Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Friday, August 15, 2008


I'm actually not supposed to be puppysitting 'cept on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, but everyone had to go drop stuff off at the junkyard or something, so here I am.

My mission to watch all six View Askew movies is nearly complete. I watched Clerks last night and Mallrats a couple of times the night before, so now all that's left is Chasing Amy. I think I'll probably watch them all again in order when I'm done.

Other than watching movies, I've had nothing to do lately, so I've pretty much been hanging out at Mom's house with my sister and the cats. However, my aunt apparently had another birthday the other day, and we had that down at Nanny's. After the party, we tricked her into coming outside to look at something that wasn't really there while I ambushed her with silly string (a tradition we pull on everyone's birthdays... oh, but I'm ready for mine... >.>).

And then after that was over, I noticed some hot chicks riding around on bikes on the street. They've been doing that a lot lately, though we've never seen them riding around until just now, and yet somehow they're not new to the neighborhood. So anyway, I sneak my way over there, and it turns out they're playing with my cat, Captain (whom they thought was a stray). So then they asked me questions aboot my cats, which I answered. ...Nick Bate, talking to REAL hot chicks IRL?! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE WORLD?!?!?! But no, I'm not going out with them. Shut up.

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