Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Sunday, March 29, 2009


I've managed to progress in the making of this game by simply running Google searches for Actionscript tutorials for a while now, but looks like cookies will be my downfall. I want to set cookies so that all of the player's Mudkips' stats are saved and then recalled next time her/she plays, but alas, I can't figure it out. I've found plenty of cookie tutorials, but none have any explanation of what portions of the sample code to edit. I believe all the codes I found dealt with typing a name in an input box and saving that value, which is a bit too different from what I'm looking to do.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Most of my week has been covered on Twitter, seeing as how I update it every like, hour. But here's a rundown anyway.

-Working on a Mudkip virtual pet game thing in Flash. It's going well so far. I basically taught myself Actionscript. But currently, I'm trying to figure out why it refuses to generate Mudkip's randomized nature. It gives "undefined" as the variable's value, even though I basically copy-pasta'd the same exact code for generating IVs and shininess and stuff, and THEY work correctly.
-Went to this grocery store with my half-sister, aunt and aunt's friend. My half-sister wanted to go because they had this fundraiser thing or whatever for the PTO/PTA, and 5% of shit you buy at the store goes to her school. So we went there and there were tons of stands giving out free stuff. Chicken fries, coffee ice cream, popcorn, pizza, hot dogs, chocolate milk, smoothies, etc. I enjoyed it. Especially the coffee ice cream.
-I haven't seen my one friend in school since I got mainstream classes. We WOULD have math together, but of course it was replaced with Computer Animation. And basically there's TWO special ed rooms, right next to eachother, and all us sped kids are divided up between the two during homeroom. I have room 242, she has 244. So normally we don't have homeroom together. But ALAS, my teacher had a meeting one day this week, and all her students got to go to the other room that day. Thus, I finally got to hang out with my friend! Then the following two days, I saw her again while I was hanging out, waiting for my aide to come to Computer Animation with me. My friend came over to visit me during this time before she had to go to class next door. Much hugging and good times occur whenever we hang out. Unfortunately, she's leaving for a week. :c Hopefully she continues to visit me between classes when she returns.
-My job trainer took me and three other kids to a job fair thing. Got me out of Video Game Design, too! ^_^ Also, after the fair, she took us to Wendy's. I got a frosty! It was good. I also witnessed two of my travel companions having an epic salt and pepper food fight.
-Been playing a buttload of Pokémon Emerald. I need to beat the League so I can trade with Fire Red, but alas, I STILL only have up to the sixth badge. My current team of Pokémon is Gardevoir, Marshtomp, Camerupt, Tropius, Tentacruel, and Marill. Marill is a really low level, so I'm not actually using him to progress in the story, but I need to max out his EVs so I can use him as the father to breed Mudkips. Also, I discovered that Tropius and Tentacruel can together learn all 8 HMs, so finally I can have GOOD attacks and still be able to cut those annoying trees down at the same time! Srsly, I hate HMs. They should not be required to progress in the game.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Things on my mind:

  • By popular request (or rather, repeated request by one person), I got Twitter. See if that link works. They never work for me for some reason. Anyway, I'm supposed to use text messaging to tell it what I'm doing during the week when I'm not online.

  • We're doing lip-syncing in Computer Animation. Now I have the last piece of the puzzle and should probably finally start doing my series. You know, whenever my stepdad gives me my laptop back.

  • Still really need to get welfare so I can pay that fine WHICH I SHOULDN'T EVEN HAVE.

  • I've been neglecting Pokémon this weekend. All my berry trees probably died.

  • I still don't see why everyone puts so much emphasis on the whole phone-calling ordeal. Had she just TALKED to me I wouldn't have even had to try that. All I was doing was trying to get her to stop hating me. INTENT > ACTIONS PLZ. Plus I repeatedly said I was sorry. God. Is it MY fault I'm retarded?

  • I want a Mudkip plushie and also a Suiseiseki doll. Turns out there're real Rozen Maiden dolls. Greatest things I've ever heard.

  • Sort of a sub-point to that, Rozen Maiden traumend volumes 2 and 3 are apparently out, and nobody informed me. Also, the fourth Futurama movie. I haven't even seen the second or third yet. ;_;

  • My Dad needs to get a USB hub so I don't have to reach in back of the computer and blindly grope for the USB port. It's irritating.

  • DREAM POKéMON TEAM: Mudkip(F), Gardevoir(F), Raichu(M), Muk(M), Bellossom(F), Mightyena(M). Substitutes include but are not limited to Donphan(M), Skitty(F), Marill(M), Miltank(duh), and Chikorita(F)

That is all. For now.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Dad finally called, so I'm at his house and thus online. A lot's happened since I last posted here, but I'll start by saying that Anna really needs to stop fucking slandering me. I'm not a damn stalker. D:<

And the attacking my stepdad was self-defense. He once again tried to steal my stuff (which he succeeded in doing), and when I tried to fend him off, he had me arrested. AGAIN. This time I got off with a citation (though I shouldn't have gotten arrested at all), and the judge gave me the option of paying $413.50 or graduating high school. I'm definitely paying the fine, if I can just figure out how to come up with that much money. I've been in talks with my job trainer about getting me welfare.

Seeing as how my stepdad has my PS2 and laptop, I've been playing Pokémon like, mad crazy. I went to the mall last week and finally got Emerald, so now I'm only behind by two games... until Platinum comes out. ._.

And my IEP teacher set me up with mainstream classes, much against my will. It's not going well at all. I don't have the faintest clue how you non-retarded kids do this shit.


Um, it certainly isn't true. NOTHING you've said about me for the past several months has been true. I think I would know if I was a stalker, okay? I'm not. So stop being a bitch. For God's sake, Anna, all I've ever done is be nice to you and in return you just keep treating me like shit, even back when we were friends. What ever happened to "I realized I boss you around too much"? Jesus, is it really that difficult to go five minutes without yelling at someone who either didn't do anything wrong or did it accidentally and is legitimately sorry?

I'm telling you this for your own good. You're a douche, okay? And I bet I'm not the only one who sees that. Hell, even you've told me that yourself. And I finally believe you. So why don't you get help and improve yourself? I'd be more than willing to help you if you would just end this whole damn thing and talk to me again.