Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Thursday, May 19, 2011


They hacked my Twitter too, and changed my password. So even if I sent out a tweet confirming my name on the thread, it's not really me so don't trust what "I'm" saying in the thread.

Also, Internet Explorer won't display Twitter and /cwc/ so I think cops might've blocked me from sties or something, which is dumb because now how the hell can I defend myself against the accusations?

Also, I assume they may have changed my mobile number on Twitter so I can't tweet from my phone back home. This is really bad. How am I going to have contact with my friends? DAMMIT GUYS HELP ME

EDIT: okay I just got Twitter to display again and now it accepted my password. Good, good, but still, be cautious of trusting my accounts in case it happens again



Thom wanted me to post this for some reason, so here it is. Every time I go to Dad's I make a list of things I need to do before I go home, because it's the only place I have Internet and a computer that's compatible with my external harddrive.
  • look up Pokeymans movesets on Smogon, especially now that I have White Version. Yes I know they're for competitive battles and not in-game stuff, but I do it anyway. Gives me shit to do.
  • Look up White Version stuff on Wikipedia. Mainly to figure out where to go next. I assume the story isn't over yet because there's a cave in Pinwheel Forest that's still blocked. Unless of course this is an event thing.
  • Check humour blogs, like FYP and such
  • get lists of episodes of all my favourite shows from Wikipedia
  • upload the podcasts I recorded
  • finally upload the YouTube video that's been stuck on my camcorder for months, preventing me from recording anything new
  • check on the status of Join Us to see if there's cover art, a track listing, etc. - FINISHED THIS. And yes, there were both. I also found one of the tracks! Lossy format though. :(
  • look up discographies of my newer favourite bands on Wikipedia, jot down tracklistings of canon albums
  • post an LJ entry - did this twice
  • stick some of my friends' stuff on my flash drive for at-home viewing
  • I got a few new CDs since I was last here, so I ripped them and put them on my flash drive. I must now transfer them to my external harddrive. My laptop back home isn't compatible with it, you see. It's too old. It's... it's a real pain.
  • Redo my iPod and change everything back to stereo. Making everything mono was a terrible idea and I regretted it for months
  • investigate the thread and stuff - somewhat done but still in progress
  • look up chords/tabs of TMBG songs so maybe I could try to play them on my keyboard
  • try to find more flacs because I hate mp3s so much
  • I recently realized that most of the Beatles' stuff should be in mono because that's how they were ORIGINALLY made. screw the stereo remasters, I need to find the MONO remasters
  • possibly do an LoA entry? although my last LJ post kinda covered it already so maybe no
  • check HMB - finished. nothing new which is sad because it's been three months
  • convert some videos I have to a different format
  • do stuff on Twitter
  • update Facebook - can't because they hacked it
  • check emails - also can't because they hacked it
  • find new wallpapers for my laptop
So there ya go.


After like three months I finally decided to call Dad. Luckily he wasn't serious aboot the only-getting-me-every-six-months thing. So now I have Internet for a few days. Just in time, too. A bunch of bad shit happened that I need to investigate.

Okay, so. It started when I accidentally tweeted a thing aboot you-know-who when I meant to send it to this new friend I've been texting. Apparently YKW (or one of her friends) saw it, which... it's weird that they still read my Twitter... and her boyfriend soon left me a voicemail message to "stop calling and texting her". Which is also weird because I didn't. It was a TWEET. And it was ACCIDENTAL.

So then a little later, while I was talkin' to Maddi, she informed me that someone posted some thread aboot me, and people were trying to get me arrested or something. I still need to figure out what that's all aboot. I assume it's YKW and her friends spreading their delusions that I'm a stalker. I also heard that she herself posted something claiming something horrible. I'm hoping she lied. I'm REALLY hoping she lied. Oh God, if she's not lying, everything is ruined forever.

Nothing new happened outside of the Internet.