Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Friday, November 2, 2007


Week ten, and Friday was definitely the best day this week. We did a few minutes of our regular first period, but from then on the whole day was a field trip to Edgar Allen Poe's house and gravesite in Baltimore. Also I found out Baltimore's in Maryland, and not Pennsylvania as I previously presumed. The whole day was mostly riding in the car (but it was fun because it was only five kids going, and many lolz occured in the van) and we were really only at the place for like an hour, if that. But we took a photo of us standing in front of the headstone. Someone apparently leaves a bottle of alchohol there every year on Poe's birthday, so that's in the photo too. I'll see if I can get a copy to scan. And now a list of what the hell was going on in the van.

Nick (me) mostly sat there staring blankly out the window and being antisocial, like always. At first he listened to Miscellaneous T, and after that he decided to listen in on what everyone else was doing, occasionally chiming in with "I don't understand y'alls" or "What the f-". But he was in the front seat with the teacher (due to everyone else always going to great lengths to avoid sitting with him) so he probably missed a lot. Dillon, being the class clown that he is, bugged everyone the whole time. Whether it was pulling Nick's hair or grabbing Jess' tits, he did indeed bug people. Kyle, the resident goth kid who acts nothing like a goth kid, pretty much just went along with whatever everyone else was doing. Jess slept the whole way to Baltimore. Bethany was apparently letting people sleep on her, and also stroking their hair. o_O

So then once we got to Baltimore, we stopped for some food. But instead of getting anything, I waited until everyone was done eating and devoured their leftovers. I have problems. Anyway, then we entered Poe's house. They had displays and stuff set up, like a museum. There was even a portrait of Poe's wife's dead body, which was kinda creepy. We weren't there for very long, but then we went to the gravesite, which was pretty cool. We even walked into some sort of cemetery... INSIDE A BUILDING. I can't quite comprehend how they managed to bury someone INSIDE A BUILDING. But yeah. The van ride back was interesting, as halfway back while everyone else was taking a bathroom break, I quickly hopped into the middle seat, forcing Jess to have to sit with me. She tried to hardest to get someone in another seat to let her sit with them but failed. My ultimate goal was for her to fall asleep on my lap like she just did with Dillon shortly before, but it didn't work. At all. Then I tried to get her to hug me, which she also didn't agree to. But hey, she sat with me, so that's a start, I guess. We also missed the buses, so the teachers dropped us off. I was the first to be dropped off. Everyone saw one of my kitties.

All week, though, everyone was trying to get me to take a shower. Apparently I smelled bad. They even sprayed some perfume on me during class. Eventually I DID take the shower, because the teachers told my mom, who then began bitching as usual.

Outside of school, I've been listening to music on my now-fixed laptop. It's a bit slow, but whatever. I also never did try for teh Internet access, but I DID get to go to the mall today. I tried looking for theSTART's Initiation album, but they didn't have it. So instead I picked up Nevermind (by Nirvana, duh) and Wave of Mutilation: Best of the Pixies. Also I got two video games, my first new games in years. FFXII, BITCH!

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