Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Anna Answers Questions on Kiwi Farms

Surtur said: ↑
Did he ever actually harm his sister?

I wish I could say I knew for certain. I also wish I could say I doubt that he did.

Unfortunately, given what I've seen and heard, in addition to my personal experience, I'd be surprised if he hadn't. I don't think he was "joking"--I think he admitted to an actual crime and only backtracked once people threatened to report him to the cops. I will admit that's all conjecture on my part, though.

One of the other issues, which I forgot to mention in the post (see, this is why you don't write out things like this at 2:30 in the morning!), is that his family is, by all accounts, genuinely awful. Not to the same degree as him, and not necessarily in the same way, but none of what I've been told by non-Nick people who have, in some way, been involved in the whole mess paints them as even remotely decent people themselves. As much as Nick bitches about them taking his stuff away, they've never really made much attempt to get him to work on his piss-poor mental health. (Or his hygiene, for that matter.) As such, I wouldn't be even remotely surprised if they didn't do a whole lot about Amber, either. I do recall that at one point his family told him he couldn't be around her alone anymore, which itself raises a shitton of red flags, but that seems to have been a temporary thing.

He also admits to having watched his sister taking a shit, and that he masturbated to it. As far as I know, he hasn't retracted that statement.

It seems like a super dysfunctional environment in general, and Nick isn't doing the poor kid any favors.

And to those of you who called me strong: thank you. I do suppose cutting ties with an abuser of any sort takes some degree of strength. :)

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