Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Saturday, August 4, 2007


Buttloads of bad news today.

1. My aunt called earlier, informing me that another of my cats died. It was one of the new kittens. Apparently it had cancer, which we already presumed because of the lump on its stomach. Of course we didn't DO anything about it, and now it's too late. Poor kitty. And now the other kitten has no one to play with. Awwwwwwww. D:

2. WF just got another computer game, so he's going to be kicking me off more often, probably for hours at a time. You might not be seeing me around much anymore. Oh, and on top of that, his mom is going to be taking COMPUTER classes for her schooling. Which means MORE less Internetting for me. AND, when school comes, I have to move back to Nanny's. Meaning NO computer. D: Just a little forewarning. So come the end of August, I'll be gone, unless maybe I can come to Dad's on weekends. But don't count on it. I'll probably keep in touch by sending letters and possibly phoning if Mandy feels like it.

3. I'm probably going to have a few heart attacks someday. I had a reveleation last night, when I had what seemed to be a miniature heart attack or something. I'm presumably extremely unhealthy, so I'm seriously fucked.


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