Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Anna Goes Into More Detail Aboot Nick

On the wiki: Nick used to have a forum that was decently popular. It wasn't HUGE, but there was a small, fairly dedicated userbase. I think I remember him initially creating the wiki as a place to put inside jokes from the forum and general stuff along those lines, but I could easily be mistaken. It's been a long time.

On the teeth thing: As I previously mentioned, awful teeth seem to be a family thing. Now, I would be shocked if he actually brushed them, but I'm also not entirely sure he's seen a dentist in a long time, if at all, just judging by how Amber's teeth seem to be going in much the same direction. Like I said, his family is super neglectful and lazy. My guess is that it's a combination of terrible hygiene and the fact that he's still pretty much dependent on his family (and probably always will be), who don't seem to care much about anything, including their children.

As for why he doesn't brush them, I can only speculate that he justifies it using the same logic he uses to justify not bathing or showering: he "doesn't get dirty" (meaning, in this specific case, that he doesn't participate in any specific activities that'd cause him to become covered in grime...although one would think masturbating with his own feces would count), so he believes he has no need to shower or clean himself in any way. He has a really fundamental misunderstanding of how most things work, and hygiene is one of those things.

On his fear of water: It's not a fear of water per se, I don't think. It's a more specific fear called ablutophobia, which is the fear of bathing. Remarkably, this is a documented phobia...but it's only even remotely common among very young children. And I'm frankly not inclined to believe he actually suffers from such a phobia--I think it's just something he claims to make his refusal to bathe more "acceptable".

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