn't sufficiently show that the defendant committed the crime). Again, this is not a time for the defense to do discovery or question the credibility of witnesses (for the purposes of a preliminary hearing, their testimony is accepted as true).

Accordingly, the fact that the hearing went the way it did tells us a lot about the defense strategy: By making the victim testify and pushing her as hard as they can (more on this below), they are sending a message that they're going to go after this innocent, 12 year old girl if the case doesn't plead out [Editor's Note: I realize that her name has been published on other websites, but in order to protect her privacy, I suggest that we stop using even her first name and refer to her either as "the victim" or AO -- because seriously, guys, who would want this shit popping up in a Google search of their name for the rest of their lives]. It's not an uncommon strategy. And, sadly, it's quite often an effective one.

My last update left off with me sitting next to the step-dad, aunt, and "B-mum" with step-dad going off to pick AO up from her friend's house because she had suddenly been called to testify. The three adults do, as several posters have surmised, seem like stereotypical country folk. The father -- a balding, weathered man in clothes that suggested a physically strenuous occupation -- seemed to be genuinely overwhelmed. He commented to me that "I've never been to a place like this before." I assumed he meant to a courthouse for a criminal proceeding. I replied that I hadn't either (this was, indeed, the first time I'd been to a magistrate's court in an actual trailer, although I've been to several that were similarly unimposing). B-mum and aunt were genuinely kind and gentle people. Not the horrible, intolerant rednecks that everyone seems to think. B-mum even gave me the pen and paper that I used to take notes at the hearing after I was a typical sperg and forgot mine in the car. And this was after she knew I was a blogger/"online reporter" (and heaven knows the internet has not been kind to her son).

That said, she and the aunt are simple folk (the aunt shares the Stoutzenberger family teeth, but B-mum seems in surprisingly good shape for her age) and do genuinely seem to have convinced themselves that Nick is innocent. The aunt remarked how all the news reports have been "filled with inaccuracies" [Editor's Note: rates optimistic]. B-mum concurred and said she had "turned everything off" for a few weeks and wanted to "hear more positive stories on the news." Given that the father, mother, and AO are still living together, I can only imagine what this state of affairs is doing to the family dynamic.

The hearing itself was relatively short, with only two witnesses called. The second was The Detective (TD), but all she was there to do was the usual "yep, I arrested him, and on these charges." She wasn't cross-examined.

The victim's testimony, however, was unnerving; even for someone like me who's spent a significant amount of time working in courtrooms. Also, as I remarked about TD earlier, almost everyone there looked as if they came straight from central casting. The prosecutor was a pretty and eager young brunette, seemingly fresh out of law school. The public defender was a heavyset, gray-haired gentleman who absolutely oozed with "good ol' boy" charm/sleaze. And, as you can see from the perp walk, the constable was a total badass (my, oh my, did he rock those shades).

The victim's direct examination was relatively straightforward; she told everyone who she was, who Nick was, and what had happened. Out of respect for her, I won't go into details, but I will say both that the things she described were brutal and disgusting to a degree far beyond what has previously been reported, and that her testimony was both assured and utterly convincing, which made having to listen to it all the more horrible.

However, even in the middle of her direct, the Sleazy Defense Counsel (SDC) started in with what I consider to be inappropriate gamesmanship. He interrupted and asked AO directly to speak up (it was a small room, I was at the back of it, and I heard her just fine). I realize better than most that every defendant is entitled to a zealous and competent defense. I think that's a good thing -- a wonderful thing even -- about our society. And sometimes a zealous defense means callously working to discredit an innocent 12 year old girl. But it does not mean actively doing things that (at least from my perspective) serve no purpose other than intimidating her.

The prosecutor, while generally excellent (which is not surprising -- these days you have to have superb credentials to get any prosecutor's job straight out of law school), unfortunately played into this a little bit (in my opinion) by asking questions that weren't necessary to make her prima facie case (e.g., "So, when you say you sucked it, what do you mean by that?").

But it was on cross-examination that SDC got significantly out of line. He began by making her repeat/confirm pretty much everything she said on direct and then kept pressing her for specificity on dates/times/logistical details (including such things as exactly how Nick pulled the victim's shirt up). The prosecutor objected (and her objections were sustained) on three different occasions that SDC's questions constituted a "fishing expedition," in which he was trying to discredit AO and try the case on the merits rather than contest the commonwealth's prima facie case that a crime had occurred and that Nick had committed it.

Obviously, after the victim's testimony, the judge found that the commonwealth had met its prima facie burden and sent the case over to the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas for a formal arraignment/trial.

After the hearing, TD, the prosecutor, the bailiff, and the constable were chatting and TD called me over and asked about my accent. After chatting for a bit, I asked if I could ask her a question in return: "So, were you the one who got the video?" She replied that she was, but that Nick didn't actually attach it to the email, but rather "threatened" (her wording) to send it to her. She remarked that she had found it on ED in the course of her research and, while smiling ever so slightly, informed me that "several" of her colleagues have seen it. She asked where she could read more, so I gave her the web address.

