Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wiki Post on What Happened Between Anna and Nick

Long, long ago (2005), she and Nick met via the original Bonus Stage Wiki and quickly became very close friends. They IMed whenever they got the chance, which usually was on weekends due to Nick's difficulty in obtaining Internet access. Their conversations mostly involved their mutual obsessions They Might Be Giants and Bonus Stage, including roleplays of the latter. Good times were had by all.

Nick eventually fell in love with Anna, which was fine with her at first. In fact, Anna even thought the things he said were sweet. They continued being very close friends for at least three years, but Anna gradually began to become annoyed by Nick's frequent marriage proposals.
She would occasionally yell at Nick for something he said, then block him for a couple of days. Nick would then apologize and things would go back to normal. However, one day, something went horribly awry.

On August 23rd, 2008, Jessa invited Nick and Anna into a chat for what she referred to as "Anna rehab". Jessa and Anna told Nick to take down the photos of Anna he had hanging on his bedroom wall. Initially, he was skeptical and insisted that it wouldn't change anything. This prompted Anna to leave the chat and block Nick, leaving him with her last words of "goodbye forever".
Nick and Jessa remained in the chat, and Nick eventually agreed to take down the photos. However, it did not seem to calm Anna's rage, so he later put them back up.

Anna began posting LiveJournal entries about Nick, telling her friends that he is a creepy stalker and claiming that she is actually afraid of Nick.

Many attempts were made to win Anna's love, all of which failed horribly. Some even made things worse. Most notably was "Plan /b/", in which Nick sought advice from 4chan's /b/. Anna caught wind of this, horrified to see her photo on /b/. Other schemes included writing a letter to her parents and calling her on the phone.

For almost a year, Anna and her friends would discuss Nick on LiveJournal, stating that he should be killed, raped, etc. and insulting him behind his back in various ways. However, Nick was reading it all, and wrote his own occasional LiveJournal entry to attempt to defend himself. Anna's friends, who ironically stalk Nick, argued back. While Nick used many methods to prove that he is not, in fact, a stalker, they seemed to only have one counter for everything: "you're a stalker".
Eventually Anna made her LiveJournal friends-only to prevent Nick from reading it, but she later got a Twitter account. The flame wars then continued on Twitter.
Many of Nick's friends and acquaintances, most notably Simon and Jessa (a few times, actually), became annoyed with Nick's Anna-related Twitter posts.

Currently, there seems to be a calm in which no flame wars are taking place, but Nick is still working on ways to win Anna back.

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