Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Yeah, we got another kitten! I guess Mom or someone found it on a road, so we took it in. It's pretty cute. But dang, she's sickly.

She was fine the first week, but then she started being just sleeping all day and not wanting to eat, drink or play.

That improved a bit, but then she started not being able to walk well. She's really wobbly and collapses a lot.

Then she started having what appear to be seizures. She falls over and starts twitching for a few minutes.

THEN she started having what seems to be narcolepsy or something. She collapses, just like the seizures, except now she just goes limp and has no movement whatsoever (except she's still breathing, of course). It's really creepy. It looks like she's dead. Or like, sleeping with her eyes open.
And this happens like, constantly now. As I type this, she's been in one of those states for over an hour now. Literally. And I can kind of wake her up, but then she just goes into another sleep a couple seconds later.

Anyone know what to do aboot it?

(other things: my half-sister got a Nintendo DS for her birthday, which I've been helping her play, and also we've been trying to get my aunt's pool up and running)

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