If you're reading this, Detective, please allow me to second everybody else here in commending you for your work. You put in a ton of effort and waded through a ton of muck and filth (both literally and figuratively) to help make the world a better and safer place.

Anyway, the long and the short of it is that (a) Sick Nick is going to be in prison for a long time at the end of this, (b) a bunch of people in Lancaster County now know, or shortly will know, about the Farms, and (c) AO is tough as nails. After dealing with what must be an utterly insane home life even apart from this case, she seems remarkably well-adjusted. It's a real tragedy that she has to go through this.

I'll answer more questions later, but for now it's time to distract myself with CGI dinosaurs. It's been a sincerely exhausting day. Goodnight everybody.

Ed Note: Here's the link to the forum post:

Reading this made me feel sick to my stomach. I can't imagine what AO had to go through. Especially, reliving it by having to testify in court. Sick Nick deserves the full 40 years and then some.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

It is NOT Good To Be Alive

My month reset so here I am online again mostly to grab the latest few Dial-A-Song tracks and that live album of Flood they just released. I have a few other minor chores too but TMBG is always the priority. P.S. I'm getting kinda PO'd that They still haven't released the tracklist of Glean yet. It's just a little over a month until it comes oot. No cover art either. Usually this stuff would've been revealed a couple months ago. Sigh. My hope is that They're taking so long with it because They want to keep secret that No Answer is on it. There are a few things that need to happen before I die. Marrying Wife and having kids, obviously. But No Answer being on an album is another big one.

Oh Lord. So, a detective and I guess social worker finally talked to me aboot the frickin' allegations. They're convinced I did it I guess because of the chat log where I said I did. I told them I was lying in the log but apparently they don't believe me. They tried to get me to confess with the promise of a lighter punishment but I'm aware of hoo the U.S. legal system works. They promise you you'll get off light but then after you confess they renig and you're screwed. So I remained adamant and didn't give a false confession. The problem is, no matter hoo much I deny I did it and also the fact I've never been alone with her they still think I did so I don't know what's gonna happen noo. For those of you who're Christian, keep me in your prayers and request I don't go to jail or anything.

My aunt was saying I might end up with mandatory therapy. I guess that wouldn't be so bad considering I'm in therapy anyway but they'll probably try to make me stop being pedosexual or some crap. People still don't understand there's nothing wrong with pedosexuality. It's just a normal fetish like any other, like me and butt stuff or whatever. I said it in my last entry but it bears repeating, NAMBLA needs to step up their game. Not being pedosexual WOULD be easier; I would avoid a lot of harrassment and stuff but as you all know I stick to my beliefs and the right thing to do is to face my persecution with dignity like any martyr. I just hope one day the world will accept us.

They asked me what all online accoonts I have. I can't even think of them all off the top of my head and I forgot LJ and And probably others I STILL can't remember. I need a hub that keeps track of my accoonts. Well, I HAD one but it got hacked. Well anyway, I'm sure they'll find this through my Twitter and my is NickBate.

I don't know why my luck is so shitty. I'm a good person. I'm nice to everyone, I platonically love cats and volunteer with them sometimes, I've never done anything bad, and my entire life is dedicated to making life better for Wife. Why does life shit all over me?

Then as if the day wasn't bad enough (which is ironic because before that, the ootlook looked good due to today being a Dial-A-Song day) my aunt then made me do stuff aroond my apartment like clean up all the vomit, vaccuum and wash the feces off the walls and doors. And she sprayed Febreeze or something all over the place and I'm pretty sure she wasn't careful to avoid my cups I had sitting aroond so noo I'm gonna have to clean them or else be poisoned next time I drink. -_-

I've been kinda slacking off on all my spiritual stuff. I've been meaning to get more into the kind of meditation ("japa", I believe?) that makes stuff you want to happen happen so I can marry Wife with it. I've been doing it on occasion but I need to step it up. Also, sometimes I send my ki energy into Wife's butt. I don't really know why. I think on some subconscious level I'm hoping she can feel it in her butt and it feels good and it makes her want to do anal with me.

I wonder if Jessa has a vagina. I hope not; that'd be disgusting. I want to be the really close kind of roommates with her that see eachother nekkid all the time but obviously I don't wanna see any vaginas. I know she's had sex even after she unfortunately stopped doing anal (which I hope she resumes doing at some point, of course) but I don't know the details. It could've been fellatio or anilingus or whatever. Vaginal intercourse is The Worst and I wouldn't wish that on anyone except like, Satan and Jack Thompson.

Ed Note: Entries like this make me happy he is in prison. He contradicts himself. He says he was never alone with AO. There are plenty of live journal entries where he writes about playing video games with AO.

