Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Friday, October 16, 2009


This week has been just... confusing. Dad approached me the other day saying his girlfriend wanted to take me back home to my other house so the two of them could have some alone time. This was three days ago and I'm still not back home yet. Don't get me wrong, I wanna stay here for as long as possible so I have Internet access, but I'd like for the confusion to be cleared up. I went through all the trouble of rushing to finish up my Internet business for the month, but then it turns out I have more time? FTW.

In other news, dad's girlfriend also informed me that she's giving me a month to get a job or I'm not going to be allowed to come here anymore. The problem with this, as we all know, is that I'm literally incapable of doing ANY job due to whatever mental illnesses I have (WHICH I STILL NEED DIAGNOSED). My family doesn't seem to understand this. So, I'm probably going to have to find a new way to obtain Internet access. I dunno, maybe I could ask my mom if I could get on her computer sometimes, but she doesn't let me IM or anything so I'm not sure how I'd be able to do, well, much of anything.

In short, I'm kinda screwed. I can probably keep in touch with Thom via text messaging, but I dunno how I'm gonna work on the whole Anna thing without Internet access. I've been advised that my original plan of just going to her house would probably be a bad idea, so the Internet is really the only contact I have with her. And even with the Internet, communications with her are pretty limited. AAAARGH WHAT DO I DO NOW

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