Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Thursday, July 21, 2011


In this entry, I'm gonna be doing a lot of whining. Don't worry, it's not aboot Anna for once. It's something else. The *chan thing. LJ Cut time!

The situation with the channers is starting to get to me. I'm p much over all my accounts being hijacked, so now I'm focused on the other thing. You know, the stuff they keep posting aboot me. Psychoanalyzing me and whatnot. I seriously hate when people do that. My biological mom's been doing it my whole life, telling people I do weird things to get attention. It's the most annoying thing. It's completely untrue, and in fact, is the polar opposite of the truth. I don't know why people keep ignoring the fact that I really hate being around other people... I literally just want to live alone in some secluded wilderness with my wife and kids, far away from any other people. Except if/when our friends visit or whatever. That'd be fine. It'd be cool to hang out with Jessa and Maddi irl. Y'know, if Jessa ever likes me again. Other than my immediate non-biological family and friends I would really rather nobody knows I even exist (which I guess is ruined now). Also, I don't even understand people who do do weird stuff for attention. I mean, yes, it's really sad that society sucks and hates everything, but shouldn't they be doing something that is accepted by society instead? Like, if someone wanted attention, couldn't they just become an actor or start a band or something? Idk. I just do weird stuff because I actually like the stuff. It's who I am. I suppose it would probably be smart to not tell people aboot my quirks, but meh. I don't like lying or hiding things. It feels really wrong and my friends wouldn't even really be my friends-- they'd be friends with a lie. :/

But anyway yeah, the thing that really bothers me is how they word stuff. Normally I wouldn't even pay any mind to untrue rumours (and even less to things that are actually true), but the way they never use "weasel words" really strikes a nerve. It makes it sound as if the stuff has been confirmed somehow, like I admitted to it or something, so people who don't know the whole story read the stuff and assume it's true. Even when they say, like, "he did this stuff, but denies it", that still doesn't help anything because then it sounds like I'm in denial or something. (Btw, they actually do say I'm in denial too, so that sucks.) If it were a few people saying things aboot me, I wouldn't care so much considering I already have all of you-know-who's friends doing it, but dayumn. I don't know how many people are on that imageboard, but I assume anywhere from hundreds to hundreds of thousands. So like, a tenth of the world hates me or whatever the fraction would be. I dunno, I suck at math. Let's see... what are some of the other things they keep saying? Um, well okay, I saw that this one guy had a theory on why I don't want The Thing to happen. Again, no weasel words were used. He said something along the lines of I'm being selfish and just want A Thing to myself. And some other guy for some reason thought I treat women like objects. That's... I can't even... Dude, everyone who knows me knows I'm p much the least bigoted person ever! >_<

And I guess someone referred to my catchphrase "Kentucky Don't Exist!" as a forced meme. Not exactly an insult, but still. Not a meme, yo. It was never intended to catch on. It's just my thing. And some idiot was all "lololol he doesn't know what words mean" in response to my FF7 video. No, you fool; I meant I was working on a perfect game but haven't completed it yet. It's incomplete. And, um, a couple people were saying I used something called "circular logic" in trying to defend myself, and I guess using circular logic makes your argument automatically invalid somehow? I dunno, it sounds stupid. No matter how I try to defend myself they pull out some science word explaining why everything I say is wrong. Also, "Everything Right Is Wrong Again". So then I just gave up. Hopefully everyone just stops caring by themselves and leaves me alone. But probably not. Because they're dicks. In a dick town. Okay, Nick, that's enough TMBG references for today.

I don't even get why they're doing this. What's the point in picking on someone who's different? What on earth do you gain from it? They would've actually gained more by not changing my passwords, because then I could continue posting things and they could lol aboot how stupid I am or whatever. Plus, everyone is different in some way. Why are some characteristics privvy to ridicule but not others? What are the exact mechanics that determine which traits people persecute others for possessing? The whole thing seems stupid to me. Speaking of stupid things, I also read that some people were lolling aboot how I think people would actually care aboot the mundane things I post on Twitter and whatnot. ...Um. Are you, like, completely new to Twitter or something? The whole point of the site is to post mundane shit nobody would get enjoyment out of. You don't post the stuff to entertain other people, you just do it because it's fun. I'm well aware nobody likes my tweets. I'm not tweeting for them, geez. Also, sometimes I write myself notes so I don't forget stuff. I dunno, literally absolutely nothing they say makes any sense whatsoever. Sometimes I wonder if they actually believe the dumb things they're saying or if they're just screwing with me.

