Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Okay, well, KN pointed out to me that I made some kind of mathematical error there, which I don't quite understand, but my argument still stands. Now, shying away from that, I live a very boring life on weekdays (hell, I live a boring life on weekends!). I've been so bored, in fact, that this week I started recording my CDs onto casette tapes. CASETTE TAPES. Think about that. I have CDs. So why in the hell would I need casette tapes?! Maybe for on-the-road listening, but still...fuck. I've also began playing Final Fantasy Tactics again, after going several weeks without playing video games (which I blame on either my ADD or depression).

I'm also trying to think up good songs to go on a soundtrack. It's for school. I'm supposed to burn my own CD with lyrics relevant to the book. So far I've figured out about four of the required eight. It's tough because of, you know, the book is just plain hard to make a soundtrack for.

Another thing, my pulled-muscle'd arm is still in pain. In fact, seems to be even worse (again). Now it even hurts when I cough, for some reason. And my coughing fits are acting up like crazy today, so that's a shitty combination right there. I also woke up with a headache and major sweating going on, but those problems quickly went away. I probably had a nightmare or something, but I don't remember having any dreams, so yeah. It was probably brought on by watching the Zapruder film the night before. Though it really didn't even disturb me... especially after flushing it out of my mind by watching videos of cute kittens...

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