Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Friday, September 21, 2007


Today and yesterday we went on field trips. Oh, joy. I'm not the kind of guy who likes to walk around outside in unbearably hot weather. Today we went out to catch monarch butterflies. I failed my task, due to my fears of both insects and plants, and the fact that they were flying too high, and I am a very short person. Wasn't as bad as yesterday, though, as I had to hike up some hills and stuff. But the actual trips are quite entertaining, as we're a small class so we have some hilarious conversations on the bus.

During lunch on Wednesday, this one kid filmed me being retarded with his camera. He apparently put it on YouTube, but I can't find it. D: I'll ask him aboot it on Monday. In the video, I was being seriously fucked-up crazy, doing some sort of retarded dance. And it wasn't even really so much a dance as it was flailing around violently. Well, if I find the video, you'll see. Also, my goatee is growing nicely. I dunno if you'll be able to see it or not.


Ed Note: If anyone can find that video, you'll be my new hero. LOL

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