Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Thursday, December 27, 2007


Y'know, while I'm glad I'm here at Dad's, Internetting, I'm also anxious to go back home and practice my guitar. Dad's girlfriend's son's been playing it, because apparently he only has a bass and acoustic guitar, and he's been wanting to play electric guitar for a while now.

I found some guitar chords on teh Interwebs (which, by the way, I recently learned is going to be a real word soon), so I'm going to bring those home with me. I already got a song request, so I'd better not procrastinate. :3

Tuesday, December 25, 2007



Wednesday: field trip to the mall. Everybody else had money but me, so I was the only one who didn't buy anything. When I got home, I found out that Baby died. This ruined my week.

Thursday: we played Wii. I dominated at bowling and tennis, despite having never played Wii before.

Friday: I skipped school to avoid having to attend "Winter Fun Day". Mom found out and didn't let me go to Dad's for the weekend, explaining my lack of Internet access.


Still depressed over Baby, and was expecting the usual Christmas disappointment, but I guess I scored some cool stuff. Mostly just an electric guitar (a REAL one) and Guitar Hero 3. Everything else was a bunch of crap I'll never use.


Rest in peace, Baby. We all love you and will miss you, until we die and can hang out with you again. Until then, have fun chillin' with my other deceased cats in Heaven. I was hoping you'd stick with me for a few more years and meet my wife, but alas, it didn't work out that way. I also have no idea why you suddenly decided to run out onto the road during incoming traffic, but if I ever find the asshole that killed you, I'll try to avenge you, k? So goodbye, Baby. We'll meet at the end of the tour. <3

Friday, December 14, 2007


My class and teachers have been trying to persuade me to go to the cafeteria since school started, and finally I agreed. So I've been going Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and will probably continue to go daily. But I'm not gonna eat lunch. I'm just gonna chill and draw stuff.

I sit in the same place, with these four other kids. We're basically the nerd table. The one dude's in my fourth period class, and another dude I know from elementary school. We pretty much discussed my series when they observed the newest comic I'm working on. Plus, today, this chick (who's at our table but not part of the five of us) commented on a random picture I was drawing, and pointed out that it looked like the girl I was drawing should be saying "I HAVE BOOBS" or something like that.

Then evidentally there's also some kids I know from my adventures on the school bus whom I also run into at lunch. Like these two guys who are amused by my fetishes, and this hot chick who, after hooking me up with a ridiculous amount of Blow-Pops, shall be known as the Lollipop Maniac. Amazing how all I do is draw some crappy comics and suddenly I have a bunch of new friends. Fuckin' AWESOME, though.

Actually, the kid I know from elementary school actually found HMB: The Board once, through some searches. Though, I don't know why he ran a search for me when I haven't seen him for like, five years, but y'all know I approve of cyber-stalking. I'd be amused if he found my LJ. Very, very amused. Let's see if I can help him out by typing some key search terms.

The Nick Team
Nick Lightning
Nick Stoutzenberger
Nick Bate
Kentucky Don't Exist

Oh, and there's a pregnant chick in my class.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


A few days ago I wrote a Christmas list, filled mostly with unrealistic things. Here's a few of them.

-About 100 morning glory seeds, per serving!
-A summer home in a completely different state, far far away from my family!
-Internet access!

The only things I could think of that I want that are tangible, legal and affordable are:

-Video games, of the RPG variety!
-3, 4, 8, 10, and 12-sided dice!

So yeah. Once again, my Christmas will be fruitless. I might as well just sleep through it like I did with Thanksgiving. I don't even really celebrate Christmas anyway. I don't "spend time" with my family, I'm never really in possession of the "holiday spirit", and I only buy stuff for online friends and cats. Screw offline people who are humans!

Saturday, December 8, 2007


Aww, I didn't get to Dad's until today (Saturday). Why on earth he didn't pick me up Friday, I don't know. But I'm here and that's all that matters.

The kids in school keep saying they want someone to kill me. Why is this?

I kept falling asleep in the middle of the day this week. Epic. Also, I've been overusing the word "epic" and it's irritating me. I also got Flash on my laptop, but I have no idea how I'm gonna upload my stuff, what with the lack of Internet access. I guess I could burn a CD of my stuff and bring it to Dad's, but evidentally the lappy lacks a CD burner, too.

I wanna film some porn and then sell it and makes assloads of cash. But I need another actress. Any takers on that? ...oh, and I guess I need a camera, too.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

I just drank a cup of coffee. Like, REAL coffee. Not cappuchino like usual. This coffee was good. Mmmm.

Workin' on a music video. The End of the Tour put to Bonus Stage footage. Mostly from Ryaconning, Rya's Wedding, and some other random PhilxRya clips. It won't be done by the end of this weekend, though, I can tell you that right now.

I think the coffee gave me the idea. But I'll accept full credit anyway.