Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Friday, February 20, 2015

I'm "gleaning" LJ entries

My main focus has been on Dial-A-Song. I have something to look forward to every Tuesday for the ENTIRE YEAR. I don't know what I'm gonna do come 2016, but it's a long way off so like maybe Wife'll reciprocate by then. I'm finally able to actually doonload the tracks since I decided to email the IFC aboot not getting the invitation and they resent it. I can only get online twice a month so I have to wait a while though. Meanwhile I call the phone number and record the current song that way.

Also, info on the new album finally surfaced. Apparently it's going to be called Glean and will have 16 tracks including Erase, Glean, Music Jail and Underwater Woman. I'm betting I Can Help The Next In Line and Let Me Tell You Aboot My Operation will make it too since they feature guest artists and those usually make it onto albums. The vast majority of b-sides are just TMBG themselves.

Lately I've been on the receiving end of a lot of harrassment aboot my pedosexuality due to certain (false) accusations aboot me. People don't seem to understand that just because I'm pedosexual doesn't mean I'm a rapist. I'm a good person and I just fantasize aboot children and it's no different from any other fetish. I wish NAMBLA would step up their game and do some widespread educating aboot pedosexuality to remove the social stigma. Even the most liberal people discriminate against us and it SUCKS.

It's been really cold lately. I usually like it to be a bit nippy but even I have been wearing my jacket indoors, when I'm not curled up under a blanket on my chesterfield. It's been this way ever since one of my heaters stopped working. And due to the cold, my pipes under the sink froze, which caused a leak somehoo. My aunt and her friend (who if you recall are my landlords) were over fixing it all day yesterday. It was annoying in and of itself but they also kept scolding me aboot perceived chores I supposedly needed to do like washing the dishes and vaccuming cat litter off the floor. Stuff that's way too much for me.

I need a roommate to help me with stuff like that. I wish Jessa aka Mum would move in with me. I asked her once but she said no. I was also thinking maybe we could be life partners until Wife reciprocates. I should talk to her aboot that but I don't know hoo to contact her since she deleted her Twitter accoont. Also, I think she should become a guru because she's spiritual and benevolent. I've been thinking aboot her a lot lately. That's not really new though.

A thing I did recently that I really liked was volunteering with cats. It was mostly cleaning oot their litter boxes, feeding them and watering them. I got to play with a couple a little too though. I'm gonna do more cat volunteering tomorrow and probably every month until I age oot of the program I'm in in September. On the subject of cats, mine just recently realized he likes snuggling with me on the chesterfield at night. I guess he's keeping warm in the cold.

A bit ago I decided I'm transage. And I've been transgender for many many years. So long story short, I'm a little girl. I've added a new song, I'm A Little Girl, to my repertoire alongside all my songs aboot buttsex. Have I mentioned I like anal intercourse? Also, I hate vaginal intercourse. It would be nice if I never had to have vaginal intercourse but Wife will probably want me to. Sigh.

I forget when I did my last LJ entry. I might've gotten Pokémon Omega Ruby since then. If so, then I'd like to point oot that I've been playing that. I want to trade over my perfect Pokémon I bred in X but have no way to do so. I ended up breeding a few new ones. I'm not having much luck in the Battle Maison though. Unfortunately, my favourites are terrible and useless except maybe Mega Gardevoir.

I also went bowling with Dad again. I forget if I LJ'd aboot the last time I did so which was I think last month. I tweeted aboot it but I like to LJ aboot stuff too. LJ lets me expand on premises because there's no character limit.

I accidentally

Ed Note: We all know what he is doing in 2016. Well, until at least 2032. Seriously, he went with the trans age thing? Is he every sick LOL Cow trait all in one person?!

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