Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Friday, August 29, 2008


As if my life didn't already suck enough for me to consider suicide (which I did many times over the past week), I have to go back to school, too. Most of the school day is the same as last year, other than the new teacher and new classmates, but then there's my mainstream class. I sat through it the first day, and saw for myself that there's no way I can possibly handle mainstreaming.

So then on the second day, I stayed in bed, hoping I could skip school entirely until September, when I'm old enough to drop out. That didn't work for me so well. My aunt took me to school. But instead of heading for my class, I headed to the special ed room to try to talk my teachers into dropping the class. That didn't work either. The social worker ended up walking me to it, and sat there with me the entire period.

On the third day, I tried the same tactic: staying in bed. My aunt came to drive me to school again. I tried persuading her to wait until my class was over and THEN drive me to school. Which of course failed too. This time, I got her to come in with me and talk to the special ed teachers. The ensuing conversation lasted aboot half the period, but eventually my aunt left. Luckily, this time I didn't have to go to class. Instead, I sat in the special ed room doing nothing for the rest of the period, which works for me.

Later on in the same day, someone from the school's office called me up there to meet with her, which I did. We talked aboot the class, then she walked with me down there to talk to the teacher of said class. The three of us decided that what we should do for now is have me pick up whatever work he has for me to do and take it down to the special ed rooms to do it, rather than sit in class. So I did that on the fourth day. And today there was no school, so I don't have to worry aboot it until Tuesday.

I'm still planning on dropping out, because on Monday I turn 17, the legal age I can drop out without parental consent. But they're giving me a hard time about it. The teachers are saying they won't let me, which I'm pretty sure I could technically sue them for because according to the state law, it's entirely up to me if I wanna drop out and it would be illegal for anyone to intervene in it.

So I'm not TOO worried aboot that, but I do still have to figure out HOW to drop out. I'm not sure if I'm just supposed to not go to school or if I'm supposed to fill in some paperwork or what. I figure it's the latter, but the problem is finding out when and where I have to go to do it. Like, do I do during or after school? And if it's during school, how the fuck am I supposed to get home since I can't ride the bus once I drop out? And am I supposed to go to the school office or what? I dunno, man. I'll have to ask around.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wiki Post on What Happened Between Anna and Nick

Long, long ago (2005), she and Nick met via the original Bonus Stage Wiki and quickly became very close friends. They IMed whenever they got the chance, which usually was on weekends due to Nick's difficulty in obtaining Internet access. Their conversations mostly involved their mutual obsessions They Might Be Giants and Bonus Stage, including roleplays of the latter. Good times were had by all.

Nick eventually fell in love with Anna, which was fine with her at first. In fact, Anna even thought the things he said were sweet. They continued being very close friends for at least three years, but Anna gradually began to become annoyed by Nick's frequent marriage proposals.
She would occasionally yell at Nick for something he said, then block him for a couple of days. Nick would then apologize and things would go back to normal. However, one day, something went horribly awry.

On August 23rd, 2008, Jessa invited Nick and Anna into a chat for what she referred to as "Anna rehab". Jessa and Anna told Nick to take down the photos of Anna he had hanging on his bedroom wall. Initially, he was skeptical and insisted that it wouldn't change anything. This prompted Anna to leave the chat and block Nick, leaving him with her last words of "goodbye forever".
Nick and Jessa remained in the chat, and Nick eventually agreed to take down the photos. However, it did not seem to calm Anna's rage, so he later put them back up.

Anna began posting LiveJournal entries about Nick, telling her friends that he is a creepy stalker and claiming that she is actually afraid of Nick.

Many attempts were made to win Anna's love, all of which failed horribly. Some even made things worse. Most notably was "Plan /b/", in which Nick sought advice from 4chan's /b/. Anna caught wind of this, horrified to see her photo on /b/. Other schemes included writing a letter to her parents and calling her on the phone.

For almost a year, Anna and her friends would discuss Nick on LiveJournal, stating that he should be killed, raped, etc. and insulting him behind his back in various ways. However, Nick was reading it all, and wrote his own occasional LiveJournal entry to attempt to defend himself. Anna's friends, who ironically stalk Nick, argued back. While Nick used many methods to prove that he is not, in fact, a stalker, they seemed to only have one counter for everything: "you're a stalker".
Eventually Anna made her LiveJournal friends-only to prevent Nick from reading it, but she later got a Twitter account. The flame wars then continued on Twitter.
Many of Nick's friends and acquaintances, most notably Simon and Jessa (a few times, actually), became annoyed with Nick's Anna-related Twitter posts.

