Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


So yesterday Dad found a kitten wedged between two boards of a fence. He brought it in and we tried to nurse it back to health. Its legs were dead, from either breaking its back or losing circulation or something, because we don't know how long it was stuck there - maybe a few hours. Poor thing even got rained on when a storm passed by.

We wrapped it in a towel for warmth. It slept for a while. I'd be tired too if I was fucking stuck in a fence for several hours. During this time, I pet it because it was cute. I think it was Siamese, prolly four or five weeks. When it eventually woke up, it squirmed around, trying to crawl away. Sadly, only its front legs worked, and it couldn't pull the weight of its dead hind legs. Still, it seemed to be okay, other than its legs. It looked around and squirmed and stuff, like I said.

Dad's girlfriend fed it some formula she picked up, and at first it seemed to be drinking it all right. But after a few drops of the formula, it stopped trying. Guess it suddenly got weak or something. Then she held the kitten (wrapped in a blanket, of course), but it suddenly went limp and couldn't hold its own head up. Poor dude's head flung around as she moved him. It was painful to watch that.

Then she put the kitten back down and... welp, it died. Awww. D:

R.I.P. kitten 2009-2009

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