Also, irritated by people making fun of my art. The Coffee Crew is a cartoon - it's intetionally drawn in a cartoony style. You're supposed to be focusing on the writing, not the art. That's why you never hear people bitch aboot the art on other cartoons, like South Park or Family Guy or Bonus Stage or whatever. Although yeah, the writing I've posted sucks too. I've been working on it though. The last comics I posted were from, like, 2007 or something, weren't they? I've gotten better at both the art and writing since then, but still have this complex that a script has to be perfect before I make it into a cartoon. I've got good storylines and good jokes, but I'm havin' trouble finding a good balance of the two. Seems like I can only do one or the other. It's tough getting humour to come up organically in the storylines, and if I focus on just humour then there's no plot. And I want plot. And that's why there's still been zero episodes after six years (well it's between that, my lack of equipment, not having reliable Internet access, and my voice actors hating me)! I wish I could describe what I intend for The Coffee Crew to to be like, but I dunno how to. Some dude theorized that I'm trying to be like Jhonen Vasquez. I don't know who that is so I can neither confirm nor deny. I assume it was meant as an insult though. But anyway, enough emo shit.

Finally, there's one last topic I wanted to discuss. You know that disease I've had since 2006 but haven't figured out what it is? Well, a new thing happened with it that maybe someone can make sense of and diagnose me. So, one recent morning I decided to sleep in the opposite direction, with my head nearer to the air conditioner, which was turned on. I slept for maybe two hours and then woke up for no reason, and suddenly my nose was clear (it's constantly stuffy), the roof of my mouth was really cold, and-- not to be gross, but it's kinda unavoidable when discussing my ailments-- my mouth was filled up with some sort of goo, presumably either snot, stomach acid, semen or spinal fluid because I hovered over the sink and opened my mouth, and it was kinda whitish and thick and dripped out really slowly. My mouth is constantly filled with goo, but this time it was a lot more than usual. However, not as much as years ago when I used to have attacks after eating certain foods. Then, after spitting it all out I turned the air conditioner off and laid back down the other way, and the random burning in my chest/upper-abdomen happened. Sometimes I think maybe the chest/upper-abdomen thing is unrelated to the mouth-goo, but occasionally they seem to overlap. But then again, I dunno, they're in two completely different body parts. Also, dunno if either one is related to the cough or not. Sometimes it seems like the burning happens first, then I have the coughing fit, and then my mouth fills up, but not always. Also, my esophagus used to make weird noises occasionally. It might just be a red herring, though, as it stopped when I accidentally graduated from high school (quite literally right afterwards, which is suspicious), and one of my friends (whom shall remain nameless due to a recent incident in which they got mad at me for telling someone something aboot them that I didn't realize was a secret (kinda seems like maybe they should've told me it was a secret when they told it to me, but whatev)) who has/had it too never mentioned having any other symptoms in common with me. So I dunno. Someone, figure out what in the fudge is wrong with me so I can take the correct medication. Back when I was still insured and consequentially able to see a doctor, he misdiagnosed me three times until I was like "okay, not even bothering anymore". And that's the end of today's LJ entry.

With platonic love (except to jerks),

Dr. Nickalaus "Nick" B.S.L.B.N., Ph.D.
Attending Physician
Nick's Proctology Hospital

PS - I'm not making fun of Canadians. This is literally how I talk, even irl. Canadians don't even really say "aboot" or "eh". It's just a stereotype. Well I mean, I'm sure some do say that stuff (considering there's 60 billion people on Earth, none of whom are exactly the same), but for that matter so do people from other countries, so yeah. Not an exclusive Canadian thing. Again, I'm the least bigoted person ever. (Also, swing that judgmental pendulum back the other way-- don't you think it's kinda odd that as soon as you see me saying "aboot" you thought of Canadians? ;D)

PS2 - Hi, channers. I just responded to every one of your posts. Would you kindly sit and spin now? Go on, git. Take your ridiculously incorrect armchair psychology elsewhere. St. Elsewhere.

PSP - No, I'm not really a doctor. It's a thing that I do. God! Stop forcing me to explain things! It ruins it!

PS3 - I would never lie aboot someone behind their back. Not only is it just plain wrong and would make me and my conspirators terrible people, but also the innocent strangers who read the post and thus weren't informed that it was a lie would think it's the truth, so now I'm lying to a bunch more people. And what if the person I was lying aboot found out somehow? Say, if the person I lied to, whom I don't realize knows the lie-victim's name, looked up all their dox and gave them a call? Because as well as I'd think we covered all the angles to support the illusion, they'd still know it's a lie. Bet they'd be p angry when they find out, probably never speak to me again. Maybe take mutual friends with them, too. They'd be especially enraged if I did it just to piss someone off. Techically I could do a thing that would make the lie not a lie anymore, but that would be incredibly stupid. The stupidest thing ever, in fact. Plus they could still be told that the lie occurred before it became a not-lie. And they would be provided with proof of the date. Maybe the only way to not be snitched on is to never make the lie true. Ever. And I'd have to not do anything in the whole arena of the lie, not just the specific thing I lied aboot. And I couldn't just say I won't do the thing(s). They'd have their ways of knowing if I'm really sticking to my promise or not. There'd be many layers to their awareness of my actions. Even though I'd take actions to "BLOCK" the first, most obvious layer, and even the previously-hidden-but-suspicious second layer may have been revealed, there'd still be many more layers I'm not aware of and will never be aware of. Yeah.

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