Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Friday, November 30, 2007


I was pretty damn close to not coming up to Dad's this weekend (which would've meant no Internet). There was an incident this morning, uh, exactly like the identical incidents which occur one or two days every week. See, I was physically unable to wake up, due to my ridiculous amount of tiredness every morning. So I missed the bus. Again. Nanny called my aunt and her friend over to wake me up, which didn't work. They even dragged me out of bed and poured water on my head. Still unable to wake up. So yeah, I missed school today. AGAIN. Somehow, though, I actually got in trouble this time, despite the same exact scenario playing out every week since I started going back to school. Also, apparently I have to go to the doctor and get blood tests or something to check out my blood sugar and stuff.

In other news, school yesterday sucked so much ass. And I don't mean that in a good way. I mean it in a bad way. After wrapping up our project of making dog-bone wreaths, me and four of my classmates went to a bazaar for half the day to sell them. This field trip had the potential to be a good thing, but unfortunately, the four kids I went with all hate me. So I had to put up with their shit ALL FUCKING DAY. Two of them insisted on inflicting physical pain on me, while the other two pretty much told me to stay away from them, and refused to touch anything that I've previously touched. Of course, it didn't end there. Everyone started yelling at me for "littering" when I simply sat something on the floor until I was able to pick it back up. It's not like I was gonna LEAVE it there. AND PLUS EVERYONE ELSE WAS SITTING STUFF ON THE FLOOR, TOO. Then they forced me to carry a heavy-ass box, even though they know damn well it's too heavy for me. In fact, I even DID carry it one leg of the trip, but they told me to carry it AGAIN, while the others carried absolutely nothing at all. So I refused to do it, naturally. And THEN, this one bitch calls me lazy because I refused to carry a box that I'm physically unable to lift. EXACTLY WHAT MY FUCKING MOM DOES CONSTANTLY. It was at this point that I remained silent for the rest of the day, trying to control my urge to beat the shit out of them. I remained silent even after overhearing then talking about me behind my back. One kid called me a manwhore, which I didn't mind, but then that same bitch said I can't be a manwhore because I "can't get any". It was at this point that I actually started crying. Not audibly, but my eyes watered profusely. When we arrived back at school, we set out on ANOTHER field trip with the exact same people going (well, minus that one bitch that called me lazy). This one wasn't so bad, though two of them were tormenting me and the other girl (who actually didn't do anything wrong all day, other than tell me to get away from her). We went to Long's Park, where they picked up sticks that used to trip me and sexually assault her. In summation, I FUCKING HATE MY CLASSMATES.

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