Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Here's the week in summation!

Finally got my aunt's pool up and running. Well, okay, I just sat around watching everyone else do the work, but still. Once it was filled, I got to wade in it! Yes, I said wade. Because I can't swim. Seriously, I tried teaching myself when I was in there. I grabbed onto a floatation raft thing and kicked my legs, but I didn't go anywhere. Just kept following the current. Sigh... Plus I can't hold my breath or float, so I dunno, maybe it's just physically impossible for me to swim.

Kept on babysitting the kitten. Seriously, something's very wrong with it. :/

"Borrowed" my sister's Pokémon Emerald so I can reuse a move tutor and teach substitute to an Azumarill and trade it over to MY Emerald. Gonna take a while, though. Hopefully she doesn't miss it until I'm done and give it back. Eh, she's too busy with Platinum to notice. Oh and this is gonna take a REAL long time, because I need to also teach the Azumarill Sing. And guess what? Only Azurill can learn Sing, not Marill. So I'm forced to breed with the Sea Incense. Meaning I can't use the Everstone. Meaning I have a 1 in 25 chance of getting the nature I want. Plus I'm also looking for a specific gender, ability and OH GOD hidden power type. Do you realize what the odds of finding the correct Azurill are? Very low, m'friend, very low.

Is anyone tired of me talking about Pokémon breeding yet?

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