Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I'm back from a whole week at Nanny's.

First off all, we do indeed have a new cat. It is a really cute kitten. It's friendly and playful. We named it Skitty. He enjoys sleeping on my neck for some reason. I would probably saw "awwwwww" out loud if I wasn't choking to death. We brought him in the house with us, and threw some balls for him to chase. The one night, we had this laser light things that he chased around. It was hilarious.

I also had two dreams that I should discuss. The first was about terrorists attacking Pennsylvania. They blew up Hershey, a football stadium, and some other big city I can't recall. It was so crazy... there was this whole backstory and kind of a plot going on... I don't really feel like explaining it again. There were lots of weird special-effects, though. Then, the next night, I had another dream. In this one, Mandy came over to visit. Unfortunately, I don't remember it very well... but we were at Mom's house, and I guess they were having a family gathering or something. I dunno. Me and Anna were presumably off doing other stuff, though. I SURE HOPE THAT WAS A PSYCHIC DREAM :D

I had to get another haircut. =/ I got an inch taken off. I got rewarded with McDonald's and Dairy Queen, but... still... I need my hair to be longer...

I played a lot of Digimon World for some reason. The first one, which nobody likes but me. The only thing that bothers me is that your Digimon dies too fast. Before I can even get its stats up enough to actually put up a decent fight against enemies, it dies. So then I have to start over again. So really the only way to win any fights is to have buttloads of healing items. Oh, and Monochromon's mini-game thing is way too hard.


Tuesday, August 7, 2007

So I've been puppysitting my mom's new dog while everyone's at work, from 5:30 AM to 1:00 PM, give or take. I've used these many, many hours to watch movies and shit online. Mostly the movies in the View Askewniverse. Gotta love 'em. Sadly, the only movies I've seen so far are Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, and Clerks II, all of which were mad awesome. I'm probably gonna see Clerks next, if I can find it. Randall and Dante somehow remind me of Joel and Phil (respectively), except instead of talking aboot video games, they talk aboot sex. It's great.

I also FINALLY got around to submitting my entry in Jessa's contest on dA. After many failed attempts, I realized that I wasn't gonna pull off anything super-cool and/or awesome, so I settled on what I actually entered. I think I still have a couple more prototype drawings lying around my room.

Also, apparently Mom had a birthday yesterday, so my aunt took me to Park City to buy her some CDs. Naturally, I bought myself some CDs instead. Abbey Road, Bleach, and Doolittle, by The Beatles, Nirvana, and Pixies (respectively). I did, however, help my aunt find CDs for HER to pay for with HER money and not mine. Because I'm not spending money on my mom. Ever. She ended up getting her some country CDs (my mom likes country) by Toby Keith, Taylor Swift (who my aunt and I could've sworn was on American Idol, but mom insists she wasn't) and Billy Currington, whoever they all are.

We also went out to eat at this buffet called Shady Maple for the party. I ate an assload of breaded shrimp, which I never before realized was so damn good. I also tried some baked apples, which kinda sucked compared to its non-baked cousin. Then, of course, I raped the ice cream bar and fixed up a chocolate and vanilla mixture, topped with butterscotch, caramel, chocolate sauce and crushed Oreos. It may sound delish, but let me tell you, mixing that many flavors isn't as good an idea as it may seem at first. It somehow gave me a headache, and a stomach ache. But to be fair, I ALWAYS get a stomach ache after eating a lot, so.

Saturday, August 4, 2007


Here's the deal, man, the total deal. I got this from Mandy/Anna/Mannady/Mandanna/Annandy.

"Comment and I'll give you a letter; then you have to list 10 things you love that begin with that letter. Afterwards, post this in your journal and give out some letters of your own."

I gots R.

1. Rya
2. Retardedness
3. RPGs
4. Rectums
5. Roaring
6. Roleplaying
7. Rhetorical questions
8. Romance
9. Religion
10. Reefer



Buttloads of bad news today.

1. My aunt called earlier, informing me that another of my cats died. It was one of the new kittens. Apparently it had cancer, which we already presumed because of the lump on its stomach. Of course we didn't DO anything about it, and now it's too late. Poor kitty. And now the other kitten has no one to play with. Awwwwwwww. D:

2. WF just got another computer game, so he's going to be kicking me off more often, probably for hours at a time. You might not be seeing me around much anymore. Oh, and on top of that, his mom is going to be taking COMPUTER classes for her schooling. Which means MORE less Internetting for me. AND, when school comes, I have to move back to Nanny's. Meaning NO computer. D: Just a little forewarning. So come the end of August, I'll be gone, unless maybe I can come to Dad's on weekends. But don't count on it. I'll probably keep in touch by sending letters and possibly phoning if Mandy feels like it.

3. I'm probably going to have a few heart attacks someday. I had a reveleation last night, when I had what seemed to be a miniature heart attack or something. I'm presumably extremely unhealthy, so I'm seriously fucked.