Currently, there seems to be a calm in which no flame wars are taking place, but Nick is still working on ways to win Anna back.

Friday, August 22, 2008


So yesterday I went out to school. They had this little meet-the-teacher thing to introduce the new teacher who's replacing Mr. Churchill. Though, actually, I already know her, so. Whatever. I went anyway, partially to get my fucking schedule changed, which didn't happen. So it turns out I'm stuck with mainstream classes. But I got to eat Milano cookies, which was cool.

For the first half of the year, I have "Senior Media Literacy", which from what I hear involves the class watching clips of TV shows and stuff, and then analyzing them. Everyone claims he's a good teacher and he'll probably get my pop-culture references, too. We'll see aboot that... I'll throw my most obscure TMBG/BS stuff at him. >_> Still, though, I'd rather just stay in special ed classes. I tried regular classes in sixth grade and the week or so that I was in seventh and it didn't work out.

Also, I'm trying to weasel my aunt into getting me that Bonus Stage shirt (among other things) by telling her I need new clothes for school. Mwahaha.

Friday, August 15, 2008


I'm actually not supposed to be puppysitting 'cept on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, but everyone had to go drop stuff off at the junkyard or something, so here I am.

My mission to watch all six View Askew movies is nearly complete. I watched Clerks last night and Mallrats a couple of times the night before, so now all that's left is Chasing Amy. I think I'll probably watch them all again in order when I'm done.

Other than watching movies, I've had nothing to do lately, so I've pretty much been hanging out at Mom's house with my sister and the cats. However, my aunt apparently had another birthday the other day, and we had that down at Nanny's. After the party, we tricked her into coming outside to look at something that wasn't really there while I ambushed her with silly string (a tradition we pull on everyone's birthdays... oh, but I'm ready for mine... >.>).

And then after that was over, I noticed some hot chicks riding around on bikes on the street. They've been doing that a lot lately, though we've never seen them riding around until just now, and yet somehow they're not new to the neighborhood. So anyway, I sneak my way over there, and it turns out they're playing with my cat, Captain (whom they thought was a stray). So then they asked me questions aboot my cats, which I answered. ...Nick Bate, talking to REAL hot chicks IRL?! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE WORLD?!?!?! But no, I'm not going out with them. Shut up.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Yep, apparently my aunt found one in one of her apartments (she's a landlord) when a tenant moved out, so she gave it to me. It's slow and can't burn DVDs, and also the cord is made of lead, but I'll take what I can get.

In other news, here's me in a dress.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


So I've been puppysitting my mom's new dog while everyone's at work, from 5:30 AM to 1:00 PM, give or take. I've used these many, many hours to watch movies and shit online. Mostly the movies in the View Askewniverse. Gotta love 'em. Sadly, the only movies I've seen so far are Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, and Clerks II, all of which were mad awesome. I'm probably gonna see Clerks next, if I can find it. Randall and Dante somehow remind me of Joel and Phil (respectively), except instead of talking aboot video games, they talk aboot sex. It's great.

I also FINALLY got around to submitting my entry in Jessa's contest on dA. After many failed attempts, I realized that I wasn't gonna pull off anything super-cool and/or awesome, so I settled on what I actually entered. I think I still have a couple more prototype drawings lying around my room.

Also, apparently Mom had a birthday yesterday, so my aunt took me to Park City to buy her some CDs. Naturally, I bought myself some CDs instead. Abbey Road, Bleach, and Doolittle, by The Beatles, Nirvana, and Pixies (respectively). I did, however, help my aunt find CDs for HER to pay for with HER money and not mine. Because I'm not spending money on my mom. Ever. She ended up getting her some country CDs (my mom likes country) by Toby Keith, Taylor Swift (who my aunt and I could've sworn was on American Idol, but mom insists she wasn't) and Billy Currington, whoever they all are.

We also went out to eat at this buffet called Shady Maple for the party. I ate an assload of breaded shrimp, which I never before realized was so damn good. I also tried some baked apples, which kinda sucked compared to its non-baked cousin. Then, of course, I raped the ice cream bar and fixed up a chocolate and vanilla mixture, topped with butterscotch, caramel, chocolate sauce and crushed Oreos. It may sound delish, but let me tell you, mixing that many flavors isn't as good an idea as it may seem at first. It somehow gave me a headache, and a stomach ache. But to be fair, I ALWAYS get a stomach ache after eating a lot, so.