Friday, February 20, 2015

I'm "gleaning" LJ entries

My main focus has been on Dial-A-Song. I have something to look forward to every Tuesday for the ENTIRE YEAR. I don't know what I'm gonna do come 2016, but it's a long way off so like maybe Wife'll reciprocate by then. I'm finally able to actually doonload the tracks since I decided to email the IFC aboot not getting the invitation and they resent it. I can only get online twice a month so I have to wait a while though. Meanwhile I call the phone number and record the current song that way.

Also, info on the new album finally surfaced. Apparently it's going to be called Glean and will have 16 tracks including Erase, Glean, Music Jail and Underwater Woman. I'm betting I Can Help The Next In Line and Let Me Tell You Aboot My Operation will make it too since they feature guest artists and those usually make it onto albums. The vast majority of b-sides are just TMBG themselves.

Lately I've been on the receiving end of a lot of harrassment aboot my pedosexuality due to certain (false) accusations aboot me. People don't seem to understand that just because I'm pedosexual doesn't mean I'm a rapist. I'm a good person and I just fantasize aboot children and it's no different from any other fetish. I wish NAMBLA would step up their game and do some widespread educating aboot pedosexuality to remove the social stigma. Even the most liberal people discriminate against us and it SUCKS.

It's been really cold lately. I usually like it to be a bit nippy but even I have been wearing my jacket indoors, when I'm not curled up under a blanket on my chesterfield. It's been this way ever since one of my heaters stopped working. And due to the cold, my pipes under the sink froze, which caused a leak somehoo. My aunt and her friend (who if you recall are my landlords) were over fixing it all day yesterday. It was annoying in and of itself but they also kept scolding me aboot perceived chores I supposedly needed to do like washing the dishes and vaccuming cat litter off the floor. Stuff that's way too much for me.

I need a roommate to help me with stuff like that. I wish Jessa aka Mum would move in with me. I asked her once but she said no. I was also thinking maybe we could be life partners until Wife reciprocates. I should talk to her aboot that but I don't know hoo to contact her since she deleted her Twitter accoont. Also, I think she should become a guru because she's spiritual and benevolent. I've been thinking aboot her a lot lately. That's not really new though.

A thing I did recently that I really liked was volunteering with cats. It was mostly cleaning oot their litter boxes, feeding them and watering them. I got to play with a couple a little too though. I'm gonna do more cat volunteering tomorrow and probably every month until I age oot of the program I'm in in September. On the subject of cats, mine just recently realized he likes snuggling with me on the chesterfield at night. I guess he's keeping warm in the cold.

A bit ago I decided I'm transage. And I've been transgender for many many years. So long story short, I'm a little girl. I've added a new song, I'm A Little Girl, to my repertoire alongside all my songs aboot buttsex. Have I mentioned I like anal intercourse? Also, I hate vaginal intercourse. It would be nice if I never had to have vaginal intercourse but Wife will probably want me to. Sigh.

I forget when I did my last LJ entry. I might've gotten Pokémon Omega Ruby since then. If so, then I'd like to point oot that I've been playing that. I want to trade over my perfect Pokémon I bred in X but have no way to do so. I ended up breeding a few new ones. I'm not having much luck in the Battle Maison though. Unfortunately, my favourites are terrible and useless except maybe Mega Gardevoir.

I also went bowling with Dad again. I forget if I LJ'd aboot the last time I did so which was I think last month. I tweeted aboot it but I like to LJ aboot stuff too. LJ lets me expand on premises because there's no character limit.

I accidentally

Ed Note: We all know what he is doing in 2016. Well, until at least 2032. Seriously, he went with the trans age thing? Is he every sick LOL Cow trait all in one person?!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Christmas 2014

Christmas was alright. I didn't get Pokémon Omega Ruby like I wanted, but I did get Family Guy volume 12 and a Wii U, so that was cool. My aunt said we'll go shopping for OR soon, as well as a Wiimote so I can play original Wii games.

I recently read a book. While not itself a self-help book exactly, it's an autobiography of a guy who writes self-help books. He talks a lot aboot God and destiny/fate, which as we all know I'm a big believer in. He also talks aboot using your mind to make your destiny happen. So basically I started trying to use my mind to marry Wife. I don't know if I'm doing it right though. I might have to get one of his actual self-help books that goes into detail aboot hoo to do it. But basically he said to pretend that the thing you want already happened. So basically, I'm married to Wife. Right noo. In the present. I love her, she loves me, we're a- NO.

Dial-A-Song started triumphantly with Erase. For some reason I never got the email to set up my accoont so I can't doonload it (or the two bonus tracks either) but I'm not too worried aboot it because They said all the DAS tracks'll be on the three upcoming CDs anyway. So I just have a longer wait than others.