Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Stuff That Pisses Nick Off

Stuff That Pisses Nick Off

This list is incomplete. There are lots of things that piss me off, but I can't think of them all at once, so I'll just add on gradually. Go ahead and assume that some of these things are exaggerated.

[edit]The List

  • My mom and stepdad
  • People who are against sex, drugs, violence and swearing.
  • Old-fashioned people
  • People who are racist, sexist, agist, etc.
  • People who are jerks to Anna
  • Chicks in porn who wear socks/pantyhose while having sex
  • Porn sites that're supposed to be aimed at anal/oral porn but still have vaginal anyway
  • Homophobes
  • The U.S. government
  • Bonus Stage-haters
  • TMBG-haters
  • Haters in general
  • People who are overly-religious and think Pokémon, video games, Halloween, masturbation, etc. are against God
  • People who have not tried things, yet claim they do not like it
  • Just anyone who's a prick
  • Internet newbs who don't bother to use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation, and who overuse those damn acronyms like "lol" and "omg" all the time.
  • People who disagree with me
  • Video game bosses that kill me right when I manage to get them down to like, one hit away from winning.
  • Internet spammers and MySpace stalkers who're always like "o i saw yer profile and u sound cute why don't you visit my webcam site lol"
  • Myself
  • Men and women's clothes. I mean, what the hell? Why does one gender get assigned clothes they have to wear? Why can't men wear skirts, dresses and makeup?
  • Censorship. It sucks and is completely stupid and pointless. So, media, please stop or I'll have to stab you in the thigh.
  • Stuff that makes me get up every couple minutes to do things, usually letting dogs out or answering the phone.
  • Chris Hansen
  • People who get offended at trivial things that aren't offensive in the least.

Monday, August 24, 2009

music: They Might Be Giants - The Bells Are Ringing | Powered by

Much in the vein of the ill-fated "listen to a different band every day" challenge, I decided to count up to my one hundredth cup of coffee.

Why? I'm not sure. It's pretty pointless, really... I'm only counting cups I've drank since beginning the challenge, and nothing before. Plus I have very little actual access to coffee, so it's probably gonna be spread over a few months, so it's not like I'm drinking all one hundred in a day or anything. I pretty much just got the idea from Futurama.

In other news, I'm still psyched for both Here Comes Science and the remastered Beatles stuff. Plus Thom made me an audiophile, so now I want headphones and an amp and stuff too. So... September first. My birthday. We'll see what happens.

I'm also writing another Coffee Crew script, but I never finish... so I don't know. We'll see what happens with that, too.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I'm spamming this link everywhere, and LiveJournal is no different.

HMB: The Board

I created the original HMB: The Board back in, like, 2004. In those days it was the Hagurumon Message Board, a Homestar Runner fanforum. Over the years (I think it lasted about three or four) it got pretty active, and was pretty much the best site on the Internet. Then, one of my assistant admins was dumb and accidentally got the board shut down.

And now, finally, Thom has created HMB: The Board v.2 (although it should probably be... like... version 4 or 5 but whatev).

In short, go there, register, post a lot.

Ed Note: Dead link.

Anna Comments on Nick's Art

All those drawings you posted are terrible, and that last one disgusts me.

Also, I'm not as fat as you draw, at all. You draw me as being fatter than you are, which is fucking bullshit.

...I didn't draw you as fat, dude. You just have a huge ass. Which is a good thing.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


It occurred to me that when people were telling me my drawings sucked, they were probably referring to that splash screen I posted a couple entries ago. (By the way, I don't think I'm gonna finish that cartoon). You guys... DO realize that was a splash screen, right? And not an actual drawing? It was intentionally half-assed. Normally I trace over the freehand with Flash's line tool, so it looks a lot smoother.

But my other point still stands: my drawings are made that way on purpose. It's just the style of my series. Like... take South Park. Obviously the artists could draw better if they wanted, but they choose to draw crappily because it's just the style of the show.

Here, these're pretty much the most recent of each category I can give you, so make your judgments on these:

Handdrawn, on paper

Traced in Flash
Freehand in Flash

Saturday, August 15, 2009


mood:  angry RAAAGE
music: Feels So Good - Chuck Mangione

I'm kinda into TCGs again, like Pokémon (pre-Team Rocket set), Yu-Gi-Oh! (back when it was still Yugi and Kaiba and the gang and not the new retarded GX or whatever), etc.  I've been trying to make a Coffee Crew card game, but I can't think up any gameplay rules that haven't already been done.

