Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Saturday, September 20, 2008


As much as I would like answers as to how asking for advice on /b/ makes me mentally retarded, it's subject change time (for now, anyway).

My birthday was September first, right? (Sidenote: I neglected to mention this on here because it sucked so bad.) I got a fair amount of cash on that specific day, so I recently decided to place another order of TMBG stuff. After all, it's been quite a while since I got my last CD. The release date of Here Come the 123s, to be exact.

So I ordered Venue Songs, Then: The Earlier Years, the Here Come the ABCs DVD, Working Undercover for The Man, the Purple Toupee promo, Prevenge, and Bed Bed Bed. Moral: $99 for 7 CDs, 2 DVDs and a book is pretty good. Of course, most of them were singles and EPs, but still.

Order was placed Wednesday. I'm waiting for it to come. PLEASE BE TODAAAAAY

Also, I got screwed out of Internet access this weekend, as I have to stay at Mom's and babysit this puppy again while they're all on vacation, so I'm pretty much just online for the morning and will return NEXT weekend. Hopefully. :c

Sunday, September 14, 2008



I told you I would try to be less creepy IF YOU WOULD JUST FUCKING TELL ME WHAT I'M DOING THAT'S CREEPY, and somehow that wasn't good enough.

You block and ban me from every IM caddy and website known to the Internet, you make a public matter out of the whole situation and tell probably hundreds of random people all sorts of lies that defame me, and you even threaten to call the cops when I haven't even done anything illegal.

After all the shit you've done, I STILL want you back. So I try to apologize and explain what happened at /b/ yesterday, and you delete the comment.

I'm trying to win your friendship back, so why won't you fucking listen to me?! GOD DAMMIT!


In an attempt to seek some sage advice, I ended up fucking things up even worse, apparently.

If you weren't around for the whole thing yesterday, I started a /b/ thread. This turned out to be a horrible idea. Not just because everyone there were dicks, no, but it seems that a bunch of people who actually KNOW... err... "Rya"... were there, and posted a link to a poem she wrote about me. Using this, the rest of /b/ found her LJ. Mine too, but whatever.

So now she wants me to kill myself. Again. WHY CAN'T I DO ANYTHING RIGHT?!

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Why does everyone keep blocking me?! It makes it very hard to remedy the situation when nobody ever gives me a chance to tell my side of the story - but NOOOO, everyone just continues telling random people how much I suck and should be kicked in the junk! GAAH! >C


Friday, September 12, 2008


Yup. I figured I may as well get the smaller annoyances out of the way so I can focus on the major event (you know what I'm referring to), so I finally went to the doctor about my cough after three long years of, uh, coughing.

I have something called reactive airway disease. It's basically allergies. Shit irritates my throat and makes me cough up plegm. So I'm supposed to take two Prednisone pills a day, and in ten days I'll know if it works or not. So far it's been two days.

I also got the tickets for the concert.

Now I have to figure out what the fuck's going on with everyone blocking me lately. Nobody explains anything to me...

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Yeah, my school's guidance counselor (actually, I'm not entirely sure what that is) is apparently getting me tickets to a TMBG concert at the Chameleon Club on the 26th, as incentive for me to go to my class. Normally I would be uber-excited aboot this, but really nothing can lift me from this state of depression. Of course, I'll still go anyway, but... yeah... My heart's not in it.

This means I'll have to not drop out of school, unfortunately. But luckily, I came up with an alternate plan. On the first day of school, everyone had to go to this retarded assembly where they told us twelfth graders that whether we graduate or not, this is our last year. We're never allowed to go back to school again. So, I figure, all I have to do is flunk this year, and I'm done with school forever.

This way, I won't graduate, and at the same time, I'm not dropping out. So everyone wins! The only problem is, I have to actually go to school until June. Which... yeah... I can't do that. =/

Also, my family ONCE AGAIN won free tickets to a sporting event, so I was forced to go to a baseball game. But we were in a skybox with free drinks and ice cream, so I ate some "moose tracks" and didn't even pay attention to the game.

Friday, September 5, 2008


This weekend, my dad's girlfriend's son told me to bring my Yu-Gi-Oh deck with me, and I did just that. We played several matches, but I only won, like, two. I guess I haven't played it in so long, I forgot how bad my deck sucked. I made it a looong time ago, focusing solely on machine monsters. And unfortunately, all my machine monsters suck. Plus I made bad choices in choosing my magic and trap cards. And I had really bad luck in drawing the right cards. And my opponent's decks were damn good. So yeah.

Also, Scott should buy Particle Man (Live at Mountain Stage) for me so I can finally complete my Superfueled Freaksickle playlist.