Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Anna Q and A

hurrhurrhurr: Feel free to ask questions! That's more or less what I came here for. So here are some answers!

#1. When/how did Nick decide that it was fated for you to be his wife? 
I'm honestly not sure. It all started out as what seemed to be a harmless crush, but it escalated over time. If I find anything that pinpoints when the "WE ARE FATED TO BE MARRIED" bullshit started, I'll share it--I'm looking through my LJ for relevant posts right now, and if I find anything that can give you a rough timeframe I'll definitely make a note of it.

#2. Do you have any chatlogs/emails from him? 
I don't have any chatlogs that I know of, and I'm afraid I haven't for quite some time. I seem to recall that I erased pretty much all of them from the computer I had when we were still in contact. Said computer is long since dead (it bit the dust not long after the whole mess began, I think), and since I've had to replace my computer several times since that one died, they're likely lost forever, at least on my end.

As for emails, I do likely have a few of those on some of my older email accounts. I'll do some digging.

#3. Can you shed some more information on his family life? All we are getting is that his Dad is some loser who smoked weed with him when he was 12 and that his mom and Joyce think if they pray enough Nick will stop being a freak rather than seek mental health.
Here's what I've gathered:
His stepdad is (was?), allegedly, physically abusive. This led to an incident where Nick physically assaulted him, which led to him being sent to a psych ward for a bit. (It would be great if that had actually helped, wouldn't it?)
He was homeschooled for several years--I think it was from 6th or 7th grade up until 11th grade, though I'm not sure of the exact years and I might be a bit off. However, it was not an especially hands-on form of homeschooling--he took his classes (if they can be called that) through a computer program (not even online--through an actual program). One thing that stands out about his homeschooling experience is that I distinctly remember him taking a "Bible class", which he frequently complained about.
His mom and aunt (the aforementioned Joyce) are, as I recall, extremely religious. See also: Bible class. If I might speculate a bit, I think some of their fundamentalist beliefs rubbed off on Nick--who, of course, warped them beyond belief, because he's Nick. That might be why he was so obsessed with my "purity" or whatever.
Nick also has a much older relative whom he refers to as Nanny, who I think is his grandmother (not sure on which side) but might be a great-aunt or something. I remember her being far more lenient about most everything than his mom, stepdad, and aunt.
His immediate family (mom, stepdad, aunt) seems to be quite neglectful in general. This might explain some of his physical health problems, as well as his hellish teeth. (He once claimed that his mom only has two teeth left, which I'm guessing was an exaggeration but probably has a grain of truth in it.) You'll notice, if you look at the pic of him and Amber, that the poor girl is in desperate need of braces, which, along with their apparent refusal to do anything about him probably molesting her, seems to indicate that they don't exactly shower her with attention or affection either. (I worry for that kid, I really do.)
I don't know much about his dad, but apparently he is, or at least was, an alcoholic, in addition to a stoner. Nick once claimed that he was conceived because his mom thought having a kid would convince his dad to kick his drinking habit; once again, this may or may not be the case.

#4. Did he ever threaten you?
That's actually a tricky question to answer. He never outright threatened to physically harm me; however, he would threaten to come to my house, and he did send incredibly disturbing death threats to both of my ex-boyfriends, Paul and Jeremy. He also all but threatened to rape Maddi at one point, saying that he'd fuck her whether she wanted it or not. (Please note that Maddi was around fifteen at the time this message was received. Lovely!)

It's worth noting that he did, at one point, talk to someone else (who later notified me) about whether or not it was legal to have sex with someone while they were asleep. While Nick claimed he would ask me for permission first, it's still disturbing and definitely of note.

So basically, while he never explicitly threatened physical harm towards me specifically, I always had the feeling that he would not hesitate to assault me in some way, were we in the same general vicinity, given his interactions with my friends.

RogerRabbit1988: Another tricky question, since he has so very few redeeming qualities. I think I'd have to go with his sheer stupidity. For example, I distinctly remember him assuming that the word "lungs" was singular and that humans only had one lung, and when I corrected him he assumed that one was in front of the other rather than them being side-by-side. To make things even more infuriating, most--if not all--of his ignorance of everything seemed, and still seems, to be willful. He revels in being stupid to an astonishing degree. I like to think I'm pretty intelligent for the most part (albeit not the best judge of character, it would seem!), and I try to surround myself with people who can (for lack of a better term) keep up with what I talk about, so that was (and is) a major turn-off in every way.

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