I tried having the cards have HP and different attacks, but that's too much like Pokémon. Also tried just giving the cards ONE attack and have the one with the higher number win, but that's Yu-Gi-Oh!. Then I tried having the attacks be individual cards, but that's Dragonball Z. IS THERE ANYTHING THAT HASN'T BEEN DONE YET?!

Nick and Anna Comment Fight

"There's nothing wrong with pedophilia..."

So you're saying that having sex with children is totally fine?

You are SO going to hell.
As long as the kid gives consent, yes. It's fine.
Kids that young usually don't even UNDERSTAND sex, idiot.
Which is why parents need to stop being idiots and teach their kids about sex at an early age.

Also, how young? Like, toddler age?
I alternate about and aboot.

Also, I dunno. Whenever they're old enough to understand things. So I guess it's not so much a certain age as it is when they're speaking in sentences and stuff like that. My half-sister's only seven and she's known a little about sex for a few years already.
So when they're, like, four? You'd FUCK A FOUR-YEAR-OLD? God, that's fucking SICK.
No, I jack off to them, but I wouldn't actually have sex with one.

However, I'll defend to the injury other people's rights to have sex with kids. There is no reason pedophiles should be discriminated against. Pedophilia is just another fetish like bondage or albinos or whatever.
You DO realize that child pornography is illegal to make OR possess, right? B|
Well, it shouldn't be. It's yet another of those really stupid laws.
Oh wait are you implying that I have child porn?

Because I just go by the stuff in my head.

Wish I DID have some though.

Friday, August 14, 2009


When I returned home from my dad's last week, I was shocked to find two things very wrong with my room, both courtesy of my aunt.

I'ma start using LJ cuts now.

( Collapse )
1. The first thing I noticed was that, DUDE, my bag filled with women's clothes I had hidden in my closet was gone. This may have been my own fault because I left it sitting there in the closet itself rather than the mini-closet-inside-a-closet that it's normally in. Easier access, you know. But yeah, the easier access screwed me over. Not entirely sure why my aunt was in my closet in the first place, though. I mean... the door's closed... and it's behind my bed... you literally have to move my bed to get the door open. Plus nobody knew that I ever used it before. Hrm. But yeah, my awesome skirt is gone and now I'm PISSED.

For those of you who didn't catch it by now, I'm a crossdresser and my entire family consists of conservative bigots.

2. As if I wasn't already distraught enough over not being able to crossdress anymore, I later noticed that my pillows had been replaced. Apparently my aunt and grandmother thought they were being nice by throwing out my old, "dirty" pillows for new, "clean" ones. See, for the past few years I've had this special pillow that I basically pretend is Anna and cuddle with, you know, just until I can cuddle with the real thing. Plus I roleplay with it and do the voices for both me and her. Of course, I still do the latter even without the pillow, but still. Anyway, dude, throwing out the Anna pillow is MASSIVELY UNCOOL. By doing it you're wiping some of the history of me and Anna's relationship from existence, like the time my aunt changed a letter in one of the letters Anna sent me (I now carry all Anna-related artifacts on me at all times to prevent this from happening again). Needless to say, I cried for hours and am still crying on the inside. And the new pillow isn't helping by being a crappy cuddler. Sigh.

I'm sad. ;_;

A glimpse into the future

Monday, August 3, 2009


music: They Might Be Giants - Employee of the Month | Powered by

It's an old-timey type deal, with no speech but plenty of BGM. Also, it's black-and-white!

Terrible idea? You bet it is!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Ed Note: I don't know the date on this, so this is going to be an approximate.

Kentucky Don't Exist!

Kentucky Don't Exist! is a popular conspiracy theory first introduced by Dr. Nickalaus B.S. Nickel, Ph.D.

As the story goes, long, long ago, a man by the name of Colonel Sanders created a restaurant franchise and named it Kentucky Fried Chicken, or KFC for short. At the time, Kentucky did not exist and there were only 49 states in the U.S. However, as the success of KFC spread, even the President of the United Effin' States had to get in on that delicious shiznit. So, he made a secret deal with Colonel Sanders. In exchange for free chicken, he had all historical records, including (but not limited to) maps, encyclopedias, and almanacs altered so that they included a fifthieth state, "Kentucky".

To further establish "Kentucky"'s existence, the government even cut off the top half of Tennessee for the land which would constitute "Kentucky". Many other "historical facts" were invented, as well. The public soon accepted Kentucky as a U.S. state, blind to the government's lies.