Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Week nine.

Monday: Pretty much as soon as first period starts, my teacher sends me to the nurse because my coughing fits were acting up like crazy. Turns out I had a fever of 100, too, which... doesn't seem that big a deal to me, since it's only 1.4 degrees higher than the normal temperature. I got sent home fairly swiftly, and went to the doctor FINALLY. The good news is, I got medicine that's supposed to stop the coughing fits and postnasal drip and cure my upper respiratory infection. The bad news, it doesn't really seem to be working. At all. Hell, I'm having a coughing fit RIGHT NOW. Literally, while I'm typing this, I'm coughing like crazy. Though it may be because people keep smoking in here, and we live in a tiny trailer.

Tuesday: I returned to school. Everyone was asking me if I was okay, which is odd because I was no sicker than usual. Seriously, I've been sick for OVER A YEAR. Why would they start noticing NOW? Not that I'm pissed off or anything, I'm just curious as to what the point is.

Wednesday: I accidentally skipped school because I slept through the entire school day. I shrugged it off and did my usual thing, playing video games, screwing around with my shitty laptop, writing random thoughts (which I will never need again) down on paper, masturbating, roleplaying with myself, listening to music, etc.

Thursday: I explained why I missed school to my teacher. I didn't get in trouble or anything. She said it was probably a good thing because I needed the sleep. Which is true, because four or five hours of sleep a day for 180 days can't be very healthy. I got out of math and science because once again, me and this one chick in my class, Jessica, went to the homeless shelter. Our first task was to rip turkeys apart, then we ate and then we served the food. Lulzy things happened during this time. At one point, some random guy came up and started drinking Jess' soda for no reason. It was even funnier because they were giving out free sodas a few feet away. This other random guy was continually walking around, staring at us and pacing around the desserts. Whilest we were serving, Jess was acting really weird (which I attributed to hanging out with me too much), in a hard-to-describe way. She told me she was just in a good mood, but IT'S A LIE. MY THEORY IS THE CORRECT ONE. We also accidentally dropped the garlic bread we'd been serving several times. Also, in the car, the chick who's been taking us gave us some kind of little oranges called clementines. Jess had already knew what they were and offered me one. I, of course, had no idea what the fuck it was, and tried to figure out how to at it. After I'd already taken a bite, they explained that I'm not supposed to eat the peel. A little too late for that, but okay. Then for fourth period, almost as soon as we got back, our whole class (or at least, the ones who were able to go, which ended up only being four this time) went to a nursing home to play Bingo with old people. Jess was the caller, and I was sitting next to her trying to persuade her to call my numbers out. Didn't work. I never won, but I got damn close every time. Thursday was epic. Sorry for this paragraph being so fucking long.

Friday: Early dismissal. For first block/period, reading, THERE WERE ONLY TWO PEOPLE THERE. Me and this one other girl (not Jess this time). We had our usual fifteen minutes of reading, then our literature circle in which we discuss what we read. We also had a guest visiting. I think he was the school's superintendent, whatever that is. That's like a principal or something, right? I don't know, whatever. He was there, anyway. I'm currently reading a book called Cruise Control, which is apparently a sequel to Stuck in Neutral, which was the last book I read. Once I'm done I should look into finding those books someone recommended to me. Anyway, we also had some food, like we do pretty much every Friday. The teachers' aide brought in some cookie-type things and a casserole. The casserole didn't go over too well. It was OKAY, but I don't care much for things like that. I forget what happened second block, but a few more kids showed up. Not many, though. Everyone skipped school because of the early dismissal. For third block we played a game called Apples to Apples. I LOVE THAT GAME. Many epic lulz happen during that game. The object is to lay down a card from your hand that best matches the word on the card that the judge lays down, and the judge picks which one he/she likes best, and whoever laid it down wins. For example, today, one of the words was "perfect", and I was a smartass and laid down "Adolf Hitler". I like being a smartass like that; it's so much fun. ^^

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