Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Friday, June 5, 2009


Despite the last week of school being optional for seniors, I went on Tuesday to go on a field trip with my class... to WASHINGTON DC. All in all I enjoyed it, but I get the feeling I was the only one.

But anyway, it was like a two or three hour drive to get to the metro from school. The metro itself took like fifteen minutes, and it was actually pretty cool. We got off near the Smithsonian, which was the first place we saw. One kid in my class really wanted to see the ruby slippers from the Wizard of Oz. And he did! I also saw the painting of Stephen Colbert, which really made my day. I didn't think it was still there, but it was. Another unexpected surprise was the actual chair from All in the Family. I admit, I kinda liked that show. As well as everything else that's ever been on Nick @ Nite.

We went to eat next. I don't know why we didn't wait until later, because we JUST got to DC. But yeah, we went to McDonald's, and much to my dismay, we all had to order our own stuff. AND I HATE HAVING TO TALK TO CASHIERS. SERIOUSLY. But I did it anyway, and indeed it was very awkward. Then more awkward came when I tried to find a place to sit. IT WAS PACKED, YO. I was prepared to just stand to eat, but eventually our social worker found some seats.

But yeah, enough aboot the DELICIOUS food of McDonald's. Everyone went and blew most of their money right afterwards (we were each allotted 30 dollars, for food, metro fares, and whatever else. souvenirs and shit.) at a stand right outside the McDonald's. Me, not wanting to talk to cashiers, didn't buy a damn thing. It pays to be anti-social sometimes.

I believe next we saw the White House. Possibly. It may have been later on. I forget, but I'll discuss it next anyway. Apparently they beefed up security, so you can't do tours anymore. So the closest we could get to the White House was outside the lawn, behind the fence. I got my picture taken in front of it, which is cool and hopefully it'll be emailed to me soon. But now that I think aboot it, maybe I shouldn't post it because one of my friends was in the picture, too, and I guess she doesn't like her picture being taken or something.

We also saw the Washington Monument, or as I like to call it, the Clinton Monument. (figure that one out) I wanted to go inside, but all the tickets for the day were sold out. No idea why, since it was just the beginning of the afternoon. But everyone except me had to either urinate or defecate, so next we hit the bathrooms at the WWII Memorial, completely ignoring the memorial itself. Man, we're dicks. I did see some old dudes in wheelchairs, though, so I assume maybe they were veterans themselves.

Then then Lincoln Monument! You know that giant pool you always see on TV? The one with the Washington Monument in the background? Apparently it's right in front of the monument. And Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" speech there, too! We climbed the steps and went inside, and it was pretty cool. Turns out there's even some writing on the walls. I was one of only two people who actually read it. I'm not sure what it was, though. Maybe one of Lincoln's speeches?

If I recall correctly, it was at this point that we all stopped by these two stands. Being anti-social again, I stood around and watched as everyone else blew more money. The cashiers even tried to rip them off a few times. Eventually, I finally decided to buy a drink, because I'd been struggling with the heat all damn day long. Even had some dizzy spells throughout the day, plus I was drenched in sweat. So yeah, I bought a Mountain Dew. Fairly refreshing. My friend was surprised that I actually bought something. So was I, actually. Huh.

Then we proceeded to the Air and Space Museum. There was a note on the door telling us we couldn't have food or drinks in there. Quite ironic, really. So I quickly guzzled my soda and ran over to a trash can as fast as I could to throw the bottle away before I got left behind, which was really stupid because then I got nauseous and started dry-heaving. I wasn't aboot to puke in public, though, so I managed to keep it down. Anyway, then we entered the museum. I couldn't pay too much attention to it because I was still trying to stop myself from throwing up. I do remember being in an airplane, though. The bathroom in the plane was ridiculously small. I don't know how anyone could fit in there.

We weren't there for long, because everyone was really bored and wanted to go home. So was I, really, but only because I made myself sick. Also I think I was aboot to have a heat stroke, if I didn't already have some. So we took the metro back to where we parked. This time, I stood up, holding onto the railing, which was pretty fun. Once we got back to the vans, DAMN IT FELT GOOD TO BE OUT OF THE HEAT. Then I pretty much chillaxed for the two-to-three hour drive home. And that's it, basically. Hooray.

*I didn't realize it before, but it turns out DC is an actual city. I always thought it was just the White House and the White House's lawn.
*At one point in time, we passed by the Treasury. I asked my history teacher if that was the place where you'd go to trade paper bills in for gold back when there was the gold standard, and she fist-pounded me for remembering things. Lol.
*I got my ass grabbed a few times. By a chick. Pretty hot.
*Also managed to hug some trees, and even made out with one. I don't think my classmates will ever be able to wipe that image from their minds.

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