Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I'm back from a whole week at Nanny's.

First off all, we do indeed have a new cat. It is a really cute kitten. It's friendly and playful. We named it Skitty. He enjoys sleeping on my neck for some reason. I would probably saw "awwwwww" out loud if I wasn't choking to death. We brought him in the house with us, and threw some balls for him to chase. The one night, we had this laser light things that he chased around. It was hilarious.

I also had two dreams that I should discuss. The first was about terrorists attacking Pennsylvania. They blew up Hershey, a football stadium, and some other big city I can't recall. It was so crazy... there was this whole backstory and kind of a plot going on... I don't really feel like explaining it again. There were lots of weird special-effects, though. Then, the next night, I had another dream. In this one, Mandy came over to visit. Unfortunately, I don't remember it very well... but we were at Mom's house, and I guess they were having a family gathering or something. I dunno. Me and Anna were presumably off doing other stuff, though. I SURE HOPE THAT WAS A PSYCHIC DREAM :D

I had to get another haircut. =/ I got an inch taken off. I got rewarded with McDonald's and Dairy Queen, but... still... I need my hair to be longer...

I played a lot of Digimon World for some reason. The first one, which nobody likes but me. The only thing that bothers me is that your Digimon dies too fast. Before I can even get its stats up enough to actually put up a decent fight against enemies, it dies. So then I have to start over again. So really the only way to win any fights is to have buttloads of healing items. Oh, and Monochromon's mini-game thing is way too hard.


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