Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Things Nick Loves Aboot Anna

First off, she's so dang pretty. In like, every way. Her face, her hair, her figure, etc. In addition to being pretty, she is also beautiful, hot, sexy and cute. Even her chubbiness is cute. It makes me wanna tickle her tummy! ^o^

  1. Her clothes are amazing and she has great taste in them. She can pull off any style. She can look goth, hippie, classy, girly, and really anything else without even trying, and it WORKS for her.
  2. She has a great sense of humor.
  3. She has great taste in music, TV, movies, books, video games, and everything else.
  4. She's ridiculously intelligent. Normally this is a huge turnoff for me but she wears it well.
  5. She's girly and. It. Is. KAWAIIIIIII~ <3
  6. She has tons of things eerily in common with me. This wouldn't be such a big deal except they are really, really weird things that are probably unique to just the two of us.
  7. She's very open-minded.
  8. She's random and silly. :3
  9. She's nerdy! Video games, roleplaying, anime, the Internet, et cetera. All good.
  10. She's really nice (when you're on her good side).
  11. She has tons of mental illnesses.
  12. She was at one time Christian and hopefully will be again someday. :c
  13. She a perv, baby!
  14. She's got talent in writing, drawing, singing, etc.
  15. She has a cute kitty. =^o^=
  16. She's young-at-heart. Still watches cartoons, that she does!
  17. She is to the best of my knowledge a vegetarian, and vegetarians are pretty cool.
  18. She is also bisexual, which is even cooler.
  19. Supposedly she has a huge ass. I cannot verify if this is true or not.


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