Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Friday, October 19, 2007


Week eight.

I <3 Pixies. Definitely being added to my list of favorite bands. I also bought Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, but I haven't listened to it the whole way through yet. Money is a good song, but I don't really like the others so far. Sorry, guys. D:

The other day in school I way pretty hyper. In block two (Math), we were doing some sort of math problems, right? So this chick makes a joke comparing schoolwork to anuses, saying that they both smell bad. So of course, I, with my impecible sense of timing, jump in with "AND THEY TASTE GOOD". The entire class laughed like crazy, including the teachers. I wonder if they even knew I was referring to anilingus. :p

Later on, in block three (science), we were being taught about populations and evolution and shit, right? So when the teacher starts talking aboot nonrandom mating and mating rituals and stuff, I randomly shout out "MATING DANCE" and do this retarded dance, rubbing my tits. It got a few good laughs, but not nearly as much as the hilarity of the anilingus joke. I've been doing that same dance a lot lately. Everyone either loves it or says "oh God...". So I guess school is going pretty well! ^_^

Also, I'm doing well academically, much to my dismay. I hate to say it, but I accidentally retained a lot of the stuff I'm learning in science. Hell, everyone copied all my answers (which were 100% correct, by the way) today. DAMMIT, WHY CAN'T I FORGET ALL THIS?! However, math is really kicking the shit out of me. Figuratively. In science, we're still learning about populations, and them five enviromental factors: gene flow, genetic drift, nonrandom mating, mutation and natural selection. ...SEE?! I CAN'T FUCKING FORGET THIS. WHY?!?!?!?! And in math, we're doing Algebra. Something called the distributive property, which is confusing as hell. I hate math so damn much.


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