Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Saturday, November 21, 2009


November 21st, 2009



What's your daily internet "routine"?

Well, I have Chrome set up to automatically open Meebo, Gmail and HMB: The Board upon startup. So the very first thing I do is log into those. Then I start up TweetDeck. From here on it all depends on my mood, really, but generally I check on my status in online games I play (right now those would be Kings of Chaos and NationStates), see if my friends updated any of their profiles on Facebook, dA, LJ, etc., and look at the latest TMBG/H*R/Pokémon news on their respective wikis.

Since I'm usually online for hours at a time, I basically cycle through all the sites repeatedly, refreshing each one over and over until I'm kicked off of the computer or decide to get off by myself. I also IM people and cue up some music to listen to, although recently I haven't been doing the latter much because I broke my good headphones and am relegated to iPod earbuds. And since those are only like two feet long and the tower is on the floor, I have to bend over to a 90-degree angle when I want to hear things, which hurts my neck and back and makes it hard to, you know, type and see the monitor and stuff.

Sometimes I'll also work on some sort of project if I'm really bored. Like, maybe I'll write a fanfic or make a Flash game/toon or whatever. I've never actually finished anything I've ever started, though.

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