Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Some Things You Should Know

This page is under construction while I sift through 297 chat logs, dawgs.
You've all heard the stories about Nick being a creepy stalker, right? Of course you have! Well, here's some other pieces of information you might want to see!
Nick isn't just some random dude that started "stalking" her. Oh no, not at all! Nick was one of Anna's CLOSE FRIENDS since 2006! GASP! REVELATION! And guess what?! Until August 23, 2008, Anna never before complained aboot any of the things she now complains about!
Also note that this page is not meant to hurt Anna's feelings or anything, but rather to save my own ass and prove that I'm not a creepy, idiotic stalker like she claims I am.



[edit]Oh, dat hypocritic Anna!

You may have heard that Anna considers the word 'aboot' offensive to Canadians for some reason! Well, let's take a look at some excerpts from chat logs, shall we?

[edit]April 9, 2006

hagurumon41: Guess what I might be doing Thursday?
shippinator_mandy: Meeting Myrrh?
hagurumon41: Uh... yeah.
hagurumon41: How did you know? Are you psychic?!
hagurumon41: I swear, that wasn't you! That was... some person I just made up!
shippinator_mandy: You talk aboot it a lot.
shippinator_mandy: Does she know?
hagurumon41: Yeah, we kinda just made the plans.
shippinator_mandy: Ah.
hagurumon41: Like, a couple minutes ago.
shippinator_mandy: Well, have fun.
shippinator_mandy: AND TAKE PICTURES.
shippinator_mandy: You talk aboot it a lot.

[edit]May 26, 2006

Hagurumon31: oh, and I'm 177 pounds.
IllNeedACrane: I'm...115.
IllNeedACrane: And 5'3".
Hagurumon31: Well, if that chart at that science place was right, I'm three pounds underweight... somehow.
IllNeedACrane: O_o
Hagurumon31: I don't know how that's possible, unless it meant 180 pounds of muscle instead of fat.
IllNeedACrane: Well, if you ARE 5'8"...
Hagurumon31: Yeah... the chart said 180 lbs. is what 5'8" peeps are supposed to be.
IllNeedACrane: So you're fine.
IllNeedACrane: What aboot 5'3"?
Hagurumon31: I... don't know... I didn't think to look.
IllNeedACrane: Well, do ya think 115 lbs is okay?
Hagurumon31: Yeah, should be.
IllNeedACrane: Cool.
Did you spot the 'aboot'?

[edit]OMG Anna has actually complimented Nick in the past!

And here's some nice things Anna has said aboot me!

[edit]Nick does not always talk aboot marriage and sex

And here's evidence that I do NOT always hit on her!

[edit]February 29, 2008

[22:20] Anna Cassidy smells like Teen Spirit.: Okay. I need to tell you this.
[22:21] Kentucky Don't Exist!: Hmm?
[22:21] Anna Cassidy smells like Teen Spirit.: I'm breaking up with Paul. THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE A CHANCE WITH ME. CAPICHE?
[22:21] Kentucky Don't Exist!: Huh?
[22:21] Kentucky Don't Exist!: How come you're breaking up?
[22:22] Anna Cassidy smells like Teen Spirit.: It just ain't workin' out
[22:22] Kentucky Don't Exist!: Oh.
[22:24] Kentucky Don't Exist!: So like. Are you okay?
[22:25] Anna Cassidy smells like Teen Spirit.: I'm fine.
[22:25] Anna Cassidy smells like Teen Spirit.: In fact, I'm...kind of glad. I just did it.
[22:25] Anna Cassidy smells like Teen Spirit.: And he seems okay with it. I think we'll be able to stay friends, which is a good thing.
[22:25] Kentucky Don't Exist!: Ah, okay.
[22:27] Kentucky Don't Exist!: Do you... have anyone else in mind?
[22:27] Anna Cassidy smells like Teen Spirit.: Nope.
[22:27] Kentucky Don't Exist!: Ah.
[22:29] Kentucky Don't Exist!: Hey, uh.
[22:30] Anna Cassidy smells like Teen Spirit.: Yuss?
[22:30] Kentucky Don't Exist!: Is it alright if I tell KN? He... kinda thought you were in an abusive relationship and... I mean, this'd kinda be evidence against it. o_o;
[22:30] Anna Cassidy smells like Teen Spirit.: He did? O_o
[22:30] Anna Cassidy smells like Teen Spirit.: Why?
[22:31] Kentucky Don't Exist!: Yeah. For the past three weeks, actually.
[22:31] Anna Cassidy smells like Teen Spirit.: That's just silly. O_o
[22:31] Kentucky Don't Exist!: Well... he said you display the symptoms and stuff. Actually, Jessa and I discussed it, to.
[22:31] Kentucky Don't Exist!: *too
[22:31] Anna Cassidy smells like Teen Spirit.: I do? O_o That's odd, because I was never in such a relationship.
[22:32] Kentucky Don't Exist!: Yeah. I know.
[22:32] Anna Cassidy smells like Teen Spirit.: So yeah, tell him I never was in an abusive relationship.
[22:32] Kentucky Don't Exist!: I did. But I didn't tell him WHY I know this.
[22:32] Anna Cassidy smells like Teen Spirit.: Why did you know?
[22:33] Kentucky Don't Exist!: Um? Because you broke up with your boyfriend.
[22:33] Anna Cassidy smells like Teen Spirit.: Aside from the fact that I wouldn't keep something like that a secret.
[22:33] Anna Cassidy smells like Teen Spirit.: Ah.
[22:33] Kentucky Don't Exist!: Well, that's the thing. People who're being abused DO tend to keep it a secret, so.
[22:34] Anna Cassidy smells like Teen Spirit.: Ahh.
[22:34] Anna Cassidy smells like Teen Spirit.: Odd.
[22:34] Kentucky Don't Exist!: You... didn't know this? I mean... y'know... they'd be ashamed and stuff...
[22:34] Anna Cassidy smells like Teen Spirit.: Ah.
You will note that not only did I not take advantage of the situation and swoop in for the rebound, I actually counseled her and provided her with useful information! Plus I was worried aboot her being in an abusive relationship!

[edit]The Real Anna Nickel

Instances of Anna yelling at me for no reason whatsoever. Reminds you of present-day, huh?

[edit]April 4, 2008

[19:34] K, I'm not angry at you anymore.
[19:34] Meebo Message: Anna Cassidy - And everything looks beautiful when you're young and pretty. is online
[19:37] Kentucky Don't Exist!: Oh, hi!
[19:37] Anna Cassidy - And everything looks beautiful when you're young and pretty.: I have realized that perhaps I am too controlling of you.
[19:37] Kentucky Don't Exist!: ...uhh... how so? o.O
[19:37] Anna Cassidy - And everything looks beautiful when you're young and pretty.: I dunno. I just boss you around so much.
Ah, she finally admits it! Too bad she forgot this realization shortly afterward. I'm a piece of shit and am in jail!

[edit]Nick really knows his shiznit

Instances of Nick being the intelligent one!

[edit]Miscellaneous mindfucks

[edit]May 13, 2006

Hagurumon31: Well, what if you devised a point system, and buicking is like, the most expensive prize that I might be able to achieve like once a year?
IllNeedACrane: No.
Hagurumon31: Oh... well, what kind of prizes CAN I get?
IllNeedACrane: Uh...
IllNeedACrane: Kisses. Drawings. Stuff like that.
Okay, yes, I admit I asked her for anilingus here, but you'll also notice that HOLY CRAP SHE AGREED TO KISSES.

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